100 corrupt SHOs take oath never to take bribes {Shahbaz Sharif and Police Reforms}


Minister (2k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

They will not take self ( All over camera nowadays ) .
They will appoint some new people for this danger work.
Jo Rishwat Leta Hay Us Ko Halaf Ka Koee Aaser Naheee Hoga....( Spartacus )
Our MNA and MPA took Halaf that they will say truth ( A huge number of them submited wrong degree )


Minister (2k+ posts)
That means all these SPs dis take bribes before this :)

Dont you think they should first be punished for taking bribes ???? what a country


Minister (2k+ posts)
This is not the way to fix problems. You fix institutions not individuals. When these SHO's joined police, they had already taken an oath of working with honesty. If there was no honesty after taking oath for the first time what difference will it make taking oath for the 2nd time.
These politcians know how to fool around with people !


Councller (250+ posts)
wot so ever but this guy is the only politician who is runing behind flood victims does he giving them relief out of question but important thing is this tht this guy is running behind them & we should appreciate it rather we should adore him i must say


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
They will not take self ( All over camera nowadays ) .
They will appoint some new people for this danger work.
Jo Rishwat Leta Hay Us Ko Halaf Ka Koee Aaser Naheee Hoga....( Spartacus )
Our MNA and MPA took Halaf that they will say truth ( A huge number of them submited wrong degree )

For God Sake, use your common sense
Ultimate receipient, in this case SHO, has taken oath not to take bribe
So if there is one middleman or ten middlemen, does that matter.
Demagh Istimal Karnay Say Kharach Nahi Ho Jata, Barhta Hai.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Good One, appreciated.
At leaset one more hurdle before receiving the Brown Envelop.

I am sure Media will target them to catch one of them and that would be absolutely right, this should be role of Media, not just politicians but every responsible official should be scrutinized.

Dont you think they should first be punished for taking bribes ???? what a country[/QUOTE]

So the country or the government or the state of Pakistan is to be blamed for what every cop takes a bribe? It means when a cop takes bribe in USA the country or the USA governmetn is to be blamed? Freakign looser...

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
A commendable step nevertheless! These oaths by SHO also need to been seen by people as actions speak louder than words. This is a positive development in police reforms as we openly need to renounce corruption and ensure transparency in public domain.
