Ch Nisar Will Be Strongest Candidate of Establishment for CM Ship- Sohail Warraich

Mr Justice

Minister (2k+ posts)
Establishment on our foot. So called establishment will create never ending hatred for themselves if they negatively impact these elections as they did in 2013.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sohail tuttee. Jahil EIK DIN ISS GANDOO K SATH.

Oi kanjurr d Jahil UGLY aulad Shareefs are finished. Done history. Mother effer ur allowance FROM JAHIL DAKOO CONVICTED

These cancerous criminal hide behind MALIK RIAZ the ISRAELI MOLE.
Prostitutes of Pakistani MEDIA. Tay ree maa d kuss


Senator (1k+ posts)
اس کی شکل پر نحوست ایسے ہی نہیں پڑ رہی ہے۔

یہ حرامی دوسرے حرامیوں کے لئے کام کر رہا ہے

چودہری نثار ہو یا شہباز یا نواز ایک ہی بات ہے

چودہری کہتا رہا میاں جی عدالتوں سے اور فوج سے نہ لڑو
جو کرنا ہے کرو
پاکستان دہ پین دی


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nisar isn't corrupt so he is million times better than the likes of Aleem Khan and SMQ.As long as he helps pti form government in Punjab(if it fails to do it itself) then it wouldn't matter to me who is cm in Punjab. As long as they follow pti agenda.
bhai aaj galion ki kitab aap per khatam hey allah rehem karey aap per. aap ki himmat aap ney aleem khan jese farishta k khilaf baat kerdi. pti mein jo bhi hey wo farishta hey. balkey ager nawaz shareef bhi pti join kerleta to wo bhi farishta hojata. jis tarah wo karachi mein 1 laundry psp ki hey.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nisar isn't corrupt so he is million times better than the likes of Aleem Khan and SMQ.As long as he helps pti form government in Punjab(if it fails to do it itself) then it wouldn't matter to me who is cm in Punjab. As long as they follow pti agenda.
[Aqal nu aath mar parr.....Nisar is not corrupt..............he is relitively less corrupt .....................SMQ is finanically much cleaner than Nisar......]


Minister (2k+ posts)
Incase PTI falls short of majority in Punjab assembly....Nisar is likely to break at least 20 MPAs from PMLN and ask for CM ship......i predicted it over a month ago
