
  1. A

    Paradise or Hell, by Anwar al Awlaaqi

    Paradise or Hell, by Anwar al Awlaaqi
  2. A

    dreaming to conquer karachi lives in fool paradise

    Few guys are dreaming to conquer karachi after so called operation,start looting & collecting maal-e-ghanimaat,possibly few are hiring trucks & suzuki pick up, i heard munnawar hasan started recruiting ALSHAMS & ALBADAR RAZAKARS, But let me assure it will never happen in current geography pak...
  3. L

    Birds of Paradise (A wonderful Documentary)

  4. L

    Kashmir: A wounded paradise

    Kashmir: A wounded paradise/South Asia's Palestine Indian and Pakistani narratives on Kashmir have been honed over decades, but why is the issue so crucial to both states? Is Kashmir the Palestine of south Asia? [GALLO/GETTY] It was a cold, wet day in October 2008 when I ended a...
  5. B

    WORD FOR WORD: Three Sanskrit words in the Quran[merely to discuss paradise] Khaled Ahmed According to Syed Suleiman Nadwi, the Quran itself bears witness to the natural wealth of India by using three Sanskrit words only when it was describing Paradise. His other purpose was to prove that India was perceived by the...
  6. Awaaz

    Awaaz with Kamran Shahid - 22nd May 2011 - Waseem Akhtar & Munawar Hassan - Has Pakistan Become a Pa

  7. canadian

    The Pleasures Of Paradise !!

    The Pleasures of Paradise The reality of Paradise is something which people will never be able to understand until they actually enter it, but God has shown us glimpses of it in the Quran. He has described it as a place essentially different to the life of this world, both in the very nature...
