Minister (2k+ posts)
BBC Urdu does not miss a chance to highlight even the smallest news from Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan, But there is no news regarding AJK elections.
Are you counting TV tax that you paid to BBC?I wrote so many times that BBC Urdu is controlled by enemies of Pakistan and only work as a propaganda tools for them we request to UK government they have to look on their conduct I paid 14 pound every month to BBC and that’s my right to ask
No doubtBBC stands for Bastard Broadcasting Corporation
All sorts of patwaris and enemies of Pakistan are working for bbc
ان باسٹرڈز کی ماں مر گئی ہے اس رزلٹ سے انڈین کتے اور پاکستان میں انڈیا کے پالتو کتے بھونکیں گے ضرور مگر رنڈی رونا رونے کے لئے بھونکنا سٹارٹ کریں گے پاکستان میں را اور مریم کے کچھ پالتو کتے صحافیوں کی طرح کا رنڈی رونا"The sun never set on the British empire, an Indian nationalist later sardonically commented, because even God couldn’t trust the Englishman in the dark"
― Shashi Tharoor, An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India
Snapshot on 26th July 2021
This is screenshot of their Urdu homepage. Not a single news about AJK.
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