I can only laugh on you guys, weren't most of you mocking me a few years ago when I used to write on this very forum that this FOUJ will not only being back NS, but will also exonerate him from all his cases, and maybe also facilitates him to be PM for the 4th time. Many here abused, called me Patwari and what not, some said that chapter is closed, some others said people will not accept it and so on. My reply was a simple one, it is only generals and FOUJ which matter in Pakistan, no people, no politicians, no nothing, just FOUJ and its colonial masters matter. Mot of you called me Fifth generation and cow urine drinker and agent and so on, now you all , yourself, are abusing the same FOUJ who used you all as toilet paper in the name of ONE PAGE and flushed you. Today, the people are there, who is not accepting Shareef government, even those who were in PTI are not only accepting it but are leaving PTI to say that present regime is on the right side.
BUT I AM PRETTY SURE, MOST OF YOU STILL HAVEN'T LEARNT THE LESSON. Many will again chant the same slogans, once there is some rift between Noon and FOUJ (and it will be soon), the same Khan saab will again repeat his mistakes like "Bajwa is the most democratic general" and "give him an extension till next elections" and "Umpire ki Ungli" and so on, so forth. Once Khan saab finds some general, who will side him, the whole narrative will change again, the same generals will be "pawatter" and people like me would again become cow urine drinkers and agents etc. Problem with my nation is that they do not follow principles, they are mentally slaves, they are personality and cult followers and this is why they will never change their fate. It is the same PTI, same Khan saab who defended ASIM BAJWA (who ironically was an ASIM and a BAJWA simultaneously) when his corruption was uncovered by the very competent Ahmad Noorani. Instead of asking questions to Bajwa and IK/PTI, the havaldars here started discussing Noorani and Geo etc. This shows that there is no difference between Noon and PTI or PPP etc. Noon also do the same, they do not reply to the question of corruption, they will start mudslinging on the messenger or start telling about Jadoo-Tona etc.