Come to USA for child bride


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

North Carolina has also developed a more dubious reputation recently: as a regional destination for adults who want to marry children.

State lawmakers are nearing passage of a bill that could dampen the state's appeal as the go-to place to bring child brides — but would still leave it short of a national push to increase the age to 18. The proposed legislation would raise the minimum marriage age from 14 to 16 and limit the age difference between a 16-year-old and their spouse to four years.

"We will have moved the needle and made North Carolina no longer at the very bottom of the barrel of states," said Drew Reisinger, the register of deeds in Buncombe County. But, he said, "we're still going to be putting a lot of children in harm's way."

Judy Wiegand speaks during a House Judiciary Committee meeting in Raleigh, N.C., June 22, 2021. Wiegand, who was married when she was 13, was speaking in favor of Senate Bill 35, which would raise the minimum age to be married to 16.

Reisinger said the county, which includes the popular tourist city of Asheville, is a destination for many adults and child brides from nearby states such as Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee — all of which have raised the minimum marriage age in recent years.

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Only because we took fabricated and corrupt hadees as irrefutable as sanctioned by the moulvies and since then we have been suffering the scourge of child marriages.
Indeed that's true but the age was not only a concern in islamic world but in Christianity and Jews Aswell and the preacher for women rights the western world became the abuser


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

North Carolina has also developed a more dubious reputation recently: as a regional destination for adults who want to marry children.

State lawmakers are nearing passage of a bill that could dampen the state's appeal as the go-to place to bring child brides — but would still leave it short of a national push to increase the age to 18. The proposed legislation would raise the minimum marriage age from 14 to 16 and limit the age difference between a 16-year-old and their spouse to four years.

"We will have moved the needle and made North Carolina no longer at the very bottom of the barrel of states," said Drew Reisinger, the register of deeds in Buncombe County. But, he said, "we're still going to be putting a lot of children in harm's way."

Judy Wiegand speaks during a House Judiciary Committee meeting in Raleigh, N.C., June 22, 2021. Wiegand, who was married when she was 13, was speaking in favor of Senate Bill 35, which would raise the minimum age to be married to 16.

Reisinger said the county, which includes the popular tourist city of Asheville, is a destination for many adults and child brides from nearby states such as Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee — all of which have raised the minimum marriage age in recent years.

nothing new here. every crime ever committed anywhere in the world which was objected to by USA is always prevalent in US. I only worry about those liberals who have to defend them


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
These westerners questioned prophet muhahmed pbuh marriage to Aisha and look what thry been doing for ages
this objection is a very new phenomena because this was never a crime. all societies allowed marrying of young girls provided they reached maturity. never in the history even the staunches enemies ever raise this as an objection. it is the people who just allowed the women to vote about 4 decades ago and having crime imaginable against in abundance, who are trying to tell us that we should be ashamed of ourselves. I never give a rat's ass to what they say or feel


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
this objection is a very new phenomena because this was never a crime. all societies allowed marrying of young girls provided they reached maturity. never in the history even the staunches enemies ever raise this as an objection. it is the people who just allowed the women to vote about 4 decades ago and having crime imaginable against in abundance, who are trying to tell us that we should be ashamed of ourselves. I never give a rat's ass to what they say or feel
I agree and most of these states are the same who allow polygamous relationships Aswell there is a famous show called sister wives on prime time USA TV yet we Muslims feel quilty about following our own faith in a pure manner

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
this objection is a very new phenomena because this was never a crime. all societies allowed marrying of young girls provided they reached maturity. never in the history even the staunches enemies ever raise this as an objection. it is the people who just allowed the women to vote about 4 decades ago and having crime imaginable against in abundance, who are trying to tell us that we should be ashamed of ourselves. I never give a rat's ass to what they say or feel
So you believe ( nauzubillah ) The Prophet s.a.w married a 9 year old? Something that goes against the very essence of the deen.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
we Muslims feel quilty about following our own faith in a pure manner
They feel embarrassed because they don't follow the pure faith but rather the distorted version of faith presented by moulvis and mullahs where its perfectly alright for a 40+ year old man to marry a 9 year old.
