‏اسٹیل ملز اور پی آئی اے کو کوئی ایک روپے میں بھی خرید لے تو فائدہ مند ہے


Minister (2k+ posts)

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Minister (2k+ posts)
یار کیوں نھیں پاکستان کو ڈھنگ کا حکمران نصیب ھوتا کیا فائدہ اس ملک کا چور ایک ایک کر کے سارے ملک کو بیچ دیں گے اور اداروں والے مال بنا کر بئلجیم اور لندن جا بیٹھیں گے زلیل عوام ھو گی۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Peepee and Goon league destroyed Steel Mill and PIA.They used to be profitable until the crooks of Peepee and Goon League started hiring employees on political affiliations instead of merit.Peepee hired thousands of employees for Steel Mill which were not needed.They were sitting down doing nothing and getting good salaries.In PIA apart from hiring excessive number of employees pilots with fake degrees hired.No wonder these companies are making huge losses.


MPA (400+ posts)
Do you want to see the difference between a winner and a loser's mindset? Look at the way they deal with things challenging to fix. Khan employed a capable person to run PIA, and things started to turn around. It has been only three months since these Kanjars have come to power, and their solution is to give away PIA for free. They probably think the same about their old parents, deeming them useless.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Lkah laanat hai iss khanzeer miftah per... ye kanjar bhikari bheek mangne aur milne ki khushi manata hai... menhgai ka azab awam per daal diaya hai... isko iski aal auld samet phansi di jai
