
  1. Muslimonly

    Recovered Ballet Papers were dummy & for Voter Eduation: Police

    Jamaat-e-Islami Lower Dir Stance دیر میں ووٹرز کو خصوصا خواتین ووٹرز جنھوں نے پہلے کبھی ووٹ نہیں ڈالا ، کی تربیت کے لیے ڈمی بیلٹ پیپر چھپوائے تھے .یہ بیلٹ پیپر عام پرنٹنگ پریس سے سادہ اخباری کاغذ پر بلیک کلر میں چھپوایا گیا تھا اور یہ امیدوار ووٹرز کو سمجھانے کے لیے چھپواتے ہیں۔...
  2. ealtaf

    Developers of Islamic Center Lower Manhattan Try a New Strategy

    Robert Caplin for The New York Times Sharif El-Gamal, a developer, plans to expand Park51, a Muslim community center that is two blocks from ground zero. By ANNE BARNARDPublished: August 1, 2011 A year after controversy engulfed plans to build a Muslim community center and mosque in Lower...
  3. sarmad

    WIKILEAKS: U.S. Fought To Lower Minimum Wage In Haiti So Hanes And Levis Would Stay Cheap

    A Wikileaks post published on The Nation shows that the Obama Administration fought to keep Haitian wages at 31 cents an hour. (This article was taken down by The Nation due to an embargo, but it was excerpted at Columbia Journalism Review.) It started when Haiti passed a law two years ago...
  4. Rana Tahir Mahmood

    Study links lower education to faster ageing - Yahoo News

    Study links lower education to faster ageing May 11, 2011 at 03:00 Views (63) | | 2 | | | ShareShare retweet Like By Reuters LONDON, May 11 (Reuters Life!) - People who leave education with fewer qualifications are prone to age more quickly, scientists said on Wednesday...
