نواز شریف کے نواسے ٹیکس کے پیسوں پر عیاشی کرتے ہوے


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
With due apology ------ Usually ----
The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Magar Allah Hadayat denay wala hai
لیکن ایک ایپل تو سیدھا نیوٹن کے مونہ پر ا کر گرا تھا


Minister (2k+ posts)
Threads like these make the patwaris disappear like magic .... These patwaris are truly ghulam ibn-e-ghulam .... Sharif Hukmaran khandan ka motto ... keep Pakistanis illiterate and then keep buying everyone to continue to win elections and continue their loot .... Allah in sub ko jahanum raseed kare ...