Bajwa's remark that only state can declare jihad analysed in historical and religious perspective.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Gen.Bajwa has opened the discussion about who is authorized in islam to order jehad and he has opined that only state has the right to do so . Perhaps in his mind is the destruction caused in islamic societies by entities like Daesh , shia militias in Iraq , Boko Haram , alqaeeda , TTP, and many other such Arabic named armed groups in Africa and Asia. It is probably true that Cyber imams and social media has been used by jews , hindu , russians , western war contractors to form such jehadi groups for creating hatred against well functioning Islamic countries governments and in many cases has led to destructions but the fact remains that no where have such jehadis succeeded without some world power helping them , such as India and USA in Afghanistan as TTP, or in Libya , or in Iraq or in philipines and so on.

But having said that , Is Bajwa right in his claim that state only has right to declare Jehad , who for example will order suppressed Burmese Muslims to jehad , it cannot be Buddhist Burmese Generals , who will order jehad for suppressed kashmiris , or suppressed mindanao muslims or sunnis of Iraq or for sunni pashtoon muslims of Afghanistan , or for syrian sunnis under gas attacks or muslims in central asian segments or even chinese suppressed muslims , clearly there is no state for them to get out , is there one ? If OIC takes responsibility of representing them then there is an alternative way but will chinese for instance or indians allow them to intercede ?

Is likes of wine and women infested Musharafs hand over Islamic governments of places like Afghanistan to Indian , extremist Iranian and Christian hands on one phone call where should occupied muslims go , if like of drunkard yahya become imams of muslim army or people like Yazid become head of state and army where should Husseins go and who will declare jehad ?

The argument of Bajwa is simplistic , it does not take into account jehadi needs of people in African continent , like in central african republic . Offcourse in olden times it was the Imams who had the right to declare Jehad , It was NOT Khalid Bin walid who decided on war it was Abubakr and Umar the imams and Bajwa is yet to prove he is Khalid Bin Walid.


One point is clear however that Jehad declaration is a community and state decision where feasible and it is not an individual decision but jehad is part and parcel of duties of each individual within Islam but no body should invent jehad for simple matter which can be solved alternatively over in courts , in parliaments , in international forums , UN , or by simply canvassing and waiting for effect.

Jihad involves Blood shed and cannot be taken lightly and its decision put in less knowledgeable youngsters which is the point Bajwa seemed to have in mind .

But overall amongst muslim communities jehad of muslims of palestine , Mindanao, Kashmir and Taliban of afghanistan proper are seen in good light , but some like in Somalia , Yemen , Libya , Iraq are seen with suspicion.

Jehad was responsibility of Imam , as this is religious duty , and was often ordered and led by Caliphs or their appointees . Here was have muslim armies led by generals who for military necessities are forced to make alliances with Russia , China , who have been unsurpassed suppressors of Muslims .

May Be Bajwa should not enter into such religious controversies and focus on task at hand , he should regulate jihadi organizations which are team B of army and disallow others including Iranian inspired military groups.
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