تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گیا

staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
دلاور خان وزیربی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، پشاور
آخری وقت اشاعت: منگل 29 مئ 2012
پاکستان اور افغانستان میں آمن کی بحالی کے لیے دونوں ممالک
کے عمائدین سیاسی رہنماء اور سول سوسائٹی کے عہدیدار ایک مرتبہ پھر سرجوڑ کر بیٹھے گئے ہیں ان کا کہنا ہے کہ شدت پسندی کے خاتمہ کے لئے اب عملی اقدامات کی ضرورت ہے۔

شدت پسندی کی روک تھام کے لیے سرحد کے آر پار پختونوں کا ایک دو روزہ قومی جرگہ نشتر حال پشاور میں شروع ہوا ہے جس میں تمام سیاسی پارٹی کے کارکن، قبائلی عمائدین شریک ہیں۔ یہ جرگہ دو دن تک جاری رہے گا۔جرگے میں موجود عمائدین کا کہنا تھا کہ یہ جرگہ امن کی طرف ایک کوشش ہے جودونوں مُلکوں کے مُفاد میں ہے۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ اس سے پہلے بھی افغانستان اور پاکستان میں امن و امان کے حوالے سے کئی جرگے ہوئے ہیں جس کے مُثبت نتائج سامنے آئیں ہیں۔
جرگے کی افتتاحی تقریب سے وزیراعلٰی خیبر پختونخوا امیر حیدر ہوتی نے خطاب کیا جس میں انہوں نے کہا کہ فاٹا میں جب تک اصلاحات نہیں لائی جائیں گی موجود صورتحال برقرار رہے گی۔انہوں نے بتایا کہ قبائل کو ان کا حق حاصل نہیں اور وہ بنیادی سہولت سے محروم ہیں۔ان کا کہنا تھا کہ مسائل کا حل فوجی کارروائی نہیں بلکہ جرگے سے مسائل حل ہوں گے۔
جرگے کے سربراہ افضل خان لالہ نے بتایا کہ جرگہ پختونوں کیے روایات کا ایک اہم حصہ ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ کوئی سیاسی جرگے نہیں بلکہ پختونوں میں اتحاد و اتفاق اور امن قائم کرنا ہے۔ افضل خان لالہ کے مطابق تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گیا اب ان کے خیال میں جرگے کے علاوہ ان کا کوئی حل نہیں ہے۔ ان کا کہنا کہ دُنیا میں افغان قوم کے ساتھ بُہت بڑا ظُلم ہوا ہے۔ سیاست باہر کی دُنیا کی تھی اور دنگل افعانستان کی سرزمین پر لڑا گیا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ افغان سرزمین پر مزید خون بہائے جانے کی رُوک تھام کے لیے یہی جرگہ ایک کوشش ہے۔
افغانستان کے صوبہ فریاب سے تعلق رکھنے والے اسداللہ حماد افتر نے بتایا کہ یہ جرگہ تمام دُنیا کے سامنے ایک مُثبت تصویر پیش کرےگا۔ انہوں نے بتایا کہ پختون جہاں بھی ہوں وہ ایک وجود کی مانند ہیں۔ ان کا کہنا تھا پاکستان کے پختون اور افغانستان کے پختون تمام دُنیا کے قوتوں کے سامنے کھڑے ہوکر ایک ساتھ لڑیں گے۔ انہوں نے بتایا کہ اگر اس طرح بار بار قومی جرگوں کا احتمام ہوتا رہا تو وہ دن دور نہیں کہ علاقے میں امن قائم نہ ہو۔
واضح رہے کہ اس پہلے بھی افغانستان اور پاکستان میں امن و امان کے حوالے کئی بار جرگے ہوچکے ہیں لیکن اس کی خاطر خواہ نتائج برآمد نہیں ہوسکے۔



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#1575

The biggest mistake by pakhtoons of Pakistan was that they did not openly went against the Naapak army, they should have said that they would break away from Pakistan if army does not stop the brutal massacre of muslims of tribal areas and Muhajireen. Those aman lashkars army made from tribal areas were of no use and the only thing army wanted was to reduce its own casualities by keeping the aman lashkars ahead. If tribes had stood up strongly against army, we would not have seen the massacre of 30,000 muslim pashtoons.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

The biggest mistake by pakhtoons of Pakistan was that they did not openly went against the Naapak army, they should have said that they would break away from Pakistan if army does not stop the brutal massacre of muslims of tribal areas and Muhajireen. Those aman lashkars army made from tribal areas were of no use and the only thing army wanted was to reduce its own casualities by keeping the aman lashkars ahead. If tribes had stood up strongly against army, we would not have seen the massacre of 30,000 muslim pashtoons.

