فیصلہ تیرا تیرے ہاتھوں میں ہے، دل یا شکم

Doctor sb

Senator (1k+ posts)
فیصلہ تیرا تیرے ہاتھوں میں ہے، دل یا شکم
چینی انکوائری رپورٹ منظرِعام پرآئی تو مجھے اپنے زیرمطالعہ کتاب ہٹلرکی سوانح حیات کا ایک واقعہ یاد آگیا- صدی قبل کے نازی جرمنی اور موجودہ پاکستانی معاشی مافیا کے کرداروں میں حیرت انگیز مماثلت ہے

سال 1932 میں جب ہٹلر اپنی سیاسی جدوجہد کے عروج پرتھا تو جرمنی کی سیاست انتشار اور گروہی تعصبات کی شکار تھی- ایک طرف دائیں بازو کے انتہاپسند سوشلسٹ اور دوسری جانب نظریاتی کمیونسٹ، بیچ کے معتدل گروپ آٹے میں نمک کے برابر- ہٹلر کی احتجاجی تحریک نے نظامِ زندگی کو مفلوج کر رکھا تھا- بار بار کے انتخابات سے پارلیمنٹ سے عوام کا اعتماد اٹھ چکا تھا- بےروزگاری اور غربت نے الگ ڈیرے ڈال رکھے تھے

ان حالات سے تنگ آکر بڑے سرمایہ داروں اور صنعتکاروں کا ایک 39 رکنی وفد صدر سے ملا اور درخواستگزار ہوا کہ ہٹلر کو چانسلر مقرر کیا جاۓ- یاد رہے کہ جرمنی میں انتظامی امور کا سربراہ وزیراعظم نہیں، چانسلر کہلاتا ہے- امور جہان بانی سے آگاہ یہ عملیت پسند پراعتماد تھے کہ اگر ہٹلر اقتدار میں آگیا تو اس کا سوشلسٹ انقلاب سرمایہ دارانہ نظام کے ہاتھوں کھلونا بن کر رہ جاۓ گا

بعد میں کیا ہوا، یہ تاریخ کا حصہ ہے

سماجی انصاف، معاشی مساوات، اور بدعنوانی کی بیخ کنی کے دعوے سے کپتان اقتدار میں آیا- اقتدار میں آنے سے قبل ہی اس جہاندیدہ شاطر معاشی مافیا نے ستاروں کی گردش بانبھ لی- عمران کو اپنے سرماۓ اور الیکٹبلیٹی کے حصار میں جکڑا- عوام وپارٹی کارکنان خوش کہ اب انقلاب چند کوس دور جبکہ یہ اشرافیہ اپنے محلات میں بیٹھی عوام کا تمسخر اڑا رہی تھی- بقول زباں
کہاں کا انقلاب؟ کون سا انقلاب؟

چینی انکوائری رپورٹ محض کاغذ کا پلندہ نہیں- یہ عمران کے نظریے، ویژن، اور 22 سالہ جدوجہد کا امتحان ہے- اگر آج عمران خان نے ان ناسوروں کو اپنے انجام تک نہ پہنچایا تو قوم کبھی اس معاشی مافیا کے چنگل نہ نکل پاۓ گی- یہ مافیا یوں ہی ہرحکومت کا حصہ بن کرعوام کو لوٹتی کھسوٹتی رہے گی- عمران خان سیاسی مصلحت اور سمجھوتے کی چادر اتر پھینکیں اور قوم کے خون و ماس پر پلنے والی ان چیلوں کو کیفرکردار تک پہنچا دیں

کپتان یا تو مصحلت کرکے عوامی دربار سے راندہ درگاہ ہوجا یا پھر ان غاصبوں کو قرار واقعی سزا دلوا کر امر ہوجا

فیصلہ تیرا تیرے ہاتھوں میں ہے، دل یا شکم
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Ko Ko Korina

Councller (250+ posts)
The crackhead did not even know that his most important advisors were looting the country right under his nose


were getting decisions approved from cabinet meetings chaired by him ? ?

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Punishing him is one aspect. Trying to find out the culprits who attended the Cabinet meeting to allow this gouging needs to be determine. The Buck stop at PM post and more so since he was the part of the group who approved the subsidy . Let see how he weasle out of this situation .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The crackhead did not even know that his most important advisors were looting the country right under his nose


were getting decisions approved from cabinet meetings chaired by him ? ?
Or Maryam key tou koi property na U K May haibor na Pakistan may? ????.

Dalal of Tawaif of Jati Mujrah. CHUTTIYA???

Ko Ko Korina

Councller (250+ posts)
Or Maryam key tou koi property na U K May haibor na Pakistan may? ????.

