نواز شریف کی جان پاکستان کی عدلیہ میں ھے

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
نواز شریف کی جان پاکستان کی عدلیہ میں ھے
Justice delayed is Justice denied

کیا عدالت عظمیٰ کے خلاف غداری کا مقدمہ نہیں بناتا جو ٦٧ سال سےعوام کے ٹیکس پیسوں سے اشرافیہ کی پشت پناہی کر رہی ہیں اور مالی فوائد حاصل کار رہیں ہیں ؟

پاکستانی کی عدلیہ ہی ایک واحد ادارہ ھے جو چٹکی میں حالیہ مسائل کا حل نکال سکتی ھے مگر اسے جمہوریت بچانے سےفرصت نہیں. سوال یہ کے وہ جمہوریت بچا رہیں کے اپنے اپ کو ؟

جی ہاں وہی عدلیہ جس کے بارے میں کہا جاتا ھے کے پاکستان کی عدالتوں سے انصاف کے لئے
[FONT=&amp]حضرت نوح علیہ آسلام کی عمر چاھئے
حضرت ایوب علیہ آسلام کا صبر
اور قرون کی دولت چاھئے
میرا ذاتی خیال ھے کے دنیا کا کوئی بھی ملک آزاد ملک نہیں رہا اور دنیا کے معاملات چلانے اور
تمام ممالک کو چلانے کے ایک
گینگ بنا ہوا ھے . پاکستان جیسے ملک میں الیکشن نہیں ہوتے سلیکشن ہوتی ھے

چھوٹا بچہ یعنی ووٹر خوامخوا میں تالیاں بجاتا اور دھمال ڈالتا ھے. اس جاہل کو یہ نہیں پتا کے وہ تالیاں اور دھمال اپنے چالیسویں پر ڈال رہا ھے. دنیا کو چلانے والے تمام ملکوں میں اپنے
خلیفے مقرر کے جاتے ہیں جنہیں ہم صدر اور وزیراعظم کے نام سے جانتے ہیں. پاکستان میں کنگ میکر میں شامل جو ادارے ہیں ان میں افسر شاہی ، عدلیہ ، پرنٹ اور الکترونیک میڈیا ، کاروباری لوگ اور بڑا فوجی شامل ہیں . فلحال ان سب کنگ میکر کی پشت پنہائی پاکستان کی سپریم کورٹ کر رہی ھے

آخر انتے سارے مقدمات کے ہوتے ھوے نواز شریف اور زرداری پاکستان کا وزیراعظم بن کسسے سکتے ہیں ؟
کیا یہ بات عقل تسلیم کرتی ھے ؟
کیا عدالت عظمیٰ کے خلاف غداری کا مقدمہ نہیں بناتا ؟
آخر ایک عدلیہ کا جج پاکستان کا صدر کیسے بن سکتا ھے اور جج بھی وہ جو نواز شریف کے تمام مقدمات کی کورٹس میں رکھوالی کرتا تھا. وہ جج نمازی بھی تھا ، داڑھی والا بھی تھا اور شائد حاجی بھی ھو
پاکستانی عدلیہ کے حوالے سے بہت سے سوالات اٹھے ہیں
آئیں انکا تفصیلن جائزہ لیتے ہیں

Disclosure:- Please note that these are my personal views. This has nothing to do with PTI or Imran Khan.
Pakistani media and political parties have their limitations, they can't discuss it openly. We don't
My name, age, and location are genuine. I am not intentionally trying to maligned any Pakistani institutions. I am just sharing my personal sentiments which could be entirely wrong. You have all the rights to disagree with me.
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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
کیا یہ راکٹ سائنس ھے ؟

نواز شریف کی جان پاکستان کی عدلیہ میں ھے
کیا یہ راکٹ سائنس ھے ؟
ہرگز نہیں
جب ہم بچے تھے تو ہمارے والدین " حل طلب " مسائل کا تصفیہ کرواتے تھے.
بڑے ھوے تو اسکول کا ٹیچر ، سمجھ ا گئے تو ٹھیک ورنہ ھر ماسٹر ڈنڈا مار ممر کر سمجھاتا تھا
ابے کی پھینٹی یا بڑے بھائی کی پھنٹی
کھیل کے میدان میں بھی امپائر ہی فیصلہ کرتا تھا
مسلمانو میں جزا اور سزا کا تصور ، قرآن میں سب سے زیادہ جزا اور سزا کے متعلق بات ہو ھے
مرنے کے بعد بھی الله فیصلہ کرےگا
٢٠١٤ کا سال اور ملک میں کوئی بھی فیصلہ کرنے کی طاقت سے مرحوم
لکھ دی لعنت ھے

