Ephedrine Case: Law took its course- Sheikh Rasheed on verdict against Hanif Abbasi


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It is a bright day in Pakistan because a person involved in misusing the ephiderene drug.
Misusing the drugs is a very big problem in Pakistan, this will set an example for the others.
Long live Pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
This is the lowest possible punishment in this case. If you're convict of more than 1KG of control-substance the punishment is life sentence but if it's more than 10KG then the punishment is death-penalty.
I've a bit of knowledge about Pharma industry. His Efferdiene was actually caught by Australian authorises and then they investigated after that they officially inform Pakistan Govt. that his Pharma company is basically behind all this. Additionally, he's sold more than 500KG this substance to open drug market. He took more than 1500 KG (1.5 ton) quota illegally during the PPP government.
He's paid millions to delay his case and try to destroy the evidences.
He's lucky that he didn't get death-penalty.

I request prosecutor to please challenge this verdict and request for Death-Penalty for this drug dealer. Thousands of young man and families have lost their love ones with this drug. HE MUST BE HANGED.


Minister (2k+ posts)
شیخ رشید تمہاری اس ماچس پر لعنت

پٹواریوں کے وین




Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This is the lowest possible punishment in this case. If you're convict of more than 1KG of control-substance the punishment is life sentence but if it's more than 10KG then the punishment is death-penalty.
I've a bit of knowledge about Pharma industry. His Efferdiene was actually caught by Australian authorises and then they investigated after that they officially inform Pakistan Govt. that his Pharma company is basically behind all this. Additionally, he's sold more than 500KG this substance to open drug market. He took more than 1500 KG (1.5 ton) quota illegally during the PPP government.
He's paid millions to delay his case and try to destroy the evidences.
He's lucky that he didn't get death-penalty.

I request prosecutor to please challenge this verdict and request for Death-Penalty for this drug dealer. Thousands of young man and families have lost their love ones with this drug. HE MUST BE HANGED.
You are absolutely right, He deserves to have death penalty, still it is great day Pakistan, another criminal have reached his destiny( jail ).
