
  1. A

    Does this national song ring bells?

  2. biomat

    8/6/2011 -- must see ! HAARP ring and Scalar Square edge CAUGHT ON VIDEO

  3. Rathore

    Why wedding ring is worn on fourth finger.

  4. biomat

    Iran claims to break CIA spy ring, arrests 30

    By wmw_admin on May 22, 2011 Borzou Daragahi Los Angeles Times May 22, 2011 Iran declared Saturday that it had uncovered and dismantled what it called a U.S. espionage and sabotage network and arrested 30 people allegedly spying for the CIA. Tehran claimed that it also had...
  5. Geek

    Indian link to Abbottabad ring

    Paris: After France confirmed that an Indian was among the six people arrested in Paris earlier this month on suspicion of terror links, it has now emerged that the arrested Indian, Mohammad Niaz, had sent two French nationals to Pakistan for terror training. These two Frenchmen were arrested...