پاکستان کیسا نرالا ملک ھے جہاں قانون اندھا ھے اور وہ بھی ٦٧ سال سے
اور وہ بھی صرف اشرافیہ کے لئے

آخر ایسا کیوں ؟

اسلے بھائی صاحب کے ایک جج کروڑ روپے یا اس سے بھی زیادہ دے کر بنتا ھے
صرف جج ہی نہیں ، یہ معاملات ھر کنگ میکر ادارے میں سکہ رایج الوقت ھے

ہم لوگ جسے سیاست کہتے ہیں ، وہ سیاست نہیں انویسٹمنٹ ھے
لگانے والے کو ملتا ھے میرے بھائی

جو بھی بندہ کہیں انویسٹمنٹ کرے گا وہ کس کی سوچے گا ؟
جاہل کے بچو ، کیا وہ آپکی سوچے گا ؟
کیا جج اس معاشرے کا حصہ نہیں ؟

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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
منصف کیسے منصفی کرے گا اگر ؟
ane hain ahl-e-hawas muddai bhi, munsif bhi
kise wakil karen, kis se munsifi chahen

اگر بڑے فوجی پر انگلی اٹھائیں تو غداری
اگر عدلیہ پر انگلی اٹھائیں تو توہین عدالت

پاکستان کے مسلمانو پر جو ٦٧ سال سے ظلم ھو رہا ھے ، وہ کس کھاتے میں ہیں ؟
جو ملک اسلام کے نام پر بنا ، وہاں اسلام کے سوا ھر چیز جائز اور سکہ رائج الوقت ھے
آخر کیوں ؟

سنا ھے کے جج ھر وقت جج ہوتا ھے چاھے کمرے کی عدالت میں ھو یا سڑک پر کھڑا ھو

آج سے ایک سال پہلے ھر بات پر سو موٹو لیا جا رہا تھا ، ہزاروں کیس کھولے گئے ، ریٹ بناے گئے
پیسے کھرے کے ، سودے بازی ہوئی . اپنی انویسٹمنٹ سود سمیت واپس ...................کہانی ختم

پاکستان جیسے پوتر ملک میں سب سے پہلے عدالت جج کا انصاف کون کرے گا
جب جج کی کرسی پر ہی فرعون بیٹھے ہوں تو وہ کیا کسی کافیصلہ کریں گے ؟

جو ادارہ خود دیمک زدہ ھو وہ کسی اور دیمک کا علاج کیسے کرے گا ؟
اگر اس ملک میں زرداری ٥ سال نکال گیا
اور نواز شریف تیسری دفع ،
وزیراعظم بن گیا
ایک منخب وزیراعظم کو پھانسی پر چڑھا دیا گیا
ان سب کے پیچھے کون ھے

کیا پاکستان میں جو میاں مٹھو
وزیراعظم اور صدر بنتے ہیں کیا
انکے پیچھے عوام ہوتی ھے
ہرگز نہیں

کوئی ایک مقدس گاے ھو تو انسان گریہ بھی کرے، ماتم بھی کرے
ادھر تو
پورے کا پورا ریور مقدس ھے
سنا ھے کے قومی اسملی میں اکھٹے ہوے ڈاکو بھی اپنے بارے میں یہی که رہے تھے ؟


There has never been a statue erected to honor a critic
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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
سپریم کورٹ کو تالا لگا دیں
بند کرو ے گانا وجانا

یہ پاکستان کی عدالتیں کس مرض کی دوا ہیں اور آخر انکے ہونے کا مقصد کیا ھے ؟

ظاہر ھے فیصلہ کرنے کے لئے |لیکن ادھر تو کوئی فیصلہ ہوتا ہی نہیں
ھر مقدمہ لٹک جاتا ھے

کیوں نہ طالبان کے حوالے کر دیں یہ نظام ؟
اگر یہ سلسلہ یونہی چلتا رہا تو بس سال دو سال کی بات ھے
پھر ایک ہی ڈائلاگ سنیں گے

بند کرو ے گانا وجانا

پھر نواز شریف کسی بل سے نکال کر مارا جاے گا اور زرداری کسی اور بل سے
یہ لوگ تو پھر بھی باہر چلے جایئں گے
مگر باقی لوگوں کی خیر نہیں

