Bible Prophets prayed like Muslims do


Senator (1k+ posts)
Bis-millahir Rahmanir Raheem "In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful"

Assalamu - Alaikum, Soldiers of Fajr - meaning - the people who wake up for morning prayer.

As salaam alaykom ramatullah wa barakto "May the peace of Allah be upon you, and His mercy and blessings"

Even in Hindu religion there is a prayer called as Shashtang

The word shashtang is made up of Sa and Asht which means 'eight' and Ang which means parts of the body.

Thus, shastang is a mode of worship touching eight parts of the body. The best way a person can do this is like Muslims who prostrate in their Salaah touching their forehead, nose, two hands, two knees, and two feet.

^ Credit goes to 'Perseveranze' from TTI (TurnToIslam)
wa salam