Come on PTI supporters lets lodge protest at PTI offical sites


Minister (2k+ posts)
Keep in mind that PTI is not in a strong position one or two MPA's withdraw their support in favour of opposition and The govt is in serious threat.In such dangerous circumstances PTI has delivered much already.Their are problems because of coalition govt and which is not letting our PTI govt to deliver 100%.PTI needs to play it safe and cool as well think wise .If PTI preforms better than ANP or previous Governments. People going to vote for us next time insha ALLAH, and we will win more seat than what we won in this election.IF people like you in all your earnest and haste ( out of sincerity thought) made PTI bite more than it can chew, we wL soon be sitting in opposition.Whoever came God forbid to form govt will try his best to get people out of PTI craze, pray it does not happen.I think that if we PTI brings even 25 % change in people's life, they sure going to vote for PTI next time.PLease don't make PTI throw the baby out with the bath water.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Sai diya GHUMA kay isko,(clap)
If you are actual PTI supporter trust your leader IK, he won't let you down.

آپ کی عمر 34 سال ، تحریک انصا ف کی نصف ، پھر آپ نے پوری زندگی کیسے دے دی اس پارٹی کو سپورٹ کرنے میں


Senator (1k+ posts)
i strongly condemn alliance with PPP and PML Q, i cant even believe what PTI is doing, but as far as CM not leaving party designation thats not an issue i think therez no such constitutional bound

I think you are confusing two issues here. The constitution has to define the moral and legal aspects of the business of the state not individuals and parties. Individuals and parties are bound to follow the normal social moral code or any other code which they impose on themselves. For example , no where the constitution says that no attending the classes is something bad but we do know that our own moral and social code does say that not attending the classes is something bad so we follow it. PTI had set some moral standards for themselves which had nothing to do with the constitution. For example the induction of "Lotas" is not an unconstitutional act but a moral bad act so PTI was supposed not to induct any such people in their ranks. For such moral responsibilities , the parties make their own constitutions to lay out their own rules and regulations.

Similarly , holding party office and CM office is not an unconstitutional thing but it is certainly an immoral things when checked against the high bar of moral standards PTI used to boast about. It was for this reason that PTI's election commission issued a notification stating that the party offices of CM khattak et al stand vacated as they can not keep dual offices per party's moral standards and party's constitution. The notification was later retracted as we know.


Minister (2k+ posts)
problem is law was not in books at the time of election, so first they have to put the law in manifesto then make it applicable

Zia Khan

eska matlab PML(N) nay social media mai bhi paisa phaink dia, apni support or PTI ko badnaam krnay k liay :13:.
PMLN ki ye purani strategy main janta hun, k sub ko khareed lo. :angry_smile:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
تحريک انصاف کے پاس کسي غلطي کي کوئى گنجائش نہيں عوام غربت اور مہنگائى کے ہاتھوں تنگ اور عاجز آچکي ہے اور دوسري طرف فضل الرحمان اسفنديار پيپلز پارٹي اور ن ليگ بھرپور سازشوں ميں مصروف ہيں
تحريک انصاف کے لئے سب سے ضروري چيز بلدياتي انتخابات جلد سے جلد کروانے ہيں تاکہ مقامي حکومتوں کے ذريعے لوگوں کے مسائل حل ہوسکيں يہ جتنا جلدي ہوگا اتنا اس حکومت کے لئے اچھا ہوگا ورنہ اگلے انتخابات ميں اے اين پي سے بھي ذيادہ برا حال ہوگا

Khuram Shahzad

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
The current system will not bring any meaningful change, as we are compelled to recruit same old candidates as we are playing on the pitch of the status quo political parties. I respect IK and believe he wants to do real good however I have decided to join Dr Tahir ul Qadri's PAT Pakistan Awami Tehreek and work to uproot this system and bring about real change for the common person.


Minister (2k+ posts)
تحريک انصاف کے پاس کسي غلطي کي کوئى گنجائش نہيں عوام غربت اور مہنگائى کے ہاتھوں تنگ اور عاجز آچکي ہے اور دوسري طرف فضل الرحمان اسفنديار پيپلز پارٹي اور ن ليگ بھرپور سازشوں ميں مصروف ہيں
تحريک انصاف کے لئے سب سے ضروري چيز بلدياتي انتخابات جلد سے جلد کروانے ہيں تاکہ مقامي حکومتوں کے ذريعے لوگوں کے مسائل حل ہوسکيں يہ جتنا جلدي ہوگا اتنا اس حکومت کے لئے اچھا ہوگا ورنہ اگلے انتخابات ميں اے اين پي سے بھي ذيادہ برا حال ہوگا

Buldiati intikhabaat kay baad aik aur laal butti aa jay gi.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The current system will not bring any meaningful change, as we are compelled to recruit same old candidates as we are playing on the pitch of the status quo political parties. I respect IK and believe he wants to do real good however I have decided to join Dr Tahir ul Qadri's PAT Pakistan Awami Tehreek and work to uproot this system and bring about real change for the common person.

آپ بلکل بجا فرما رہے ہيں جب ہم موجودہ پارليمنٹيرينز کو ديکھتے ہيں اور ان کي چمکتي دھمکتي کروڑوں کي گاڑياں ديکھتے ہيں تو محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ پاکستان ميں دو قسم کے قانون ہيں ايک امير کے لئے اور ايک غريب کے لئے
ٹيکس ومہنگائى غريب کے لئے ہے اور مراعات و فوائد امير کے لئے ہيں



Minister (2k+ posts)
آپ کے جذبات / جذبہ ٹھیک ہے ، تحریک انصاف کا ہر کارکن کافی جذباتی ہے ، مگر کیا ہم تھوڑا سا انتظار نہیں کر سکتے ، وقت نہیں دے سکتے ، کہ خود عمران خان کو بھی احساس ہو جایے کیا ٹھیک ہے اور کیا غلط ،
کیا آپ کو یہ امید ہے کہ عمران کسی کو اپنے پروگرام پر حاوی ہونے دے گا ؟ پہلی ترجیح تو رشوت /بدعنوانیاں ختم کرنا ہے ،،،،،،،،، یاد رکھیں کہ دنیا ایک ہی دن میں نہیں بنی ، اگر الله چاہتا تو بنا سکتا تھا .... الله پر بھروسہ رکیں سب ٹھیک ہوگا .


Minister (2k+ posts)
Jub aap 34 kay hoon gay tu aap ko bhi samjh aa jay gi.

تم کو ابھی تک سمجھ نہیں آتی نواز شریف کی سیاست کی اور دوسروں کو سمجھا رہے ہو ، ہا ہا ہا
لگے رہو گنجے کی ٹیم میں ، کاروبار کی تو سمجھ آجایے گی مگر سیاست کی نہیں .


Senator (1k+ posts)
bhai aik tou yahan har koi PTI ka mama chacha ban jata hai. har koi party apni marzi say chalana chahta hai.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Thoura SABER ker lay Bahi, itni jaldi judgmental nahi hutay......Don't be over emotional and let the time decide the difference:)


Voter (50+ posts)
Insay sabr nahe howta media ke news par shoore macha daytay hain.....sirf Local body election kay law ko oppose karnay kay agenda par itfaaq huwa he.....election larnay par nahe.......hoon araaam eeeeeeeeeeeeeee??????????????