غضب خدا کا ، تحریک انصاف کو انصاف نہیں ملا
ایک عام آدمی کو کیا ملے گا ؟

پاکستانی کی عدلیہ نے الیکشن کے کیسز میں سٹے آرڈرز کیوں دئے ؟
قانون اس مواملے میں کیا کہتا تھا
قانون پر قانون والوں نے کیوں عمل درآمد نہیں کیا ؟
پاکستانی عدالتیں عمران خان کے الزام دار الزام پر دھنیا پی کر کیوں سوئی رہیں ؟

آخر تحریک انصاف عوامی عدالت میں کیوں گی ؟

ane hain ahl-e-hawas muddai bhi, munsif bhi
kise wakil karen, kis se munsifi chahen

کیا پاکستان کی عدالتیں خانہ جنگی کا انتظار کر رہیں ہیں ؟
آخر وہ کس سسٹم کو بچانے کی کوشش کر رہیں ہیں ؟

آخر ٣٥ دن سے لوگ سڑکوں پر ہیں وہ کس کا انتظار کر رہیں ہیں کے

نواز شریف کے استعفیٰ کا


وہ اپکا انتظار کر رہیں ہیں کے اپ فیصلہ دیں

عدالت کو تالا لگائیں ، طالبان کو بلائیں
الله الله خیر سلا

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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
انتظار .....خون خرابہ

مریم نواز کہتیں ہیں کے عمران خان کو ایک سال کنٹینر میں رھنا پڑے گا
عمران خان کہتے ہیں عدالت انصاف کرے ورنہ پاکستان میں بہت خوں بہے گا

دونو اپنی جگہ ٹھیک کہتے ہیں

مریم نواز کو پتا ھے کے انکی پشت پناہی پاکستان کی عدالتیں کر رہیں ہیں
انکے خاندان کے مالی معاملات کی نگہداشت پاکستان کے جج کر رہیں ہیں
اگر وہ یہ کہتی ہیں کے عمران خان کو کنٹینر میں ایک سال بیٹھنا پڑے گا تو ٹھیک کہتیں ہیں

عمران خان عوامی جذبات کی عکاسی کر رہیں ہیں
اصلی باغی میدان سے بھاگ گئے اور اب وہ خود اس نظام کے باغی بن گئے ہیں
پہلے سیاست دانو کے خلاف
پھر الیکشن کروانے والوں کے خلاف
پھر انکے پیچھے جو گینگ تھا ، انکے خلاف
اب بجلی کا بل کو آگ لگا کر ریاست کے خلاف
تو جناب
پاکستان کی عدالتیں بھی ریاست کا حصّہ ہیں

عمران خان کی ابھی سیاسی مجبوری ھے
وہ ایک خاص حد تک بول سکتیں ہیں
ایک خاص حد تک اداروں کے خلاف بول سکتے ہیں

آپکو فیصلہ کرنا ھو گا
یا اپ
عمران خان کو باغی کرار دے دیں
ملک پاکستان میں خوں کو ھولی دیکھنے کے لئے تیار ھو جایئں

کچھ کریں
ملک پاکستان سیلاب میں بھی ڈوب رہا ھے اور مالی طور پر دیولیا ھو کار بھی
ورنہ آپکی انویسٹمنٹ بھی ڈوب جاے گی

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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
٧٠ ارب کا ڈاکہ اور ١٨ کروڑ کا مینڈیٹ
فیصلہ ٥ ہزار کریں گے کے صرف ٥ لوگ ؟

٨٠ ارب کا دن دھا ڑے ڈاکہ
مگر پاکستان کی عدالتیں خاموس
یہ چونکے غریبوں کی جیب پر ڈاکہ تھا اسلے سسٹم بھی محفوظ اور جمہوریت بھی محفوظ
کیونکو یہی پیسہ اپس میں بٹ صاحب اپس میں بانٹ لیں گیں

پاکستان کا وزیراعظم کہتا ھے کے ١٨ کروڑ لوگوں کا مینڈیٹ ملا ھے ، ٥٠٠٠ بندے ختم نہیں کر سکتے
بندہ اس جاہل سے پوچھے کے ووٹ ٹوٹل کتنے پڑیں ہیں
اور وہ ووٹ پڑے کہاں پر تھے ؟