What muslim pushtoon u are supporting taliban..the most criminal and dirty species in the world they killed innocient people in suicide, beheaded them destroy school colleges...I am from Swat I personally see their bruituality. They need to be crushed they need to be destroyed what ever it cost us we need to destroy them we are fully supporting or beloved army who bring peace in my sweet swat we have no more Taliban they all need to be killed we dont want to see these dirty species in our land they are not human they are just dirty species.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

UkPakistani's reply to MuslimPak

Please do enlighten us how you will make this happen ?

You live in Sweden, one of the most "advanced" and "liberal" societies in the world,

which pioneered concepts like children without marriage, sex without marriage, gay relationships which have legal standing,

the rights of illigitimate children, all sorts of things which are anti Islam,

including adultry homosexuality, lesbianism and legalised pornography and prostitution

yet you live there abiding by its laws, and then you wish to preach Islam to those who live in an Islamic Country

and that is YOUR version of Islam,tell me when was the last time you spent any meaningful length of time living in an Islamic Country

You could not, because you miss your Krona too much


The biggest mistake by pakhtoons of Pakistan was that they did not openly went against the Naapak army, they should have said that they would break away from Pakistan if army does not stop the brutal massacre of muslims of tribal areas and Muhajireen. Those aman lashkars army made from tribal areas were of no use and the only thing army wanted was to reduce its own casualities by keeping the aman lashkars ahead. If tribes had stood up strongly against army, we would not have seen the massacre of 30,000 muslim pashtoons.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

you r from swat and u hate sharia law does not mean that army is right and u r right. It is the difference between momins and ********** that ********** hate the law of allah. InshaAllah this army will face the wrath of Allah and it will be brought to justice, because the Deen of Allah does not need anyone's help and sharia does not need your support.

What muslim pushtoon u are supporting taliban..the most criminal and dirty species in the world they killed innocient people in suicide, beheaded them destroy school colleges...I am from Swat I personally see their bruituality. They need to be crushed they need to be destroyed what ever it cost us we need to destroy them we are fully supporting or beloved army who bring peace in my sweet swat we have no more Taliban they all need to be killed we dont want to see these dirty species in our land they are not human they are just dirty species.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

InshaAllah uzbek mujahideen will massacre this Naapak army once again like they did in janobi wzirastan. I still remember how the whole army and ISPR was shaking in fear of Uzbek JundaAllah fighters (who had united with Hakimullah Mehsud) when going into Wana and its surrounding areas. This army has lost the war whether u like it or not. Its done and dusted.

What muslim pushtoon u are supporting taliban..the most criminal and dirty species in the world they killed innocient people in suicide, beheaded them destroy school colleges...I am from Swat I personally see their bruituality. They need to be crushed they need to be destroyed what ever it cost us we need to destroy them we are fully supporting or beloved army who bring peace in my sweet swat we have no more Taliban they all need to be killed we dont want to see these dirty species in our land they are not human they are just dirty species.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

you r from swat and u hate sharia law does not mean that army is right and u r right. It is the difference between momins and ********** that ********** hate the law of allah. InshaAllah this army will face the wrath of Allah and it will be brought to justice, because the Deen of Allah does not need anyone's help and sharia does not need your support.

What sharia you are talking about...if this is sharia to kill suicide bombing over innocent people. if this is sharia to beheaded people...if this is sharia to destroy school colleges hospital if this is sharia to impose with bruituality if this is sharia then i will prefer not to be muslim like this...i will prefer not to be so called momin like this they are just dirty species they are not fighting for sharia they are just criminals in the name of sharia....


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

Well that is ur choice, and actually i knew it all along even without u saying it so clearly. You just said (Nauzubillah) the law of Allah as a criminal law. Sometimes i wonder musharraf plan really worked on masses in Pakistan.

What sharia you are talking about...if this is sharia to kill suicide bombing over innocent people. if this is sharia to beheaded people...if this is sharia to destroy school colleges hospital if this is sharia to impose with bruituality if this is sharia then i will prefer not to be muslim like this...i will prefer not to be so called momin like this they are just dirty species they are not fighting for sharia they are just criminals in the name of sharia....


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

Well that is ur choice, and actually i knew it all along even without u saying it so clearly. You just said (Nauzubillah) the law of Allah as a criminal law. Sometimes i wonder musharraf plan really worked on masses in Pakistan.

I am not talking about the ALLAH law I am talking about taliban so called sharia law. Our prophet pbuh clearly told us that aik be gunah musalman ka khun puri insaniat ka katal hai and what taliban doing just killing innocient people in the name of their so called shariat. Our Islam is religion of peace not religion of killing and what taliban showing is just killing they are just killer and criminals


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

Who told u this ? When was the time taliban accepted the responsibility for killing muslims?
Even many times, after a dhamaka, taliban were issuing denials but the dajjali media of pakistan was continuously blaming taliban for attacks just like shaitan malik saying " es dhamake ka link wazirastan se ja kar milta hai after a few mins of dhamaka" , u r too naive to think that this army, media is in anyway your friend, well it is ur friend if u hate islam otherwise it is ur enemy. When u state facts then give proofs, when i accuse this murtad army, i talk with proofs and time will tell how long this naapak army can stay in swat and tribal areas. It has to return someday and it will whether u like it or not. Wallah this war is not between army and taliban, it is actually between ********** and momineen.

