CHAWINDA: Graveyard of ENDian Tanks


Awwwwwwwwwwww.......omg...omg...this is the town i grew parents moved in chawinda we i was 1 year old from doha qatar...i lived there 20 yeras of my life..and afcource i know all the history of this place....chawinda rocks.


Voter (50+ posts)
1. A War consists of a number of Battles...

2. To refer to the battles that you won, and then to claim that you won the war is amateurish...

3. Heard of the Battle of Assal Uttar? It happened after Chawinda.


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. A War consists of a number of Battles...

2. To refer to the battles that you won, and then to claim that you won the war is amateurish...

3. Heard of the Battle of Assal Uttar? It happened after Chawinda.

In Assal Uttar advance of Pakistan's first Armoured Div. was halted but Pakistan kept occupation of Khem Karan till the end of war. There was no successful 'wind up' by Indian army.


Voter (50+ posts)
In Assal Uttar advance of Pakistan's first Armoured Div. was halted but Pakistan kept occupation of Khem Karan till the end of war. There was no successful 'wind up' by Indian army.
As i wrote earlier, referring to Battles you won and to claim you won the war is not right...


Senator (1k+ posts)
As i wrote earlier, referring to Battles you won and to claim you won the war is not right...

You should be ashamed of yourself and your country. A huge country spending more on defence than the total budget of Pakistan and still complaining of the results of war? Even a stalemate is our victory from our perspective.


It is shameful for India that it is eight times bigger than Pakistan and Pakistan is teasing India just like small herd of lions tease/prey millions of wildebeests.


Councller (250+ posts)
This is really awesome and we should be proud of it, but my dear patriotic fellows, what you will comment on today’s Indo-Pak situation.

India has dropped some rupees in our “Kashkool” and we are very happy and proud of it


Senator (1k+ posts)
اقبال نے اپنی نظم بعنوان "غلام قادر روہیلہ" میں ایک تاریخی واقعے کی طرف اشارہ کیا ہے، جس میں غلام قادر روہیلہ کی بربریت دکھائی ہے، کہ اس نے مغل بادشاہ کی آنکھیں نکالنے کے بعد اس کے حرم کی عورتوں کو رقص کا حکم دیا تھا۔ لیکن روہیلہ نے جب یہ دیکھا کہ وہ شریف بیبیاں کسطرح اسکے حکم پر عمل در آمد کر رہی ہیں تو اس کو کچھ شرم آئی، اپنی تلوار اور خنجر کھول کر رکھ دیئے اور یوں ظاہر کیا کہ وہ سو گیا ہے، آخر اٹھا اور ان عورتوں سے کہا کہ سونے کا تو بہانہ تھا، میں نے تمھیں موقعہ دیا تھا کہ میرے خنجر سے ہی میرا خاتمہ کردو، لیکن افسوس خاندانِ تیمور سے غیرت ختم ہو چکی۔

اقبال نظم کا اختتام اس شعر پر کرتے ہیں۔

مگر یہ راز آخر کھل گیا سارے زمانے پر
حمیت نام ہے جس کا گئی تیمور کے گھر سے

Mr Wak 125 ----- Your post reminded me of above incident and this entity named 'hamiat' which is badly missing in our make up . (omg)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
میرے بہادر فوجیو !

ایک اور جنگ, جو کہ آخری جنگ ہوگی ہندوستان کے ساتھ, کے لیے تیار ہو جاؤ- اس جنگ کا نام محمدpbuh نے غزوہ ہند رکھا ہے - پھر ہم عزیز ہند کو زنجیروں میں جکڑ اسلام آباد لا ینگے اور پھانسی پر چڑھاینگے انشااللہ - خوش نصیب ہونگے اس میں حصّہ لینے والے

جو محمدpbuh کہے ++ وہ مسلمان کرے


Councller (250+ posts)
This is really awesome and we should be proud of it, but my dear patriotic fellows, what you will comment on todays Indo-Pak situation.

India has dropped some rupees in our Kashkool and we are very happy and proud of it
we r not happy ppl like u r happy burgers like u ngo's & elite burger class is happy not real pakistanis r happy & tht's true hamiat gai but from ur house ur culture ur gatherings


Councller (250+ posts)
This is really awesome and we should be proud of it, but my dear patriotic fellows, what you will comment on todays Indo-Pak situation.

India has dropped some rupees in our Kashkool and we are very happy and proud of it

we r not happy ppl like u may be but we 90% of pakistan hate india like before now ?& in the future & we hate indian adopted elites & burgers


Voter (50+ posts)
Would you like to state any of the battle field you won in 1965????? be factual please. i want to know where you defeated us
