
Minister (2k+ posts)
salam to all muslim brothers please if you want to know the real truth about dajjal,imaam mahdi and about jews please have look about these videos the Arrivals which is being made bu abdullah hashem but its very very nice documentary that i have never seen in my life.....plz go to youtube and type about abdullah hashem or type The Arrivals pt1 and you will find out wat it is all about .....if you want to know about bush and other powerful american leaders and there relegion then please watch them all they are worshiping the satan relegion which is worshiping spirits there relegion is satan made and is purly against all relegions especially ISALAM .......... Prophet Muhammad PBUH said Dajjal will stay for 40 days in world in which one day will be equal to 1000 years 2nd day will be equal to 1 month 3rd day will be equal to 1 week AND rest of days will be same like earth so let me tell you something intersting if we goo back in to 900bc from that time British empire was ruling on the world i mean there currency was being used till 1900 when united states enter in to world war and came into superpower in 1917 so i mean 900+1000=1900 1000 years british rule which was dajjal 1 day equal to 1000 years now 2nd day was from US which started in 1917 and now there economy is being badly hit by crises and in 2001 the USA planed 9/11 which change the world to NEW WORLD ORDER so from 1917 to 2000 its coming 83 which is the 2nd day of dajjal which was equal to 83 years i mean calculate 1000 divided by 12 months which gives 83 years figure so now lastly the one week which will be the NEW WORLD ORDER (((ISRAEL))) WHICH USA IS DEFENDING IN MIDDLE EAST ISRAEL WILL BE DAJJAL 1 WEEK WHICH WILL BE 83 DIVIDED BY 4 WEEKS WHICH GIVES 21 YEARS SO HERE WE GOT IN 2021-2023 MUSLIMS WILL BE KILLED IN MIDDLE EAST BY THESE SATANIST JEWS POWERS FROM WEST THATS WHY ((((Prophet Muhammad PBUH said Dajjal will be one eyed look on 100 US Dollar on the side there is pyramid on which there is one eye on top)))))) Please all Brother check out this new documentary video of Dajjal arriving and it will show u all the hidden truth..........................Please watch the Arrivals either from youtube or www.wakeupproject.com