"Zardari sb C U in AdyalaJail on 8-12-9" by Sohail Warich


MPA (400+ posts)
Please read a sensitive report by Sohail Warich sb, a very famous & senior journalist.
with thanks to Urdu times UK (Weekly)



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Shame on these journalists, first they support a strong but proven corrupt PPP leader to become the president and now when they realized that Zardari is very weak as president they changed their stance and now critisizing Zardari. They did exactly same with Musharraf, Benazir, NS, Bhutto, Ayub etc etc. Zia Ul Haq was the only person who controlled them by giving them lifafay, plots, contracts etc. The role of journalists have always been suspicious in Pakistani history.


MPA (400+ posts)
It was a tragedy that Asif Ali Zardari with his odious past history and record became the president of Pakistan. As long as Benazir Bhutto was alive; she had ordered that he was not be seen near her by miles. But soon after her unfortunate death, he became a celebrity carrying her pictures in his arm pits every where he went and grabbed power with his eight arms.


Voter (50+ posts)
[zardari] [rehman-malik] [musharaf] [altaf] [taseer]

Shame on them & all those who caused President Zardari's faliour.

@Mr syd can you name few those journalists 'who' support Zardari to become President of Pakistan?? are you naming Sohail Warich & Shakir Qureshi ???