
  1. Wadaich

    US funding for Pakistani Journalists Raises Questions of Transparency- Christian Science Monitor

    US State Department funding, supplied through a nonprofit intermediary, supports the presence of two Pakistani journalists in Washington. Some observers say the relationship should be more transparent. Two Pakistani journalists filing reports home from Washington are quietly drawing their...
  2. Geek

    corruption touching Rs3 trillion in Pakistan - Transparency International

  3. A

    Pakistan Becomes the 34th Most Corrupt Country! (Thank you Zardari?)

    Afghanistan #3 and Iraq #4 most corrupt country. Pakistan jumps to 34th from 45th since Zardari took over (clap) No matter what we say or do, no matter how big and organize our media and judiciary is, nothing is making a difference. No matter how aware the people of Pakistan are...these...
  4. DashingPun

    Pakistan is Leading Corruption Race All over the World

    Another Medal For Pakistan,Transparency International is going to publish his annual report on Pakistani corruption on Tuesday,Pakistan is way ahead in corruption and has left behind most of countries:(
  5. Waseem

    Pakistani govts corruption reaches at Rs223bn: Transparency International

    According to a recent survey of Transparency International Pakistan, 70 percent Pakistanis consider the past Federal government to be cleaner than present government. Present government’s corruption has reached at Rs 223 billion. According to survey, if we look at the results from provinces...
