BILAL MUSHARAF calling from USA ???? Shame on YOU !!


Voter (50+ posts)
WOW!!! What great reasons given to have a dictator as your leader :lol:

We had corrupt leaders in past, so we should trust someone, who is completely free to do whatever he likes? lol

ABSURED: utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false:


New Member
We get what we deserve for our mistakes. Mushy or Zardari, Sharief or Altaf; nothing will change untill we overcome our weaknesses.


Voter (50+ posts)
You can't fix the system in a day. Since Pakistan was made, we had a dictator coming in every 10 years on average and ruining every progress we had made. We had to start it all over again and again!! Democracy refines itself over a period of time and in Pakistan, the dictators never let it happen.



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
well ... except for few things ..... i agree who ever is saying all this... i guess we all agree ...
facts talk , nothing else... our nation needs revolution, dictator woh can crush extremism and mullaas and terrorist and taliban doig suicide blasts on our innocent people... turn all madarsaas in to modern science schools and on state owned mosques should be allowed with recorded " khutbaas" like Saudi Arabia .....

Syed Daud

Voter (50+ posts)

This is Fake, Drama, management of this site show responsibility and avoid to damage the pictures of Pakistan.


Voter (50+ posts)
Syed Daud said:

This is Fake, Drama, management of this site show responsibility and avoid to damage the pictures of Pakistan.

This is not an answer. How about say, what do you think he said is wrong?

What responsiblity? I think this is an open forum and everyone should be able to express their opinion.

You want democracy, don't you?

So why get rid of this post like a dictator!


New Member
To its all bullshyt, a shitty made up story... Any sensible person who knows how mailing works would look at it carefully and in the first second realise thats theres no email address at the top that this email was sent to or sent from, and even where the MAIL starts from, from where this d.head starts reading it, there's no such email address where it came from, which doesnt happen. Anyone of you who has an email in their inbox can go ahead and see either at the top or in the start of the actual email there is always an email address showing where it came from. So all i can say is who ever came up with this stupid and illogical idea, wasted his time. And personally id suggest you my brother to try to do some constructive things for the Nation rather than making up such useless ones. God Bless you.



Attention Every 1,
This video is on youtube & a big number of viewers are watching it all over the world , Pakistani or non-Pakistanies.
My concern is how come A Pakistani is sending a shit on our face & saying sHAME SHAME to Pakistanies HOW COME????
only to say that 'HE' thinks that Mr Musharaf is Mr Right. For us it should be OK if some one support SOME ONE ,
NO one should be allowed to say SHAME SHAME to the whole PAKISTAN or our NATION.

Further .... Readers ..... please read my post Each & Every word from the Subject to the Video(HIS) & my last sentence.

USE YOUR BRAIN B4 posting any reply. It's not a game it's a serious meter.


MPA (400+ posts)
Who ever have posted this video on youtube he must not claim himself A PAKISTANI.
my message for him is "your parents & Family must be living in Pakistan are you saying SHAME to them as well?
i don't want to say you any word BUT if ...... Just imagin 'IF' after watching your video some one declear that "YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT", then what 'll be your feeling ???


With all due respect brother Shahzad. I'm sorry I don't agree with you at all. The thing is that I don't care if Bilal Musharaf wrote it or whoever wrote this email, I don't care even if its a fake email BUT I think whatever that dude was saying makes hell lot of sense. I do not understand how come some of us are criticizing him. I'm an overseas Pakistani, after moving away from home for whatever reason I realize now what is Pakistan and what has Pakistan given us. I was one of those people who take our country for granted but now I love my country like crazy and I freakin care for it.
Can I ask you something regarding this post? , what is it really that you don't agree with? This dude is so right, we blame India and other countries specially the WEST but the fact is WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR DEVASTATION. After all we selected these leaders who are sucking your blood like parasites and I think its so true that if this doesn't wake us up then I wish our country becomes like Somalia or any other African country, may be then people might get up.
Brothers and sisters WAKEE UPP !!


MPA (400+ posts)
this is totally stupid this . koi bhe aise movie bana k upload kar sakta hai. there is no evidence k bilal musharaf has done this, I think it is totally nonsence to beliece on such videos and on such issues.


Voter (50+ posts)
this person is not B.M but he is one like him who care about about P.M , problem is his language used for US.