Dalal of Tawaif of Jati Mujrah. CHUTTIYA???

Beta Maryam ko bhool ja apni kher mana ab.

Stop being naive in thinking that
Wajid Zia works for Imran and Imran released the report himself ?

This is the same Tareen Imran has been protecting since the days when Justice Wajih exposed his corruption in inter party elections some 10 plus years ago !


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Tawaif is 55. By posting her pictures when she was 20 and jerking off on her photos is a bad habit.. Lul.

The lohaars ruled PUNJAB for 40 years, the literally raped it at Will.. And morher EFFING trolls of that Kunt of JATI Mujrah keep defending these cancerous ANTI Pakistan traitors?????..

This is NOT 80s or 90s or 2000s.. 21 first century.. Jackass.

Where is harami bald illiterate son of a Tawaif NAWAZ Bawaseer?..

Leave IK alone. He would piss on this job.. Unfortunately he loves Pakistan..
Mother effer F off. JAHIL Gandowah phatwariya.???


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jo Kuttii k bachy abhi Bhonk rhy hy, kya un k Bhagwan ne kbhi apny Wazir e Khazana, Apny Wazir e Aala k khilaaf koi kariwayee ke ??

kya koi Nooni Kuttaaa mjy is sawal ka jwab de skta hy ???

Ko Ko Korina

Councller (250+ posts)
jo Kuttii k bachy abhi Bhonk rhy hy, kya un k Bhagwan ne kbhi apny Wazir e Khazana, Apny Wazir e Aala k khilaaf koi kariwayee ke ??

kya koi Nooni Kuttaaa mjy is sawal ka jwab de skta hy ???

take it ez bro..............keep your energy save .... u dnt want to waste it during COVID19 outbreak defending some "Fake Messiah"

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
take it ez bro..............keep your energy save .... u dnt want to waste it during COVID19 outbreak defending some "Fake Messiah"
He is Khadim Rizvi brand. Ever since Khadim Rizvi used Mill inside the Prison , he left him alone. He comes now occasionally to bark since GHQ keep him inside the cage for breeding purposes. ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Punishing him is one aspect. Trying to find out the culprits who attended the Cabinet meeting to allow this gouging needs to be determine. The Buck stop at PM post and more so since he was the part of the group who approved the subsidy . Let see how he weasle out of this situation .
Zaidi sahib, subsidy 2014-2020 tak di gayee thi aur receiving end pe shareef family bhi shamil hai. Yani approver bhi khud aur beneficiary bhi khud. Lekin yeh investigation 2020 mai huee.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Zaidi sahib, subsidy 2014-2020 tak di gayee thi aur receiving end pe shareef family bhi shamil hai. Yani approved bhi khud aur beneficiary bhi khud. Lekin yeh investigation 2020 mai huee.
One thing I don't understand that if something wrong was done in previous Government ,why did it continue with new Government and, if it did , then why is this an excuse to absolve the guilty ones. This is no way to justify the wrong which was done .Each Ruler is responsible for its own acts . IK was involved approving the subsidy . There are ample evidences that the subsidy was not needed because the export was not needed and the consequences of exporting Sugar was already made clear. Which end up jump in price later. It was bungled and ultimately IK is responsible. Had JKT and Khusro were not part of the Government, then one could justify the reasoning and rational of this sordid deal. But they are the part of the process and obviously influenced the policy tilted to their benefits .
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
One thing I don't understand that if something wrong was done in previous Government ,why did it continue with new Government and, if it did , then why is this an excuse to absolve the guilty ones. This is no way to justify the wrong which was done .Each Ruler is responsible for its own acts . IK was involved approving the subsidy . There are ample evidences that the subsidy was not needed because the export was not needed and the consequences of exporting Sugar was already made clear. Which end up jump in price later. It was bungle and ultimately IK is responsible. Had JKT and Khusro were not part of the Government, then one could justify the reasoning and rational of this sordid deal. But they are the part of the process and obviously influenced the policy tilted to their benefits .
First, people should appreciate that this kind of investigation has been conducted for the first time in Pakistan when there had been commodities/necessities shortage aplenty previously. Did PPP and PMLN even try to unearth the underlying reason for those shortages? Never! Because the person sitting in the p.m. office was actively involved in all those cases.

Here for the first time the PM is not involved in this and that's the reason why he instructed FIA to conduct a probe that actually found that a sitting Minister of his own cabinet is involved. who ordered the report to be made public? PM of course, then why do you believe this action will be followed by a shocking inaction? The report could have been swept under the carpet to hush up the matter.

Please have patience. No, not the kind of patience you showed in previous shortages, a little less. Every culprit will be apprehended in due time. If not then I will also be criticizing IK in your ranks, but I am sure it won't come to that.
