
  1. onlykami

    Afghanistan comprehensive military operations statistics for the month of July

    AGGRESSORS LOSSES OF MEN AND MATERIAL Killed Fatal injured Injured Vehicles Aircraft Facilities US 485 109 287 159 4 3 NATO 95 6 56 69 - - ISAF 19 3 10 9 - - US-led 58 14 18 42 - - France 27 1 9 2 - - Australia - - - - - - British 5 - - - - - Total 689 133 380 281 4 3 For more details...
  2. A

    USA Might Cut Resoruces for Pentagon Operations

    USA Might Cut Resources for Pentagon Operations (clap) -DR. ABDUL RUFF --------------- The Obama regime is trying to reduce the US budget allocation for military that essentially spend huge resources on all illegal terror operations. US politicians keep taking a good portion of amount spent...
  3. canadian

    CIA shifts drone operations to Afghan bases !!!

    CIA shifts drone operations to Afghan bases By MAQBOOL MALIK Submitted 20 hrs 57 mins ago ISLAMABAD - The US central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has diversified sources for drone operations on Pak-Afghan border after Pakistans growing anger and reluctance to allow use of its Shamsi Air Base for...
  4. Night_Hawk

    Surgical tools used in NHS operations 'substandard'

    Greed can lead to a total disaster for Surgical Instrument Industry in Pakistan Surgical tools used in NHS operations 'substandard' Microscopic shards of steel can puncture surgical gloves or become dislodged inside...
  5. biomat

    Psychological Operations

  6. biomat

    Covert Blackwater Operations in Afghanistan & Pakistan

    Posted Mar 11, 2010 Research & Unplug!..PyramidsNoon.com..Blackwater is just 1 of HUNDREDS of private contracting mercenaries being used to OCCUPY and INVADE nations around the globe..look for BO to want to invade Pakistan in next couple of years and this will bring about Iran's chess move...
  7. littlemaster

    False flag operations interesting details and current situation.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUNEjBsatvI&feature=related WHY TTP IS NOT THREAT TO BLACK/XE TERRORIST .WHY JUST COMON PEOPLE OF PAK? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shMCrTxG9O4&feature=related
  8. karachiwala

    India still a world away from surgical special operations

    Josey Joseph. Most special operations undertaken by India have been disastrous, and it still does not have capabilities to execute the kind of operation that the US did in Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden, experts said. Several experts in Special Forces said a complete lack of political...
  9. sherazopel

    Major General Mills updates Afghanistan and Pakistan operations 04/27/2011

    Major General Mills updates Afghanistan and Pakistan operations "Comment please" Richard Mills, former Commander, Regional Command (Southwest) and 1st Marine Expeditionary Force Forward and Dereck Hogan, Senior Advisor to the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan give an...
  10. M_Adnan.L

    CIA Halts operations in Pakistan!

  11. 1-Man-Army

    Imran Khan on CNN: Explains why Pakistan wants the U.S. to curtail CIA operations in Pakistan

  12. Geek

    CIA-ISI joint operations stand frozen

    ISLAMABAD: Joint US-Pakistan intelligence operations have been halted since late January, a senior Pakistani intelligence officer said, reflecting strain in a relationship seen as crucial to combating militants and the war in Afghanistan. Uneasy US-Pakistani ties have become even more tense...
