Amman Message A positive step against sectarianism


Minister (2k+ posts)
The AmmanMessage (Arabic: رسالةعمان‎) is a statement which was issued on 9 November 2004(27th of Ramadan 1425 AH) by King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan, calling fortolerance and unity in the Muslim world.[SUP][1][/SUP]Subsequently, a three-point ruling was issued by 200 Islamic scholars fromover 50 countries, focusing on issues of: defining who a Muslim is;excommunication from Islam(takfir),and; principles related to delivering religious edicts (fatāwa).[SUP][2][/SUP]

The Amman Message was delivered in Amman as a Ramadansermon by Chief Justice Sheikh Iz-al-Din al-Tamimi in the presence of KingAbdullah II and a number of Muslim scholars.[SUP][3][/SUP]According to a report issued by the International Crisis Group, "Thesermon stressed the need to re-emphasise Islam's core values of compassion,mutual respect, tolerance, acceptance and freedom of religion."[SUP][1][/SUP]The next year, in July 2005, an Islamic convention brought together 200 Muslimscholars from over 50 countries who issued a three-point declaration (laterknown as 'Three Points of the Amman Message').[SUP][2][/SUP]This declaration focused on:[SUP][4][/SUP]

  1. The recognition of eight legal schools of thought (madhāhib) and the varying strains of Islamic theology viz.[SUP][5][/SUP]
    1. SunniHanafi
    2. SunniHanbali
    3. SunniMaliki
    4. SunniShafi'i
    5. ShiaJa`fari - which includes the Ithna 'Ashariyyah and the Isma'iliyyah
    6. ShiaZaydi
    7. Ibadi
    8. Zahiri

    • Forbade declaring an apostate of followers of following creeds/practices/thoughts:[SUP][5][/SUP]

    1. Ash`ari creed
    2. real Tasawwuf practices
    3. true Salafi thought
  1. The forbiddance from pronouncing disbelief (Takfir) upon (or excommunicating) others recognized as Muslims
  2. The stipulations placed as preconditions to the issuing of religious edicts, intended to prevent the circulation of illegitimate edicts
Explaining why the message was issued, King Abdullah stated: "[W]efelt that the Islamic message of tolerance was being subjected to a fierce andunjust attack from some in the West who do not understand Islam's essence, andothers who claim to be associated with Islam and hide behind Islam to commitirresponsible deeds."[SUP][6][/SUP]

Their officialwebsite:

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Important Note: Lovers/ workers/supporters of Zia ul Haq, Hypocrite kings of Saudi Arabia, Sipah e Sahaba / Ahl e Sunnah Wa’al Jamaat, TTP and LeJ are not advised to come on this thread due to their own health. The Amman Message was about tolerance and brotherhood among Muslims round the globe who continue to suffer the scars of differences between Fiqhs, Sects and/or Schools. So, healthy discussion about acceptance and reconciliation may not be suitable for some members. Viewer’s discretion is advised


Senator (1k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
@a.g.uddin why yu didnt mention shia related groups? Be neutral here

Presently I haven't seen any Shia member here spitting venom against Sunnis. Moreover TTP,SSP/ASWJ and LeJ have always been giving hate speeches and often take responsibility for different acts of terror especially LeJ and TTP. I think Iran and Hezbollah aren't saints either but in terms of Pakistan Saudi regime and their funds have caused major rifts and carnage.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It is really heartening to see such threads which promote harmony among differents sects of Islam, no doubt all are Muslims. People who are fanning sectarianism among Muslims are the real enemies of Islam. May Almighty ALLAH guide us right path, Ameen.


Minister (2k+ posts)
اس وقت کراچی والا کی طبیعت میں سخت ہیجان برپا ہے دیکھئے تھوڑی دیر میں کیا نتیجہ نکلتا ہے


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
اس وقت کراچی والا کی طبیعت میں سخت ہیجان برپا ہے دیکھئے تھوڑی دیر میں کیا نتیجہ نکلتا ہے
Thori deir mein takfeeri halkan ho jaien gay.....d o g s from hell kay munh say jhaag chhoot jaye gai aur nafrat ki aag mein jal kar bhasam ho jaien gay:lol: ............Aur kal phir naya janam lein gay jhanam mein aur phir aa kar yahi kaam karein gay....Yahi azab duniya mein in par musllat rahay ga.:)


Minister (2k+ posts)
I think our religious scholars and shows must share the great information of the Amman Message on mainstream channels in order to quench the fire of sectarian intolerance. Else the violence and madness will continue to prevail. When non-Muslims look at us fighting among ourselves and doing Takfirs then they often think that hhhhmmmmm Islam is all about subjugating humans and greed of power and influence Nauzubillah.
