Quran is not a textbook of science.


MPA (400+ posts)
The basic of Islamic nationality is religious and not ethnic, linguistic or regional. The fundamental difference in the scriptures of Christianity and Islam is the fact that Christianity does not have a text, which is both revealed and written down. Islam has the Quran, which meets both descriptions and was written down immediately when revealed to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) by Archangel Gabriel and also memorized and recited by the faithful especially in the month of Ramadan.

On the other hand, the fact of the matter is that the Bible is not a word as we know it of Allah but written by many men long after the death of Jesus Christ. There is not a single historical proof that Christ wrote it and it is precisely the reason that it is twisted and turned around by the secular world to make it look small and is daringly publish every year with many amendments. On the other hand, the Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) 1400 years ago is not a textbook of science, it is, however, a highly scientific book and makes numerous references to natural phenomena including movements of heavenly bodies, the behaviour of different creatures and is backed by modern science that has astounded many modern scientists.

Another point, I would like to make is that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was a man of open mind and never objected to changes which were prompted by social and circumstantial changes. Islam adapts itself to changing time but the original spirit of Islamic injunctions remained unaffected. Islam encourages intellectual development and creative thinking and not restricting it within its four walls of your house.

But the religion (Deen) and law (Shariah) are the two components of Islam: Out of which Deen is absolute and unchangeable as it has to be followed in entirety but in the case of Shariah, it can adjust itself to changing times and circumstances. Hence Shariah is flexible while the Deen is inflexible. Finally, I would like to say to my critics that I am no wiser than they are but believe in telling the Truth as I see fit because the Truth will always prevail and falsehood perish because it has no legs to stand.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The basic of Islamic nationality is religious and not ethnic, linguistic or regional. The fundamental difference in the scriptures of Christianity and Islam is the fact that Christianity does not have a text, which is both revealed and written down. Islam has the Quran, which meets both descriptions and was written down immediately when revealed to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) by Archangel Gabriel and also memorized and recited by the faithful especially in the month of Ramadan.

On the other hand, the fact of the matter is that the Bible is not a word as we know it of Allah but written by many men long after the death of Jesus Christ. There is not a single historical proof that Christ wrote it and it is precisely the reason that it is twisted and turned around by the secular world to make it look small and is daringly publish every year with many amendments. On the other hand, the Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) 1400 years ago is not a textbook of science, it is, however, a highly scientific book and makes numerous references to natural phenomena including movements of heavenly bodies, the behaviour of different creatures and is backed by modern science that has astounded many modern scientists.

Another point, I would like to make is that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was a man of open mind and never objected to changes which were prompted by social and circumstantial changes. Islam adapts itself to changing time but the original spirit of Islamic injunctions remained unaffected. Islam encourages intellectual development and creative thinking and not restricting it within its four walls of your house.

But the religion (Deen) and law (Shariah) are the two components of Islam: Out of which Deen is absolute and unchangeable as it has to be followed in entirety but in the case of Shariah, it can adjust itself to changing times and circumstances. Hence Shariah is flexible while the Deen is inflexible. Finally, I would like to say to my critics that I am no wiser than they are but believe in telling the Truth as I see fit because the Truth will always prevail and falsehood perish because it has no legs to stand.

azeezam saqibmkhan sb, islam is not a religion but a way of life revealed for humanity by God to learn and adopt. It is because God had a purpose in mind for creating all what he has created including humanity.

The quran is revealed as a manifesto and a program for humanity so that mankind if they choose could come to know the purpose for which God has created them and so that they could carry out the program of God and fulfil the God assigned purpose. This is why islam is nothing but a way of life whereby people can fulfil the purpose for which God has created them by knowing the purpose.

People do not read the quran for knowing what it is revealed for that is why they do not know what the purpose of their creation is and what they need to do to fulfil that purpose. They are busy with their own self generated ideas about God and his creation and do as they think fit.

Go to any religious place you will see people have long lists of demands and they are always busy asking God for favours. They do not even realise that what they are doing is very wrong because God did not create people to order God around but top find out what God has created them for. All because they have not learned sense of making proper sense of things, so all that they do is utterly senseless as if people are monkeys in human forms.

The quran was revealed for people to find out about demands of God or requirement of God from poeple and not to impose their own demands upon God. This is major difference between religion and God revealed way of life. This is why God revealed way of life is a journey of discovery for mankind but religions are aqeedat based nonsense.

Why way of life advised by God is a journey of discovery? It is because when humans are born they do not know anything at all. They need to start learning sense of making proper sense of things. Once they have learned sense of making proper sense of things it is then that they are able to learn and understand the revelation of God if they so choose.

How they learn sense making proper sense of things? By interacting with things in the real world and getting knowledge based upon direct experiences. This is why life experience is the only way to learn sense. Once one becomes sensible enough only then one is able to figure out message in the quran.

The quran also takes one on a journey of learning or discovery. Only when one has learned the quran properly to a reasonable degree one can help others learn it. Once sufficient number of people have learned the quran, only then if they come together as a proper human community they can bring about a society based upon the teachings of the quran not otherwise. People ignorant about actual deen of islam can never bring about a quran based human society.

So people who wish to support a Godly human society it is very import that they kick out mullah nonsense from their minds and start programming their minds based upon the actual teaching of the quran. For a detailed explanation of things about the quran, deen of islam and pakistan see HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

regards and all the best.