آرمی چیف کی لیگی رہنما دانیال عزیز کی عیادت، قوم کا اثاثہ قراردےدیا


آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ نے راولپنڈی کے سی ایم ایچ ہسپتال میں زیر علاج ن لیگی رہنما دانیال عزیز کی عیادت کی اور ان کی جلد صحتیابی کی دعا کی ہے۔

خبررساں ادارے روزنامہ 92 کی رپورٹ کے مطابق کے مطابق آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ نے دانیال عزیز کی عیادت کیلئے سی ایم ایچ راولپنڈی کے سرجیکل وارڈ کا دورہ کیا اور دانیال عزیز کی اہلیہ رکن قومی اسمبلی مہناز اکبر عزیز اور بیٹے میکال عزیز سے گفتگو بھی کی۔

اس موقع پر آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ نے کہا کہ دانیال عزیز ہماری قوم کا اثاثہ ہیں، معاشی صورتحال پر ان کی بہت گہری نظر ہوتی ہے ، قوم کو اس سے استفادہ حاصل کرنا چاہیے۔

آرمی چیف نے سی ایم ایچ کے ڈاکٹرو ں کو ہدایات دیں کہ دانیال عزیز کے علاج میں کوئی کسر نہ چھوڑی جائے، ہمارے ڈاکٹر پاک فوج کا اثاثہ ہیں ہمیں ان پر فخر ہے۔

آرمی چیف کو دانیال عزیز کی طبیعت کے حوالے سے آگاہ کرتے ہوئے مہناز اکبرعزیز نے کہا کہ سی ایم ایچ میں ان کا بہترین علاج ہورہا ہے اب ان کی حالت خطرے سے باہر ہے لوگوں کی دعاؤں سے دانیال عزیز کو نئی زندگی ملی ہے۔
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Bajwa pretend to be confident but he is not..I don't think Bajwa feeling secure even sitting in Army save places..
USA ki hilla sheri is ko nahi bacha sakti..
Yes..it's true.. He dragging Pakistan in bloodshed..But Million $$ question is that..is whole Army will seeing him to destroy Pakistan??
We should prepare ourselves for worst to come in next two months.I think USA also giving green signal to Bajwa to impose emergency if needed to complete USA goals..


Voter (50+ posts)

آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ نے راولپنڈی کے سی ایم ایچ ہسپتال میں زیر علاج ن لیگی رہنما دانیال عزیز کی عیادت کی اور ان کی جلد صحتیابی کی دعا کی ہے۔

خبررساں ادارے روزنامہ 92 کی رپورٹ کے مطابق کے مطابق آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ نے دانیال عزیز کی عیادت کیلئے سی ایم ایچ راولپنڈی کے سرجیکل وارڈ کا دورہ کیا اور دانیال عزیز کی اہلیہ رکن قومی اسمبلی مہناز اکبر عزیز اور بیٹے میکال عزیز سے گفتگو بھی کی۔

اس موقع پر آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ نے کہا کہ دانیال عزیز ہماری قوم کا اثاثہ ہیں، معاشی صورتحال پر ان کی بہت گہری نظر ہوتی ہے ، قوم کو اس سے استفادہ حاصل کرنا چاہیے۔

آرمی چیف نے سی ایم ایچ کے ڈاکٹرو ں کو ہدایات دیں کہ دانیال عزیز کے علاج میں کوئی کسر نہ چھوڑی جائے، ہمارے ڈاکٹر پاک فوج کا اثاثہ ہیں ہمیں ان پر فخر ہے۔

آرمی چیف کو دانیال عزیز کی طبیعت کے حوالے سے آگاہ کرتے ہوئے مہناز اکبرعزیز نے کہا کہ سی ایم ایچ میں ان کا بہترین علاج ہورہا ہے اب ان کی حالت خطرے سے باہر ہے لوگوں کی دعاؤں سے دانیال عزیز کو نئی زندگی ملی ہے۔
A Yahudi agent visited the son of a Yahudi woman. Why visit him now when this son of Jew seem to have no visible function in the current setup? to convey his loyalty to the real masters.


