Democracy is the best revenge

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
"Allegations & Counter Allegations" is never productive solution or remedy of deep rooted crises. Time is fleeting and "Civil-War is looming on the horizon whereas, all so called stake holders minus Public i.e. Beaurocracy, Politicians, Members of Civil Society, "Army & Beauracatic" establishments, Media, Judiciary (junior level) had no intensions whatsoever, to redress the grievances of general public. All proclaim but had no plans to deliver. Maturity in men come after 40's and attained knowledge" is power. Professionals always believe that Winners never quit, because quitters never win". All essence of life is in being energetic as this alone, is the key to every success.All media discussions, talk shows and comments on past failures is a theoretical approach and is totally baseless & non-realistic. Injustice, poverty, denial of basic human rights are all significant in increasing the suicide bombers and only a change in mindset can bring much needed Revolution. Evolution is only practicable when security & stability exists and is a much time consuming. Both evolution and revolution can never run parallel in today's Hippocratic society at least. One must give devil its due share! During dictatorial regime of late Gen. Zia-ul-Haq, idea of Proportional Representation was floated in the best interest of the country but was over ruled by entire political leadership as all on top were either because of inheritance or legacy of the dead. Energetic and able professionals, who demonstrate through their actions, superior resolve and capability how things shall be managed are never elected by direct balloting in Pakistan. Political parties going in election with Proportional Representation system will be given their demanded Symbols and eligible voters will ballot in favor of their preferred party. Percentage of votes gathered by each political party will give them proportional seats in parliament and they can name able and agile men or women for peoples representation on merit. Feudal and other radical elements will not be allowed to contest elections as Independent and thus will be eliminated.Consequently fresh, fair and impartial elections held in peaceful atmosphere shall never be challenged as practiced today. Men of wisdom, technocrats and those highly skilled in their profession will enter the parliament. These men of intellect will make rules for smooth governance in the country. Developments correlate with changes and continuous improvements. Like other developed nations we need to have progressive "think tanks" (not influenced or groomed by any radical school of thought or elements). This forum should be constituted of elite professionals having A+ Credentials and outstanding experience during their span of life.Politicians claim representation of 17 Billion Pakistanis where as, strength of registered voters is never above 38% of entire population. Do not become judgmental at any point and just remember exceptions are always there. Bogus voters lists are confirmed time and time again when those residing permanently at same place since 60's were not listed as eligible voters in Election 2002 and 2008 even after having, "NADRA" computerized national identity cards (CNIC). Who balloted in these general elections to choose peoples representatives in democratic country? A question to be answered by the "Election Commission of Pakistan". Regulatory authorities like NEPRA, OAGRA are just making summaries for enhancement of electricity & petroleum prices at short intervals against an earlier practice of increasing the prices of services & commodities, in annual budget alone. LESCO staff rampancy in malpractice is beyond imagination. No body dares to take a plunge to remove these increasing malfeasances. Why not either privatize OR revamp WAPDA?To be fair & honest Pakistan is in the grip of different type of Mafia's! Drug Traffickers, Land Grabbers, ethical war-lords, smugglers and stockiest etc. protecting crime & criminals in their collective interests. Much WANTED elements are protected by these influential in their local well guarded hideouts. Ironically Law enforcement authorities and state elements ask for public support but never display their rapid direct contact numbers, E- Mails and similar other easy to approach contact particulars to avoid an eventual responsibility to take an immediate & swift action. Role models of stability in Islamic world are Libya & Malaysia. First, having peaceful political atmosphere & stable Government, and the second for its solid developments & financial strength. Favoritism is a "Universal Phenomena" having more demerits than its merits. Required essence is 'honesty' and 'accountability' of all. Dedicated educated and diligent team under vibrant command can show 'wonders' as against having corrupt, inefficient and nuts, in a democratic set up! Why not incumbent government goes for a public opinion on the state of affairs by referendum instead wasting money on its long list of achievements and development since assuming its office? Farce performance is crystal clear to all. Ponder upon above single point agenda of Referendum and seek fresh verdict!
