Abshar Rashid solves a problem on InnoCentive


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

Abshar Rashid, Bachelors of Computer Systems Engineering (2008) from NED University, has solved a problem posted on the InnoCentive website. His solution was accepted from hundreds of solutions submitted online from across the globe. He got a reward of US$5000, through a cheque received and paid in Pakistan.

The problem was to design a new trading model for software developed at large firms but abandoned for any reasons of cost cutting, bankruptcy, etc. A sponsor company posted the problem and allocated US$5000 as prize money. Innocentive keeps the identity of the sponsoring company anonymous

His success should encourage other brilliant professionals and students in Pakistan to attempt to solve problems posted at Innocentive. Registration and solution submission at Innocentive is free and sponsor companies post problems from numerous industries to offset their R&D costs by engaging the worlds talent to solve their business problems for a fraction of the cost.
Abshar has around two years professional experience in Software and Web Development. He learnt his first programming language at the age of 9, when he developed a Quiz Application in GW-Basic.
Currently working on Data-Warehousing and Intelligent Applications for Financial Services and Business Process Management, Abshar works in the business intelligence and analytics space in Pakistan.
InnoCentive (https://www2.innocentive.com) harnesses collective brainpower from around the world to solve problems that they think really matter.
If you love challenges and are good at finding solutions that will have a real impact on the world, join InnoCentives Global Solver Network. The InnoCentive website states:
Solvers are creative, thoughtful and highly educated individuals with varied backgrounds and work experience. Sound interesting? You get to choose when to work and what Challenges to work on. Successful Solvers win cash awards, recognition and the satisfaction of helping to make the world a better place.
The challenge disciplines include Business & Entrepreneurship, Chemistry, Computer/Information Technology, Engineering/Design. Food/Agriculture, Life Sciences, Math/Statistics and Physical Sciences. Go have a look. Who knows? You may solve the next problem that is posted on InnoCentive. Way to go Abshar! You have proven that there is indeed tremendous talent in this country. All we have to do is go look for it, nurture it and provide it with the right environment in which to flourish. Thank you Nauman Sheikh (of Credit Chex) for informing us of Abshars success.
Source: http://jehanara.wordpress.com/2010/08/09/abshar-rashid-solves-a-problem-on-innocentive/


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In UK /USA they create the artificial problems and then try to solve them. But in Pakistan we have real problem on the grounds/streets we live with them and if we solved it by education then all prices are waiting for us.
Please go ahead we can solve each and one problems in the current world facing now. First we have said
Mr. Abshar,

Congratulation and regards Abshar Rashid
