
  1. L

    David Petraeus sworn in as new CIA chief

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (R) swears-in David Petraeus as the new CIA Director, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington September 6, 2011. Petraeus replaces Leon Panetta who is the new Secretary of Defense. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Newly retired General David Petraeus was...
  2. A

    Kashmir is a money game: David Mulford

    SRINAGAR: David Mulford, who was American Ambassador to India, cabled the US State Department in February 2006, "Kashmir politics is as filthy as Dal Lake". Scores of cables of whistleblower website WikiLeaks has several instances explaining the vested interest of 'stakeholders' in keeping the...
  3. J

    David Petraeus CIA...third war in karachi......( MUST MUST MUST READ )

  4. Kharian Kharian

    What is Common Between David Cameron and Gordon Brown

  5. Kharian Kharian

    David Cameron Learning While Earning British Prime Ministerial

  6. L

    General David Petraeus warns of deteriorating US-Pakistan relations

    US General David Petraeus admitted on Wednesday there was no option but to work on troubled relations with Pakistan, days after standing down from his job at the helm of coalition forces in Afghanistan. "This relationship is in a difficult stage," Petraeus said, blaming WikiLeaks revelations...
  7. karachiwala

    David Headley case - interseting twists

  8. karachiwala

    David Headley Indian Agent??

  9. IndiaGuy

    Chicago Trial - David Headley Case - [Updates]

    CHICAGO/WASHINGTON: Hatred of India arising from Pakistan's defeat in the 1971 war drove him to the terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba, David Coleman Headley, the Pakistani expatriate who involved in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack told a Chicago court on Monday while implicating Pakistan's spy agency...
  10. Geek

    David Cameron: Britain caused many of the world's problems

    Britain is responsible for many of the worlds historic problems, including the conflict in Kashmir between India and Pakistan, David Cameron has said. The Prime Minister appeared to distance himself from the imperial past when he suggested that Britain was to blame for decades of tension and...
  11. News Watch

    News Watch - 5th April 2011 - David Cameron's Visit of Pakistan, Situation of Karachi & Politic als

  12. Islamabad Tonight

    Islamabad Tonight - 5th April 2011 - Khuram Dastgeer & Abdul Qadir Patail - Visit Of David Cameron I

  13. Abdali

    David Horowitz's Displays His Hatred Of Palestinians And Muslims In General.

    Zionist hateful pig. Barking dogs of xion have the the US by the balls and they will lead this unfortunate land to the cataclysm as surely as the Jews did Germany before us. To listen to this vicious brute berate and insult the people of Palestine stuffed as that land is with the thieving...
