
  1. MileStone

    Song - I Kissed a Girl - What music is doing to our kids

    Rock n Roll today is surely under the influence of Shaitan and most of the music produced nowadays is spreading the message that, do whatever you desire and do not worry about the morals and values. All these musicians have sold their souls to devil and serving the shaitaan and misleading our...
  2. QaiserMirza

    We 'Kissed' Each Other : Benazir Bhutto Lover (Bubbly)

    We 'Kissed' Each Other : Benazir Bhutto Lover (Bubbly) Benazir loved suits, skirts, saris, gowns and jeans. Seeing Benazir in a skirt reminded me of her times at Oxford, Surrey, Dubai and all those times when we spent together, says Stephen Bubb, CEO of ACEVO recalling his times...