Zardari is finished? Discuss


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The political situation in Pakistan is very fluid. I would discount the end of Gilani's Government, because he is nobody, just a puppet on the strings. The real ruler of Pakistan is "Ali Baba" Zardari, who had been ruling with his 40 thieves.

I have noticed, since the change in the arena and Karachi's situation boiling over, the heat is rising for Zardari and his cohorts. Zardari's henchmen have disappeared from the screens. People like Babar Awan, Abidi etc, are hiding away. Probably in a huddle somewhere in the President House trying to hatch more evil plans, first how to get out of the tight corner, and secondly how to continue their rule one way or another so they can continue their loot for the remaining of their term. Knowing fully well that this is definitely their last chance to fill their pockets with the loot.

What do you guys think?

It is neigh impossible for Gilani to continue now, he would be finish, very soon.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم


Lets wait for another miracle and then new gvt and same thing......................
Like ur quote as it applies on us....

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."====


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This street thug is too wily. Unfortunately, he will survive a whole lot longer than we would like to wish.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
As long as there are people like our C.J. there will be no solutions, see if C.J implemented by using power entrusted to him by the constitution and at his disposal about all court cases sitting to be implemented would have brought this guys to his knees, but Judiciary is failing by not implementing those cases already decided against him.

Yesterday I heard on tv sharmila farooqi saying that most policemen who went after terrorists have been killed by those terrorists, so Ms Farooqi than we should let the terrorist take over, man o man, u should learn lessons from Canad police, they keep cities very peaceful by being proactive, by showing willingness to give all for the safety of the citizens.

They will give their lives for safety of citizens, and many have done so, see that is what police is suppose to do and that is how police have earned respect from citizens of Canada. In turn Govt. of the day looks after their safety by keeping their addresses secret and their families protected. There is much more to it than this but Canadian Govt. does all that it can to keep police and citizens safe.

So I ask Ms farooqi to learn lessons from Canadian police as to how it is run. Ms Farooqi needs to learn a lot.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Till Pakistani nation does not get rid of zardari ppp,iltaf hussain mqm,chaudries of pml q,asfandiar wali anp,molana fazluraman mma,sharif brothers,and their followers with stopping love for dollars$ and take strict action against fake degree holders,nro cases,corruption in politicians, generals,civil and military bureaucracy and finish NAB department which itself the most corrupt department its officers themselves get riches in days with UN declared assets this department always used against enemies and rivals putting hands on small toads rather then big fishes courts are not only responsible to provide justices or angel will come to settle down all problems like electricity, wheat,gas ,water, common day needs, sugar prices, smuggling of meat, poultry,and meat to Afghanistan, insecurity bomb blasts ,drone attacks, target killings, etc etc joblessness,while letting Americans black water,xee,bones and skull,under cover secret CIA USA agents to freely go any where specially KPK and Baluchistan province with no check no N.O.C with no shoot on the sight and no strict actions beyond they did many worst things in past like Raymond Davis who killed innocent Pakistanis but with Pakistani leaders support he fled away peacefully and many others these under cover male female agents dodge with Pakistani security forces and torturing Pakistani nationals with supporting local criminals for terrorist activities and sending through Afghanistan borders never any Taliban or any other harmed these under cover Americans inside Pakistan except the one in Afghanistan who are fighting for their sovereignty all time their favorite mission is to destabilize Pakistan internally with Jewish khaad moss-ad raw support as Pakistan only Muslim country with nuclear assets biggest headache jealousy all time for them with lame propaganda's excuses like bush who started fake war of bloody war on terror to kill innocent babies and invade free states capture there resources OILS and deploy army in Afghanistan Iraq and now on-wards same thing moving towards jordan LIBYA Syria yemen sHAM etc who else will be don't know Germany made world war to invade world but Americans invading free states like parasites with plannings and strategies with full boost of rich Jews present in their congress pentagon and policy makers who already hold world 95% media use for dramas and propaganda first to make internal instability and then attack them when any other super power will break this supremacy to neutralize this blood shed monopoly of war mongers once Americans get their own pain like they traumatized the whole world every thing will be solved forever 100% Guaranteed according to famous scholars once Americans stop interfering in other matters and let the other lives free like they living themselves and enjoying once they leave Iraq Afghanistan stop supporting Israel for bombing on Lebanon Palestine for sure there will be no need of fake war of terror and wasting american citizen precious tax paid money on killing their own army and other people there will be no threat to others and Americans too live peacefully and leave others to live peacefully every one have right to live and no hate for any country else destruction of every thing is the end result of these whole hidden secret dirty Games if all allegations that were made against Iraq Iran Afghanistan same were made against super powers like Russia France UK Germany what would america do ?war no never not but through peace-full talks to solve the issues as they did on many occasions with Russia but as these states which are under attack got weak economy no technology so they are made for hunt and to check all latest weapons they made for world destruction Al Qaeda leader Asama who was previous CIA trained agent provided Americans mujaheddin to cut Russia into pieces in Russian war now same mujaheddin called Talibans terrorists -Love Germany Australia Pakistan America India Israel whole world else everY one will burn in hell on the day of judgement and answerable for all they did in this short life on this earth GOD BLESS THIS UNIVERSE keep it safe from all Evils.

