عمران خان اور جہانگیرترین کے تعلقات اچھے نہیں ہے-شیخ رشید


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
بلو موری کی پھپھی ڈاکو فریال دیوی تالپر والی اورمردار شاہ کنجر چاہتے ہی نہیں کہ بلو کھسری مردوں والی کوئی بات کرے انکو ایک کھسرا ہی سوٹ کرتا ہے اپنی حرام خوریاں اور حرام کاریاں جاری رکھنے کو


Minister (2k+ posts)
Fail hojany k baad ranjeeeda to hona hi tha.....get sumbody capable in there who brings in 200 top brains from around the world to head every State owned enterprise and semi government department. Pay them top salaries no more donations and khairaatis to perform. Fix your exchange rate as the previous govenrmetn HAD done because your policy of exchange rate has brought your economy BELOW bangldesh level. Get sumone capable in NOW. Wadday ae 50 lakh ghar bananey waley LAANTI

Ali Sha

Senator (1k+ posts)
JKT's father was a corrupt police officer. His meteoric rise does exhibit business acumen. But the journey from a bottling unit to multiple sugar mills paint a picture of not only conflict of interest but also wheeling dealing behind the scenes.