٥٠٠٠ ہزار کا یہ کام نہیں تھا کے وہ سڑکوں پر اتے ، یہ کام چند لوگوں کا تھا
جنہیں لوگ جج کہتے ہیں

میاں صاحب فیصلہ ٥٠٠٠ نے نہیں صرف ٥ لوگوں نے کرنا ھے اور وہ بھی ١٨ کروڑ لوگوں کے مینڈیٹ کا

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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
مقدس گاے مقدس لوگوں کا دفاع کیوں کر رہیں ہیں ؟

آخر اتنے کیسز ہونے کے بعد بھی ، نواز شریف پاکستان کا وزیراعظم بنا تو بنا کیسے ؟
آخر رفیق تراڑ پاکستان کا صدر کس طرح بنا ؟
آخر الیکشن میں ہونے والی دھاندلی پر عدلیہ نے کروائی کیوں نہیں کی ؟
عدالتیں مقدمات کا فیصلہ کیوں نہیں کرتیں ؟

کیا پاکستان کیا عدالتیں یہ جواب دے سکتی ہیں ؟
اس پورے خاندان کو جیل کی سلاخوں کے پیچھے ہونا چاھے تھا ، یہ پاکستان کا سربراہ کیسے بن گیا ؟
کیا یہ بات درست ثابت نہیں ہوتی کے ؟

تمام کنگ میکرس کی پشت پنہائی پاکستان کی سپریم کورٹ کر رہی ھے ؟
مقدس گاے کس کا انتظار کر رہیں ہیں ؟
آپکی ٦٧ سالہ تاریخ کالے فیصلوں اور کلی کرتوتوں سے بھری پڑیں ہیں
آپکی تاریخ سنہرے حروف سے کب لکهے جایئں گے ؟


Nawaz Sharif and his cronies have always been working to plunder Pakistan’s wealth as their sole agenda. He expanded his business empire by misusing his authority as Chief Minister Punjab and Prime Minister Pakistan. And in order to gain financial benefits, he manipulated laws and changed policies. Likewise, in a bid to avoid accountability, the Nawaz Sharif Government amended “The Ehtasaab Act” and made it effective from “1990” instead of “1985” as proposed in the original text of the “Ehtasaab Act” prepared by the interim government of caretaker Prime Minister (Late) Mairaj Khalid (1996-97). And by bringing this change he cunningly saved his tenure of Chief Minister Punjab (1985-88) from accountability.
Despite all maneuvering following references were filed against the Sharifs:-

  • Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and others misused official resources causing a loss to the national exchequer of Rs 620million by developing 1800 acres of land in Raiwind at state expense.
  • Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif are accused of whitening black money during their first tenure (1990-93) and causing a loss of Rs 180 million to the national exchequer by evading income/wealth tax.

  • Nawaz Sharif, Saif-ur-Rehman and others reduced import duty from 325% to 125% on import of luxury cars (BMW), causing a huge loss of Rs1.98 billion to the national exchequer.

    On the imposition of emergency and freezing of foreign currency accounts, Nawaz Sharif and Saif-ur-Rehman removed 11 billion US dollars from Pakistani Banks illegally. Without the consent of account holders, Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificates (FEBC) accounts were frozen and foreign exchange was misappropriated.

    Illegal appointments in Pakistan International Airlines (Nawaz Sharif and Saeed Mehdi).
    Abbotabad land purchase scam (Nawaz Sharif and Sardar Mehtab Abbasi).

  • Concealment of property in the US (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
  • Illegal appointments and promotions in Federal Investigation Agency (Nawaz Sharif).
  • US wheat purchase scam (Nawaz Sharif and Syeda Abida Hussain).
  • Murree land purchase scam (Nawaz Sharif and Saif-ur-Rehman)
  • Tax evasion (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
  • Forging of passports and money laundering (Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar).
  • Concealment of private helicopter purchase while filing assets’ detail (Nawaz Sharif).
  • Favoring Kohinoor Energy Co, causing loss of Rs. 450 millions (Nawaz Sharif and Others).
  • Illegal cash finance facility given to Brothers Sugar Mills (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
  • Bribe offered to ANP’s Senator Qazi Mohammad Anwer (Nawaz Sharif and Others).
  • Hudaibiya Paper Mills Reference against Sharif brothers and Ishaq Dar.
  • Illegally appointing Chairman Central Board of Revenue (Nawaz Sharif)
  • Whitening of black money by amending laws (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
  • Causing Rs. 35 billion loss by writing off/rescheduling bank loans (Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar).
  • Bribing (late) Maulana Sattar Niazi from National Exchequer (Nawaz Sharif and Others).
  • Plundering Rs. 200 million from Jahez and Baitul Maal funds (Nawaz Sharif & Others)
  • Opening fictitious foreign currency accounts (Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar).
  • Making 130 political appointments in federal departments (Nawaz Sharif).
  • Relaxing export duty and rebate to transport sugar to India (Nawaz Sharif).
  • Whitening of money through FEBC (Nawaz Sharif).
  • Wealth Tax evasion (Nawaz Sharif).
  • Concealment of facts to evade property tax (Nawaz Sharif).
  • Withdrawal of case against Senator Islamuddin Sheikh (Nawaz Sharif, & Ishaq Dar).
  • Availing bank loan for Ittefaq Foundries and Brothers Steel Mills without fulfilling legal requirements (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).

