Come around n Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

lol looks like I am watching a indian news channel


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

سکندر کے بارے ہر روز نیا "کٹا " کھل رہا ہیں. بس اب اس کوبھاند کر رکھیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

سارے اشارے یہ ہی بتا رہے تھے کے بہت ہی پونھچی ہوی خاتون ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

oh..come on .. I don't think so she was giving any signals to someone...


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

!توبہ تمہارے یہ اشارے



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

what an ugly indian way of presenting /dramatising news.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

Have somebody seen "Man on a Ledge" Movie? Where a person tries to portray as if he is going to commit a suicide by jumping off a building. So with every passing moment all the policemen gather around him, but on the other hand his friends are robbing a bank..

When i saw this thing in islamabad i though of that movie as well and thought that one of the reasons of this drama could be similar to what i had seen in the movie.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

Stupid tv channels

umer amin

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Come around & Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

mir shakil ul rehman ko to nahi thi ker rahi isharay? i am allergic to this Jew's gutter reporting.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Come around and Hold : Kanwal caught on camera giving secret signals with her hand to unknown people

She could be sending signals to a lover!


Minister (2k+ posts)
She is pshyco
such people do crap like this, and think they are doing some religious munter to protect them....she need to be put on pills


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اشاروں کا تو کنول ھی بتاے گی لیکن ایک موقع پر جب کمانڈوز سڑک کے ساتھ گرین بیلٹ میں چھپ کر کوی کاروای کرنا چاھتے تھے تو کنول کو ٹیلی فون آیا جس کے بعد اس نے اسی جگہ پر جا کر کمانڈوز کو چلاتے ھوے دور ھٹنے کا اشارھ کیا اور اس وقت تک وھاں کھڑی رھی جب تک کہ وھ سب کمانڈوز وھاں سے ھٹ نھیں گئے۔
ایک اور اھم بات یہ کہ اگر اس کا شوھر نیم پاگل ھو چکا تھا تو وھ کیوں باربار کھتی تھی کہ اسکا شوھر کسی کو نقصان نھیں پنھچاے گا اتنا اعتماد تو سارے ڈرامے کو ایک حقیقی پلان دینے کے بعد ھی ھو سکتا ھے ناکہ اتفاقی حادثے میں اتنا یقین ھوتا ھے


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
so what maybe she was mental too seeing things delusions just like her mental husband, I mean why so paranoid about what he did, nothing was damage, just the police for future needs to be train. Possible scenarios just kidding, signals to aliens from outer space or to secret service , or to india to attack or what or to drones:lol:, I will be scared and worried if they take over pakistans miltary base or nuclear area, otherwise no tension, just a crazy stunt.


Senator (1k+ posts)
شکر ہے میڈیا کا نشانہ کنول بی بی کا ہاتھ بنا نہیں تو ویڈیو کہ ساتھ +18لکھنا پڑتا
