A Nations without directions Are we the people to be blamed for our inapt leadership?

Humble Pakistani

Councller (250+ posts)

A Nations without directions Are we the people to be blamed for our inapt leadership?

I came across this news clip on the net (you may or may not have seen it) but it tells us about ourselves! Who we are and what is this country where it is. Our founding fathers were ably led by people like Jinnah & Iqbal had a vision for Pakistan and a vision about this world. They build a country out of necessity. I think they would be bigger names in history today if they would have remained Indian Leaders. They chose Pakistan how could they have known that this nation that was destined for greatness would be led by traitors by people who never loved Pakistan. Look at the bunch who are leading Pakistan today and the folks standing-by to take over. Not one of them loves Pakistan. They have their money, their investments, their properties and their permanent homes overseas. Their kids go to schools in England or the US. Even if they sneeze they run to a hospital overseas because they know the state of medical facilities in they own cities and town. They are the ones who employ Blackwater and other security agencies to protect themselves, the ones who use local security get killed by their own lunatic guards (who we later hail as heroes). Everything is corrupt let it be people, system, government, judiciary you name it and it is zilch, zero. The Quaid-e-Azam in one of his earliest speeches had said the first duty of a government is to provide protection and security to its people. Where are we today? Where is Jinnah and Iqbals Pakistan today Where is our Khudee? That Iqbal talked about!

Having said all this, I am sure you would ask what IS the solution? There are solutions and they can be implemented starting now. Education Let us start with that So what do we do? Help organizations like TCF, Zindagi Trust, Dreamfly, HOPE, HDF and any other that is promoting the cause of education? People on this forum who live in Pakistan and who live overseas can do their bits. One by donating to these cause and if you do not trust them then you have domestic workers who come to work in your homes Your cook, your driver, your gardener (mali) and if they have children then sponsor one or two to go to school (remember it will be sadqah jarahia). As for overseas Pakistanis, then can do the same or do even better (I am one of you) and my city, the Pakistani origin folks since 2005 have built 7 schools and funded them for three years (one through HDF and the rest though TCF). Do not worry, in these difficult economic times if your money resources are tight (people in Pakistan) can volunteer their time to teach one or two kids If not anything else teach them the Quran, the greatest book ever but teach them to understand what they read.

The other project should be data collections We have it scattered all over data about Pakistan, anout its resources, its leadership (where they stand, how they have voted in the parliament/senate on issues, how much tax have they given in the last 10 years, there wealth; where they have stashed them, what they have said about issues and about Pakistan) This is the work of media, but like everything else our media also looks like they are sold-out souls; working for vested interest. Go after someone! Make them a hero one day and drag them in mud the next They play with the power vested in them by the people. Having data available about people we vote for will give us a chance to make informed decisions.

And finally us the people We have to become honest with our Pakistan and with ourselves. Look in the mirror and ask what we have done for Pakistan? What can we do for Pakistan! We have to stand up for it. We have the power Power of the vote Use it wisely. I am sure one day soon we will all have to face our Lord so let us do something that we will be able to say to HIM in humbleness that oh, Lord we did our best and stood-up for our country. InshAllah!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
do you think this jahil awaam needs electriciy, gas, patrol? they need only drones and bombs, stupit awaam