Capital Talk - 19th August 2010 - Guests: Faisal Kareem Kundi, Farukh Saleem, Zafar Ullah Jamali, Z

iron man

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]40-50 Families are controlling 99% of Pakistan. Apparently they are rivals to each other but inside there are the same and they have the same agenda"louto as much as you can".
If Mama in PPP nephew in PML, so they are always in power and the people of Pakistan are loosers.They got the land by licking Britishers. India have scraped this fudel system in 1947 so did Bangladesh. But we still have these blood suckers paracites in our country. They never pay any taxes and getting richer and richer. I am seeing a blood shed in the near future against therse crimnals, enough is enough. I wish someone grab all their land and distribute among poor farmers.