Councller (250+ posts)
Bajwa is fully aware that the people of Pakistan are mostly indifferent and incapable of any resistance. The people make a nation and this nation is doomed. I don’t see any meaningful and serious discussion on any platform. Third rate comedians are sitting on the talk shows. If there is not a ruthless effort to clean the system and destroy the political mafias, Pakistan is going to implode.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Everyone knows this. You are not the only one to observe this.
The only fear is that he might also do something like APS in order to prolong his stay in "Mulk ke Wasey-Tar Mafad main".
I listened to Adil RAJA, ex serviceman... he is of the opinion that Bajwa is all set to get another extension, and then go for President of Pak post. He cares less and we are in an undeclared martial law.


Senator (1k+ posts)
To my friend the general.

My dear friend.
We have served together long. For even longer have we nourished a friendship. Yet in the very recent past something has transpired which has put you at a distance from me. You appear a little unfamiliar to me. It seems your heart no longer beats with mine or with that of an ordinary Pakistani.
You seem not to open out to me any more. You seem hesitant and uneasy. Is this because you are a General and our paths have diverged because of what the generals have recently done to our hapless counrty?
That instead of defending us, as you stand pledged to do, you have quite literally sold us and the future of our kids to the blackest of crime syndicates......is this why you shrink from me? Because I trusted your word, but instead of protecting me, you have victimized me, and so you cannot look me in the eye?

Why is it that having served so long together we think so entirely differently now? Is this because the unvirtuous toil to attain the lofty rank of general ends up draining honesty and courage out of the climber, because this climb is done by keeping heads bowed?

And why are you boys trying to muddle and confuse us by trying to sell us “ interference” instead of the “conspiracy” it so clearly was that overthrew the IK govt? Is this because you boys can be so clearly identified as the movers and shakers of this conspiracy that you want to make your role appear opaque?

Try as you might, but you cannot succeed because almost every day something transpires to prove the fact of a conspiracy and all your smart moves only appear the more idiotic…..you guys are increasingly appearing like the three stooges, but of course your number is larger.
Just examine the following and see if this chain of events is a clear proof of conspiracy or not.
- Russia is put under very harsh and wide ranging sanctions.
- As a result most states pull back from trade with Russia.
- India is firmly in the U.S. camp, but because of a 30 percent discounted price, it begins buying oil from Russia. And not only that, but it buys more than it needs, refines the qty it does not require, and exports it to EU. And so it earns a buck on the side as well.
- Pakistan was gradually pulling itself out of bankruptcy. On every economic index it was showing improvement. And when it had successfully negotiated a 30 percent price discount for both wheat and oil from Russia, the govt was brought down.
-This sent every economic index plunging.
- To survive, it badly needs discounted oil and wheat from Russia. But the US won’t allow us to trade with Russia. And because we have surrendered our sovereignty, we dare not look in that direction. Prices of all items have spiraled out of reach of fifty percent of the population. Increasingly it seems, survival will lie in suicide. The country will be shaken to its foundations. Instability will bring chaos anarchy cordite fumes and fire to this land of hunger injustice and misery. The country will begin a long series of defaults, and will be declared a failed state. This will make it legitimate for us to be declared a failed state. And this will allow them to divest us of our nuclear assets.
Ordinarily our army would have leapt to our defense. It still would like to, but the problem is that the “cream” of our generals have thrown their lot with the enemy.
Do you perhaps see a conspiracy behind all this, or must your DGISPR still insist on calling it an “interference”?
Those who were customarily given to talking of honour as an alibi, have taken dishonor to a depth not known before. And because they all know, that we all know, they see the gallows looming in the distance and so just can’t let go.
For the sake of their skins they have decided to sacrifice the country that Jinnah salvaged from a burning India.
And they have sold us for money! And this is the money that Zardari and the Sharifs stole from us!
O what irony! What “interference”!
So General, my friend of yesteryears, how much did you get for the sellout? Will this be enough for you, the Begum sahiba, and little bubboo and sweetie?
And where pray are you planning to settle, just in case, for once, the people prevail?
Yours in heartbreak and dilapidation.
Tariq the Sold.
19nth June, 2022.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
when Rangers (part of the army) fired shells on parents and little kids, most of the Pakistani nation has gone into depression.