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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پاکستان کی عدلیہ یا شریفوں کی عدلیہ


The first tenure of Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister in the year 1990 saw another reign of loot and plunder. During this period Mian Nawaz Shairf obtained loans amounting to more than Rs.614 billion from Banks through his influence against inadequate guarantees. According to the details of loans obtained by Sharifs include Rs.1556 million for Ittefaq Foundries, Rs. 543 million for Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills, Rs.455 million for Mehran Ramzan Textile Mills, Rs.373 million for Ramzan Bukhsh Textile Mills, Rs.339 millions for Ch. Sugar Mills, Rs.226 millions for Ittefaq brothers, Rs. 205 million for Sandalbar Textile Mills, Rs.182 million for Hudaibiya Engineering Mills, Rs.153 million for Hamza Board Mills Ltd, Rs.134 million for Hudaibiya paper Mills, Rs.351 Million for Brothers Sugar Mills, Rs.174 million for Brothers Textile Mills, Rs.159 million for Brothers Steel Mills, Rs.623 million for Ramzan Sugar Mills, Rs. 191 million Khalid Siraj Textiles, Rs.313 million for Ittefaq Sugar Mills, Rs.164 million for Ittefaq Textile Mills, and Rs.239 million were obtained for Ittefaq Brothers. Due to the malpractice the national wealth was used for establishing personal empire while the country’s economy was facing disaster. This loan was equivalent to the total internal loan obtained by the government of Pakistan! These so called patriotic politicians ruthlessly plundered the national exchequer and used national wealth for personal financial gains. In addition money laundering worth billions of dollars through illegal means, wheat import scam, awarding motorway’s contract to an internationally black listed company, receiving heavy loans despite of being defaulter, secret businesses in UK (Evidence attached), Sugar mills in Kenya and four flats in the most expensive area of London and huge commissions in privatization of Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) are also a few “achievements” of Nawaz Sharif and family.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

The Auditor General Report released in the year 1988-89 reported that Nawaz Sharif, misusing his authority as Chief Minister Punjab, issued directives which resulted into direct malpractice of Rs. 35 billion.
The report said that the Chief Minister Secretariat had been turned into a hub of corrupt practices and Nawaz Sharif used public money like an emperor that resulted into huge fiscal deficit of the province.
The Auditor General Report released in the year 1986-87 said that the then Chief Minister Nawaz Sharif had used Rs. 1200 million for malpractices in only one year.
Nawaz Sharif allotted 3000 precious Lahore Development Authority (LDA) plots among his favourites due to which the province suffered loss of billions of rupees.
Nawaz Sharif was the lead character of the Cooperative and Financial Institutions Scam, which deprived the retired employees, orphans, widows, and poor of their total assets amounting to Rs. 17 billion.
Nawaz Sharif released Rs. 1200 million from his discretionary grant in the year 1985-86 while Rs. 1895 million were released in 1986-87, Rs. 1899 million were used in 1987-88 while another Rs. 1887 million were distributed among his cronies.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and other party leaders practically share and proudly identify commonalities between PML-N and Taliban and they have very close ties and cordial relations with terrorists and banned terrorist outfits. In early 90s Nawaz Sharif received huge sums of money from Osama Bin Laden to overthrow former Prime Minister of Pakistan Shaheed Benazir Bhutto’s Government. Even now PML-N’s cabinet members and spokespersons are commonly seen hanging around with members of those banned outfits, reportedly involved in managing terrorist attacks on thousands of innocent Pakistanis including soldiers, police officials and members of other law enforcement agencies.
Due to compromising attitude of PML-N’s leadership and their mild will to fight against the menace of terrorism the members of law enforcement agencies are completely demoralized. That is one of the reasons that the investigations against terrorists are not carried out in a proper manner and proof against arrested terrorists usually is not available. Due to the incapability of the Punjab Government terrible terrorist attacks took place in the province including suicide attack on Police Training School Bedian Road, blast in Moon Market Lahore, car bomb blast in the Rescue 15 building, car bomb blast in F.I.A building, suicide attack on Munawan Police Training Center, Model Town link road bomb blast, suicide attack on Jamia Naemia, terrorist attack on Ahmedi’s worship places, blasts in Imam Bargahs including Karbla Gammay Shah and suicide bomb blasts in the sacred shrine of Hazrat Data Gunj Buksh along with many others. After these attacks PML-N has morally lost its right of government in Punjab.
Further, it was Shahbaz Sharif, who instead of showing courage and political and moral will to fight against the enemies of Pakistan, in his speech in Jamia Naemia Lahore, begged for mercy from the terrorists. He, in a very disgraceful manner, requested them not to attack Punjab as they are likeminded and standing on the same side. This statement of Shahbaz Sharif reflects his mindset !

