
  1. ب

    Edward Snowden on what governments do to their ppl.

    Pls watch the video & listen to what this Champion of a guy says. He took the bullet for his country while standing up to the most powerful government of the world. It’s not the government who has to control its ppl but ppl have to control the government. Blind support for governments from...
  2. A

    Defusing the Population Explosion

    It is the view of the author that the problems facing Pakistan while seemingly complex and enormous are actually simpler then they seem. What we have been looking at are the symptoms, what we need to focus on are the root causes and work on them so as to bring in the change required to set the...
  3. M

    Five reasons why boards fail.

    When running an organization, it is important to have a board of directors who work well together. Making the right decisions at the board level and knowing what to do is called good corporate governance. This ensures that the company and everyone involved are making the right choices in best...
  4. A

    PM Nawaz: politically sound, administratively flawed - (News Analysis by Ansar Abbasi)

    ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and other key politicians are though trying to serve the democracy through their consensus political decisions, they seriously lack any such unison towards institution building or addressing the problems facing the people. Prime minister’s recent surprise...
  5. ahmadalikhan

    Perfect Governance System and The Constitution for Pakistan

    Recently i came across a poll on this forum "What Model should Pakistan follow" without the option of khilafat-e-Rashida. I want to explain certain points. Moderators Plz dont merge it to that thread, so that more people can read this. Plz consider these important points. 1- Western democracy...
  6. canadian

    Khadam-e-Aala Ke Good Governance - Mubarak ho !!!

    > An interesting news to the people of Lahore in particular and People > of Punjab in general. > KHADIM E ALA PUNJAB Janab Haji Mian SHAHBAZ SHARIF in order to > solve his own problems is pleased to appoint most highly educated > person of PUNJAB ( B.A PASS) MR LAIQUAT DURRANI his own SALA > i.e...
  7. Aaj Ki Baat

    Aaj Ki Baat - 12th March 2011 - Sharjeel memon - Political Differences Lead To Instbalitiy & Bad Gov

  8. opinion_786

    Benevolent and Visionary Sir Musharraf - Pakistan Flourished under his Policies - acceptance evolvin

    In the 8 years of President Musharraf's rule - Pakistan witnessed growth, prosperity, progress, infrastructure development, education evolution, military fortification and saw course of action to unite the Muslim Ummah. Pakistan was moving fast towards infinite development and grooming a system...
