and your concern is, why the PM isn't dressed appropriately?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Phir khethe hain log gaaliyan dete hain ... abey be-ghairat aur be-shuram insaan ... chund tukon ki khatir iman bechte ho ... Issi liye tum logon pur Allah ki la'anat sahih padti hai. Due to know who is the greatest human being who ever lived .... have you actually read about his simplicity even though he was most loved by The Creator ... Yes I am talking our most dearest and last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ... He was the model of simplicity. His actions and deeds made the difference and changed the world. If someone is following his footsteps, why do you have a problem? Have some shame ... people are dying ... and this PM is trying his level best to help his countrymen. I am sure this is all new to you as the masters you kneel and prostrate for have done nothing for the motherland except looting and plundering. Thodi shurm kuro aur ja kur chulloo bhur paani main doob muro.

One day this man will come up in an underwear or sleeping dress and these PTI supporters will be like " Wow Man ..Handsome man ! Simplicity man !"

Being a prime minister is a huge responsibility, if u cannot dress up properly for your job then it means you are too casual and unfit for the Job. Showing up in Jogging Suit and conducting official business is not acceptable in any business environment or government level meetings. When did you last see the Canadian Prime Minister or Donald Trump or Angela Merkel or Boris Johnson in tracksuit and addressing the Cabinet on Corona Virus or conducting official business? Either the Pakistani PM is too Lazy or he doesn't take his job seriously!

I deliberately did not participate in the thread , reason being that you will soon see a pack of wild dogs attacking you from all sides.

Donald Trump Holding Office :

Boris Johnson

Angela Merkel


Minister (2k+ posts)
Phir khethe hain log gaaliyan dete hain ... abey be-ghairat aur be-shuram insaan ... chund tukon ki khatir iman bechte ho ... Issi liye tum logon pur Allah ki la'anat sahih padti hai. Due to know who is the greatest human being who ever lived .... have you actually read about his simplicity even though he was most loved by The Creator ... Yes I am talking our most dearest and last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ... He was the model of simplicity. His actions and deeds made the difference and changed the world. If someone is following his footsteps, why do you have a problem? Have some shame ... people are dying ... and this PM is trying his level best to help his countrymen. I am sure this is all new to you as the masters you kneel and prostrate for have done nothing for the motherland except looting and plundering. Thodi shurm kuro aur ja kur chulloo bhur paani main doob muro.
Wearing a jogging suit in a government level meeting is simplicity? dude give us a break ! I am sorry I don't buy your logic that he is following the sunnah . The prophet never wore track suit and he had a beard! does Imran has one?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dude ... when you are fighting crisis day in and day out ... your clothes are your last worry. Go do some real work to earn some more haram money. Nobody cares about you or your opinion. Apparently you were blind, deaf and dumb when your masters were busy looting and plundering the nation but now suddenly all your senses are back just because there is a sincere leader who is not doing anything for himself or his family but all his actions and deeds are for the betterment of his country and his countrymen. Ever heard of something called "patriotism". Stop making a bigger idiot out of yourself.

Wearing a jogging suit in a government level meeting is simplicity? dude give us a break ! I am sorry I don't buy your logic that he is following the sunnah . The prophet never wore track suit and he had a beard! does Imran has one?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dude ... when you are fighting crisis day in and day out ... your clothes are your last worry. Go do some real work to earn some more haram money. Nobody cares about you or your opinion. Apparently you were blind, deaf and dumb when your masters were busy looting and plundering the nation but now suddenly all your senses are back just because there is a sincere leader who is not doing anything for himself or his family but all his actions and deeds are for the betterment of his country and his countrymen. Ever heard of something called "patriotism". Stop making a bigger idiot out of yourself.
I see so he is special? all the other leaders of the world are properly dressed but Imran needs to wear jogging suit? who r u kidding Dumbo!


Minister (2k+ posts)
You won't get it dumba$$ ... because one need few alive and active brain cells which are almost impossible to find in a jahil patwari. Enjoy living your life in ignorance ... As I said no one gives a sh!t about you and your opinion.

I see so he is special? all the other leaders of the world are properly dressed but Imran needs to wear jogging suit? who r u kidding Dumbo!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
One day this man will come up in an underwear or sleeping dress and these PTI supporters will be like " Wow Man ..Handsome man ! Simplicity man !"

Being a prime minister is a huge responsibility, if u cannot dress up properly for your job then it means you are too casual and unfit for the Job. Showing up in Jogging Suit and conducting official business is not acceptable in any business environment or government level meetings. When did you last see the Canadian Prime Minister or Donald Trump or Angela Merkel or Boris Johnson in tracksuit and addressing the Cabinet on Corona Virus or conducting official business? Either the Pakistani PM is too Lazy or he doesn't take his job seriously!

I deliberately did not participate in the thread , reason being that you will soon see a pack of wild dogs attacking you from all sides.

All I can say is:
To know the difference is a sign of intelligence and I see that sign missing here.
Choosing the right man to lead you is a huger responsibility, but again to know the difference per us ka kiya!
One difference I do see that you can drool and utter whatever but any mention of a criticism hits your little brain so hard that it destroys all training, morality, and decency.

Masud Javed

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Phir khethe hain log gaaliyan dete hain ... abey be-ghairat aur be-shuram insaan ... chund tukon ki khatir iman bechte ho ... Issi liye tum logon pur Allah ki la'anat sahih padti hai. Due to know who is the greatest human being who ever lived .... have you actually read about his simplicity even though he was most loved by The Creator ... Yes I am talking our most dearest and last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ... He was the model of simplicity. His actions and deeds made the difference and changed the world. If someone is following his footsteps, why do you have a problem? Have some shame ... people are dying ... and this PM is trying his level best to help his countrymen. I am sure this is all new to you as the masters you kneel and prostrate for have done nothing for the motherland except looting and plundering. Thodi shurm kuro aur ja kur chulloo bhur paani main doob muro.

فیر کیندے نے بوٹا گالاں کڈدا اے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ایسا کرتے ہیں کہ طلعت شتونگڑی کی بیوی یا اولاد کو کرونا وائرس منتقل کرتے ہیں پھر اسے کہتے ہیں ذرا روز ڈریسنگ بدل بدل کر ہسپتال کے چکر لگا ....
جس تن لاگے وہ ہی جانے


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Wearing a jogging suit in a government level meeting is simplicity? dude give us a break ! I am sorry I don't buy your logic that he is following the sunnah . The prophet never wore track suit and he had a beard! does Imran has one?

Calm down. These are his own ministers and party members. It is not a crime to wear a jogging suit in office. It is a crime to steal taxpayer's money and beg for an exit deal.

I have never seen you so upset when Nawazoo ran off to Jeddah and London. Now you are getting worked up by a jogging suit.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Calm down. These are his own ministers and party members. It is not a crime to wear a jogging suit in office. It is a crime to steal taxpayer's money and beg for an exit deal.

I have never seen you so upset when Nawazoo ran off to Jeddah and London. Now you are getting worked up by a jogging suit.

کل وزیراعظم عمران خان برطانوی برانڈ پولو رالف لارین کی سوٹ شرٹ جس کی رقم 150 پاؤنڈ جوکہ پاکستانی 31ہزار بنتی ہے پہن کر دنیا سے ملک چلانے کے لئے بھیک مانگ رہے تھے شرٹ کی رقم سے پاکستان کے 8 گھروں کے ایک ماہ کا راشن آسکتا تھا