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پاکستان کی عدلیہ اس کیس کا فیصلہ کب کرے گی ؟


Nawaz Sharif and Co. has always been involved in destabilizing the democratic system by one way or the other and did not even hesitate to take bribes to grab power. Lt. General (R) Naseerullah Babar, the former Interior Minister had disclosed in the National Assembly in 1994, that the ISI had disbursed money to purchase the loyalty of various right wing politicians, including that of Nawaz Sharif, in order to manipulate the 1990 elections, for the Islamic Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI- Pakistan democratic alliance), and bring about the defeat of the PPP. As proof Lt. General (R) Naseerullah Babar, Lt. General (R) Asad Durrani and others have filed affidavits supported by copies of various documents. In Air Marshal Asghar Khan’s human rights petition (HRC 19/96) in the Supreme Court of Pakistan against the former Chief of Army Staff Mirza Aslam Baig and the former Chief of the ISI and a banker concerning the criminal distribution of the people’s money for political purposes. The case is pending adjudication in the Supreme Court of Pakistan for the last 14 years.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جھوٹوں کا شہنشاہ ،کنگز میکرس ایک اور موہرہ
کیا پاکستان کی مقدس گائیوں کا اس کا پتا نہیں ؟
اگر پتا ھے تو یہ وزیراعظم کیوں ھے ؟


Nawaz Sharif’s politics is based on the philosophy “lie repeatedly till it seems as the truth”. He has based his politics on deceit and lies. Nawaz Sharif and his “chellaz” believe in lying repeatedly and religiously follow their convictions in this regard. They are masters in the art of manipulation and alteration and use their wealth to achieve their goals. One example is enough to expose their hideous character. After conviction in the hijacking case, Nawaz Sharif and his family approached foreign friends who persuaded President Pervez Musharraf to have mercy and forgive them. Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and family sought pardon and signed agreements including a commitment not to participate in politics for a period of ten years but they kept lying and hid the existence of these agreements from the nation until the head of Saudi Arabian Secret Agency, Prince Miqran Bin Abdul Aziz and Prime Minister of Lebanon Mr. Saad Hariri’s unveiled the existence of these agreements and Ch. Nisar had to admit the existence of these agreements during the press conference of Javed Hashmi. Sharif brothers in return of Pervez Musharraf’s “Ehsaan” (generosity) have not only crossed all limits of hostility but also lied to the nation. Would Nawaz Sharif and his “chellaz” ever tender apology to the Pakistani Nation, for lying to them for so many years?
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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پولیس کا پنجاب پر قبضہ جہاں پر ١١ خون بھی معاف
عدالتیں خاموش ، اگلا پاکستان کا صدر شائد پھر ایک جج ھو


Under the horrible times of Shahbaz Sharif’s Government the Punjab province has been virtually converted in to a “Badmaash” (rogue) province. Here police officials get involved in heinous and brutal criminal activities like one in Sialkot. The administration did not take any action against the shameful and atrocious lynching of two young brothers until the footage was telecast on electronic channels. It is believed that only in Gujranwala Division, where a brother of PML (N) MNA was deputed as head of police department, more than two hundred extra judicial killings have taken place. The record shows that in Punjab, police force has been continuously used to harass and insult political rivals. An endless campaign of lodging false FIRs against political opponents has also been initiated. Use of brutal police force and baton-charge has become a routine. Every segment of society including journalists, doctors, teachers, students, nurses, Government employees, semi Government and private institutions and lawyers have faced the brutality of police while protesting for their demands.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