I am not talking about the ALLAH law I am talking about taliban so called sharia law. Our prophet pbuh clearly told us that aik be gunah musalman ka khun puri insaniat ka katal hai and what taliban doing just killing innocient people in the name of their so called shariat. Our Islam is religion of peace not religion of killing and what taliban showing is just killing they are just killer and criminals


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

I am too tired and sleepy now to again repeat the same old story and discussion i have done on many threads here, so reply to my above comment and i will InshaAllah reply tomorrow.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#1575

The biggest mistake by pakhtoons of Pakistan was that they did not openly went against the Naapak army, they should have said that they would break away from Pakistan if army does not stop the brutal massacre of muslims of tribal areas and Muhajireen. Those aman lashkars army made from tribal areas were of no use and the only thing army wanted was to reduce its own casualities by keeping the aman lashkars ahead. If tribes had stood up strongly against army, we would not have seen the massacre of 30,000 muslim pashtoons.
You are getting emotional here. The biggest mistake was that they trusted Army blindly till the very end. No Jihad in whole Islamic history happened like this where a group of people in a state are fighting a war and state itself denies to be part of the same war. Their downfall was obvious as day. Yes aman lashkars were used for dirty job army did not want to do, please note here that army pampered aman lashkar the same way they pampered taliban earlier. They also tried the same thing on Swat. Breaking away from Pakistan is nonsense, they would have turned the whole country against them and ensured a full fledged war with USA.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

Who told u this ? When was the time taliban accepted the responsibility for killing muslims?
Even many times, after a dhamaka, taliban were issuing denials but the dajjali media of pakistan was continuously blaming taliban for attacks just like shaitan malik saying " es dhamake ka link wazirastan se ja kar milta hai after a few mins of dhamaka" , u r too naive to think that this army, media is in anyway your friend, well it is ur friend if u hate islam otherwise it is ur enemy. When u state facts then give proofs, when i accuse this murtad army, i talk with proofs and time will tell how long this naapak army can stay in swat and tribal areas. It has to return someday and it will whether u like it or not. Wallah this war is not between army and taliban, it is actually between ********** and momineen.

I practically see them in swat, I was their when they arise in swat and what they did i was their and how they was doing....they will never come back to swat Inshallah we people will now fight against them they are just criminal and they are just sons of hassan bin sabah jiss ney apni jannat banai aur apney fidain banayey aur jannat key lalach mein kitney log katal kar deyey history mein jao in so called taliban or Hassan bin sabah mein keya faraq hai zara yeh to batana


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

Again you did not give any facts, please be specific and tell me what you did not like and why and how it was against sharia and i am not saying they were perfect but atleast they tried. So please explain a bit

I practically see them in swat, I was their when they arise in swat and what they did i was their and how they was doing....they will never come back to swat Inshallah we people will now fight against them they are just criminal and they are just sons of hassan bin sabah jiss ney apni jannat banai aur apney fidain banayey aur jannat key lalach mein kitney log katal kar deyey history mein jao in so called taliban or Hassan bin sabah mein keya faraq hai zara yeh to batana


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#1575

I am not surprised when ppl take out a single thing about taliban and start criticizing them but never mention many other things which they did right. It shows the real inclination of today's so called muslims.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#

you do not know a single thing, go read history of four imams and see their fatawa on qital and then come back and tell me if taliban in swat were right or wrong. I sincrely pray now day and night that this nation of fake muslims of pakistan get destroyed, seriously i have never seen muslims anywhere in this world who hate islam like pakistanis do.

You are getting emotional here. The biggest mistake was that they trusted Army blindly till the very end. No Jihad in whole Islamic history happened like this where a group of people in a state are fighting a war and state itself denies to be part of the same war. Their downfall was obvious as day. Yes aman lashkars were used for dirty job army did not want to do, please note here that army pampered aman lashkar the same way they pampered taliban earlier. They also tried the same thing on Swat. Breaking away from Pakistan is nonsense, they would have turned the whole country against them and ensured a full fledged war with USA.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: تیس ہزار سے زیادہ پختونوں کا خون بہایا گی&#1575

Jahan nafrat ho ga wahan fasad ho ga. Islam nifaq o nafrat ka nahi muhabat aur aman ka deen hay. Jis insan may reham na ho wo janwar hay. Aur ye Islam ko jo jabar o tashadod say impose karnay ki baten kartay hen gomrah hen. La iqrah fid din. Allah chahtay tu tamam bani noh insan ko eek din per paida farmata. In ko keh do k konwen say nikal kar samander may aa jayen.
