Do We Expect Resignation from New KPK Govenment Accepting Resposibilty of Failure?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
These are my Questions not against any one 1.KPK Government Should Resign and Set an example if any one fails should do the same.2) Federal Interior Minister along with all intelligence Chiefs and Local Administrators Should also resign. How many of you 2nd this thought or want to continue same apologetic attitude, if but, why because?.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
میری رائے میں عمران خان کو استعفی نہیں دینا چاہیے کیونکہ کے پی کے میں قیادت کا فقدان ہے۔

بلکہ عمران خان کو اپنے مؤقف پر نظر ثانی کرنی چاہیے اور صحیح راستہ منتخب کرنا چاہیے جس سے شہریوں کے جان و مال کو تحفظ مل سکے۔


Senator (1k+ posts)
میری رائے میں عمران خان کو استعفی نہیں دینا چاہیے کیونکہ کے پی کے میں قیادت کا فقدان ہے۔

بلکہ عمران خان کو اپنے مؤقف پر نظر ثانی کرنی چاہیے اور صحیح راستہ منتخب کرنا چاہیے جس سے شہریوں کے جان و مال کو تحفظ مل سکے۔
:lol:imran khan kio resign karay baji he is not the chief minister of kpk


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
poorae mulk mein dhumaaakae hoe rahein hein for last 10 years so this means everytime a dhumakkka the chiefs should resign, makes no sense to me, its not corruption if corruption one should resign, this has been an issue for police, army etc, its very hard to control.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
poorae mulk mein dhumaaakae hoe rahein hein for last 10 years so this means everytime a dhumakkka the chiefs should resign, makes no sense to me, its not corruption if corruption one should resign, this has been an issue for police, army etc, its very hard to control.
Means you are endorsing the Zardari Formula ,What he and Noora used to say we are innocents just join the Govt to take our shares that we could not get from 99. If you remember after Mumbai Attack their Home Minister resigned although he was not himself responsible.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran means Pervez Khattak very simple.

Ye kaam general sahab ko karna chahiye tha khaas tor se BB ki assassination ke baad. Kam az kam bhagora hone ka tag na lagta aur mulk se kick out hone ki humiliation bhi bardasht na karni partiii... aur khas tor se doosron ko bambooo dene ki baat karke khud bambooo na leta zardari jese chor ke hathon.... u know what i mean...


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Imran means Pervez Khattak very simple.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Means you are endorsing the Zardari Formula ,What he and Noora used to say we are innocents just join the Govt to take our shares that we could not get from 99. If you remember after Mumbai Attack their Home Minister resigned although he was not himself responsible.

Mumbai mein itnee frequently dhumakae nahee hotae, but of all the cities you know peshawar has the highest amount of dhumakae, of all the people Police chief or army unit incharge for peshawar security should be punsihed for doing a bad job.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
bilkul resign kardayna chahye jaisay ishrat ul ebaad sahib nay kardia hai karachi me target killing aur bhatta khori pe
Ideally He should resign,Yeah tu Mai Baap Kiyani Se Pooocho Kiss ke Isharey pe Hamesha ussko Dubai se Bulata hai, Kabhi Riaz Bahriya Ka personel Plane Bhejtaa hai kabhi MQM ko PML-n ki support pe Motivate Karta Hai Kabhi Nawaz Sharif ko Compell Karta Hai KPK PTI ko Khairat Kar Do.Soon you will get reply in formof his extension.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Absurd Question. When every thing is wrong from top to bottom, then you cannot blame a person for something, which he has not hold on.

As per your question, if some one fails in a test at school/college, he/she should leave the studies, since he/she wasn't able to full fill the commitment and let the fee go down in drain, which was hard earned by the parents.

I never endorsed stepping away from the problems or blaming someone for something which he/she has no control on.

Management is a very diverse and hectic job. It is dependent on the most unreliable machinery "HUMAN" to work. and humans have tendency to over look , being lazy and having Whatever attitude, which makes this Management job a living hell for the manager.

Since my nature of job is to manage day to day operations, i have first hand experience of how the tiniest speck of a team member can raise havoc and destroy the whole operation in a blink of an eye, a simple over look with disastrous results.

ANP = 5 yrs = 200+ blast, never resigned. Why Pervaiz Khattak Resign? Stay and try to make it right. you only live once, do the best you can.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Yes Ishrat ul Ibad means Altaf Hussain No Doubt ,What's new ?
kaash aisa hota kher bhai jaan her bunda is blast ko condemn karta hai but its too early to ask resignation from kpk government Allah na karay agar ye baad me deliver na karsakay tu hum ap ki haan me haan milaengay


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Ye kaam general sahab ko karna chahiye tha khaas tor se BB ki assassination ke baad. Kam az kam bhagora hone ka tag na lagta aur mulk se kick out hone ki humiliation bhi bardasht na karni partiii... aur khas tor se doosron ko bambooo dene ki baat karke khud bambooo na leta zardari jese chor ke hathon.... u know what i mean...

فرق یہ ہے کہ مشرف صاحب طالبان کے خلاف کھل کر بولتے تھے اور عمل کرتے تھے۔

مگر عمران خان اپنی موجودہ پالیسی اور مؤقف کی بنا پر عوام کی حفاظت نہیں کر سکتا۔ یہ طالبان کو عزت دینے کی بات کرتا ہے، یہ طالبان کے خلاف ایک لفظ بولنے کی ہمت نہیں کرتا، یہ عوام کو طالبان کے چرنوں میں بھینٹ چڑھا رہا ہے تاکہ اسکا طالبانی دیوتا اس سے ناراض ہو کر اس پر بھی خود کش حملے نہ شروع کر دے۔

ڈوب مرنے کا مقام ہے عمران خان کے لیے جب تمام تر انٹیلیجنس رپورٹ ہونے کے باوجود طالبان بنوں جیل میں آئے تو عمران خان حکومت کی طرف سے ایک گولی بھی طالبان پر فائر نہیں کی گئی۔

اسکے بعد آپکے دعوے میں کتنی صداقت ہے کہ عمران کان عوام کو طالبان سے تحفظ دے گا؟

Azaad Alfaaz

Senator (1k+ posts)
میری رائے میں عمران خان کو استعفی نہیں دینا چاہیے کیونکہ کے پی کے میں قیادت کا فقدان ہے۔

بلکہ عمران خان کو اپنے مؤقف پر نظر ثانی کرنی چاہیے اور صحیح راستہ منتخب کرنا چاہیے جس سے شہریوں کے جان و مال کو تحفظ مل سکے۔

​And what do you suggest ? What I K should change in his stance ! on War on Terror ? Which was started by American Empire on the name of 9/11 . So far they have killed almost near million Muslims in 12 years ! And they wanna still keep doing it for 10 more years until no Islamic nation have will to protest against Israel .
Go head I'm curious what MQM fan had to say about it ! while you and your MQM doing target killing of Muslims in the name of Muhajirs black sheeps.
Tumareyh MQM ke haat bhi Muslamanoo ke Khoon see rangay howey hai !!


Minister (2k+ posts)
جس چیز پر کے پی کی گورنمنٹ سے استعفیٰ لیںے کا دھاگہ تیار کیا ہے تو میری طرف سے ایک گزارش ہے کے دھاگے کو ذرا لمبا کر لے اور اس میں ان کو بھی شامل کر لیں

تمام چیف منسٹرز
تمام گورنرز
تمام چیف صاحبان
تمام وزرا