It is a hard fact that poor governance & maladministration is trade mark of Sharif brothers. Shahbaz Sharif is an attention-seeker and likes to show off. For the sake of “cheap publicity” he has started calling himself “Khadam-e-Ala” but miserably failed to meet the challenges of governance and administration. It’s a harsh reality that during his tenure in Punjab all institutions deteriorated conspicuously. In order to achieve their motives, Sharifs always appoint their blue eyed personnel on key posts by completely ignoring merit. Almost all districts of Punjab are being run by grade 19 officers who are incapable hence a basic reason for poor governance. Due to his dictatorial approach Shahbaz Sharif himself heads 12 provincial ministries and he seldom holds cabinet meeting. He takes decisions over ruling, the cabinet. His obstinate behavior is the prime reason for the maladministration in the province. It would be just and appropriate to suggest that Sharifs have failed to establish a democratic spirit in their government and have completely overlooked the norms of democratic political setups.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

In order to consolidate and attain more power, ‘the champion of democracy and independent judiciary’, Nawaz Sharif attacked every individual and institution, he felt could get in the way and challenge his authority. In order to get rid of Chief Justice Sajjad Ali Shah, who Nawaz Sharif despised, the latter created divisions amongst the judges using the humble services of a former judge, Rafique Tarrar (later President of Pakistan) to make life difficult for the Chief Justice. A group of judges refused to acknowledge CJ Sajjad Ali Shah as the Chief Justice and things got so bad that a number of junior judges made it difficult for him to carry out his duties. Eventually, Sharif ordered his thugs to attack the Supreme Court in order to prevent the Chief Justice from giving a ruling against him.
The police did nothing to stop Sharif’s thugs as they attacked and entered the Supreme Court premises. The judges inside the building barely managed to escape. The thugs, led by Sajjad Naseem and Mushtaq Tahir Kheli, Nawaz Sharif’s political secretaries, entered the court chanting anti-CJ Sajjad slogans and destroyed the Court Room.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

A number of incidents during 1998-99 indicated a pattern of harassment and intimidation of individual journalists as the government was increasingly becoming intolerant. Imtiaz Alam, a Lahore-based journalist, complains of threats over the telephone and then of his car being set on fire in a mysterious manner the next day. Another Lahore journalist, Mahmud Lodhi, was picked up and held in illegal custody for two days. He was questioned about his involvement with a BBC team filming a documentary on the rise and wealth of the Sharif family. Present Pakistani ambassador in USA Mr. Hussain Haqqani was picked up in a cloak-and-dagger fashion and interrogated at a FIA Center for money embezzlement while he held government office.

