Dual Nationality


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
قانون یہ بناؤ کہ دوہری شیریت والا سیاست اور وزارت میں نہیں آ سکتا پھر آپ کو صحیح رنگ نظر آئیں گے
aik qanoon bna do ke koi retired army officer above mojor ranks cannot leave Pakistan after retirement... and their families cannot have properties and assets outside Pakistan.


MPA (400+ posts)
Should overseas Pakistanis renounce their Pakistani citizenship?.What are the pros and cons?.India constitution does not allowe dual citizenship.Millions of Indian origin people have settled permanently all over the world.Not having dual nationality has not been a hinderance.They are very successful esp in USA.
I had to surrender mine as my country does not have a contract with Pakistan, good thing that the Pakistan origin card (POC) exists, so you don't need a visa for Pakistan.
I don't think having a dual nationality has any benefits, apart from if you are a govt employee and you want to loot one country and then go have live in the other.


MPA (400+ posts)
What is your point? they are earning rizq e halal.