The residence of Idrees Bakhtiar, a senior staff reporter of monthly Herald and BBC correspondent in Karachi was raided by CIA police on Nov. 26, 1998. The police harassed the family and also arrested his 28-year old son, Moonis, who was later released. On Feb. 13, 1999, three persons, including Senator Abdul Hayee Baloch and a lady worker from Lahore, were injured when the police baton-charged, used water cannons and threw bricks on a peaceful procession of the Pakistan Awami Ittehad in front of the parliament house in Islamabad. The march, organized by the PAI for the freedom of the press, was led by PAI president Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan (late), the then opposition leader Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and secretary general of the alliance Hamid Nasir Chatta, besides a number of sitting and former PPP MNAs and senators.
The owner of the Frontier Post, Rehmat Shah Afridi, was arrested in Lahore on April 2, 1999, by the Anti-narcotics Force. The Peshawar-based Frontier Post was critical of government policies. Afridi’s arrest was seen by journalists and others as another attempt to gag the Press. On May 8, 1999, Najam Sethi, Editor of The Friday Times, was arrested on the orders of Nawaz Sharif. Police stormed into his house in Lahore and dragged him out of his bed room. After brutal torture and breaking furniture of the house he was shifted to some unknown place. And before leaving the house with Mr. Sethi, they tied his wife Jugnoo’s hands with a rope and locked her up in a dressing room. Later, Nawaz Sharif asked COAS Gen. Musharraf to charge Mr. Sethi under the Pakistan Army Act for being a traitor and give him maximum punishment (maximum punishment is death!).
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a press freedom organization, said on June 1, 1999 that it was conducting an investigation into a “hit list” prepared by the Pakistan government that contains 35 prominent journalists of Pakistan. According to reports received by the CPJ, the federal government had decided to establish a special media cell comprising officials from the police, Intelligence Bureau and the Federal Investigation Agency to punish the journalists, who had been writing against the government. Ehtesab Bureau Chairman, Senator Saifur Rehman Khan was to head this cell which would function from Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and Peshawar with its head office in Islamabad.
According to the CPJ, the journalists were: Irshad Ahmed Haqqani (late), Rehmat Ali Razi, Anjum Rasheed, (writer and anchor person) Suhail Warraich, Sohaib Marghoob and (late) Roman Ehsan (Jang Lahore), M. Ziauddin (Dawn Islamabad), Dr. Maleeha Lodhi, Javed Jaidi, Nusrat Javeed, Mariana Babar and Ansaar Abbassi (The News, Islamabad), Rehana Hakeem and Zahid Hussain (Newsline), Ejaz Haider, Khalid Ahmed, Jugnu Mohsin and Adnan Adil (The Friday Times, Lahore), Mahmood Sham (Jang, Karachi), Rashed Rehman (The Nation, Lahore), Amir Ahmed Khan (Herald, Karachi), Imtiaz Aalam, Beena Sarwar, Shafiq Awan, Kamila Hyat and Amir Mir (The News Lahore), Abbas Athar (Nawa-e-Waqt, Lahore), Kamran Khan and Shehzad Amjad (The News Karachi), Azam Khalil (Pulse), Mohammad Malik (Tribune), Imtiaz Ahmed (The Frontier Post, Peshawar), Ilyas Chaudhry (Jang Rawalpindi), Naveed Meraj (The Frontier Post, Islamabad) and Syed Talat Hussain (The Nation, Islamabad).
The Government of Nawaz Sharif started a campaign against the Jang group in July 1998 when it refused to sack a number of journalists critical of Government policies. The government objected to the Jang group newspapers’ reporting about the law and order situation in the country and put a ban on advertisement. On August 13, a report was published about non-payment of Rs. 700 million to farmers by the sugar mills owned by the Nawaz Sharif family. Three days later, the government sent notices to Jang for non payment of taxes and the case was shifted to the Ehtesab cell. On September 27, 1998, the Government asked the Jang group not to publish a report of ‘The Observer London’ that Nawaz Sharif had siphoned off millions of rupees. The report was not published by the Jang but it was published by its sister English newspaper The News. On November 5, bank accounts of the Jang group were frozen and FIA raided the Jang and the News offices in Rawalpindi and customs authorities stopped delivery of newsprint to the Jang.
On Jan 28 1999, a sedition case was registered against Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman for publishing an advertisement of Muttahida’s Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation on January 1, which according to the police, was aimed at incitingpeople against the state.
Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman revealed that Senator Saif-ur-Rehman asked him to sack a number of Jang employees who should be replaced in consultation with the Government. He released to the press audio-tapes of conversation with Saif-ur-Rehman on this issue. Saif-ur-Rehman accused Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman for evading tax and customs duty to the tune of Rs. 2.6 billion.
The hostility of Sharifs towards media is also evident from the fact that in the parliamentary history of Pakistan for the first time a resolution, condemning the media, was tabled (by a group of MPAs belonging to Nawaz League) and passed in the Punjab Assembly.

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

There is probably no institution in Pakistan which Nawaz Sharif did not aggressively confront in order to make them comply with his wishes. Besides picking a fight with the President, the Judiciary and the restricted/limited media of that time, Sharif also decided to have a confrontation with the army, the only viable institution left in Pakistan. Due to his hostile and dumb approach in Nawaz Sharif’s first term as prime minister, he fell out with three successive army chiefs: General Mirza Aslam Beg, General Asif Nawaz and General Abdul Waheed Kakar. During his second tenure, he fell out with two other Generals, General Karamat and later with General Pervez Musharraf. General Karamat became the first Chief of Army Staff in the history of Pakistan to have been prematurely retired!
One by one all challenges and potential obstacles to his dictatorial mindset were removed from his way by Nawaz Sharif. Ghulam Ishaq Khan, Farooq Leghari, Sajjad Ali Shah, and General Jehangir Karamat were all removed from the scene by Nawaz Sharif.