khan afghan1

Minister (2k+ posts)
like egypt and tunisia and now libya and soon syria,we should also bring the changes
into the country.Use social media,mobalise the people and march towards islamabd
to save the country otherwise another hundred years of slavery is waiting for us.The yound generation should use and bring awareness among the uneducated people.we have tried all these parties.
They are alll useless.They cant give us anything instead the have all destroyed the country.
No one will give us anything we need to built this hard and find your way in the right
directiion.We should not ask these ministers for job but we should provide an enviornment where
peopel should find their way.Zardari.Nawaz.MQM,ANP,etc are all corrupt and using uneducated
people for thier own aggenda.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
The political situation in Pakistan is very fluid. I would discount the end of Gilani's Government, because he is nobody, just a puppet on the strings. The real ruler of Pakistan is "Ali Baba" Zardari, who had been ruling with his 40 thieves.

I have noticed, since the change in the arena and Karachi's situation boiling over, the heat is rising for Zardari and his cohorts. Zardari's henchmen have disappeared from the screens. People like Babar Awan, Abidi etc, are hiding away. Probably in a huddle somewhere in the President House trying to hatch more evil plans, first how to get out of the tight corner, and secondly how to continue their rule one way or another so they can continue their loot for the remaining of their term. Knowing fully well that this is definitely their last chance to fill their pockets with the loot.

What do you guys think?

It is neigh impossible for Gilani to continue now, he would be finish, very soon.

come to think of it Abidi and Awan have disappeared, even tho seen Awan few days ago


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
stupid awaam is going vote for him again,,,,,,, dont forget jamsheed dasti,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Let them vote for him.
I don't think with a new voter list and an independent election commission,
they have much of a chance


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
come to think of it Abidi and Awan have disappeared, even tho seen Awan few days ago

They are holding the abductees
While Abidi is holding them, Awan is giving them a lecture on
why he is not where they are and they are not where he is!
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
As long as there are people like our C.J. there will be no solutions, see if C.J implemented by using power entrusted to him by the constitution and at his disposal about all court cases sitting to be implemented would have brought this guys to his knees, but Judiciary is failing by not implementing those cases already decided against him.

Yesterday I heard on tv sharmila farooqi saying that most policemen who went after terrorists have been killed by those terrorists, so Ms Farooqi than we should let the terrorist take over, man o man, u should learn lessons from Canad police, they keep cities very peaceful by being proactive, by showing willingness to give all for the safety of the citizens.

They will give their lives for safety of citizens, and many have done so, see that is what police is suppose to do and that is how police have earned respect from citizens of Canada. In turn Govt. of the day looks after their safety by keeping their addresses secret and their families protected. There is much more to it than this but Canadian Govt. does all that it can to keep police and citizens safe.

So I ask Ms farooqi to learn lessons from Canadian police as to how it is run. Ms Farooqi needs to learn a lot.

You are very true
CJ has become a big dis-appointment. Like governor Sindh
he don't have any balls either. Not even a single order of his has been implemented.
He could have put many of them in jail on contemp charges alone.
Instead, the government has put him, along with his 17, on a donkey and took him
on a city tour not once but many times. And still nothing.
Regarding Sharmila ( Not! ) the name alone is no surity of sharam. In this department,surely
she needs to learn a lot.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
You are very true
CJ has become a big dis-appointment. Like governor Sindh
he don't have any balls either. Not even a single order of his has been implemented.
He could have put many of them in jail on contemp charges alone.
Instead, the government has put him, along with his 17, on a donkey and took him
on a city tour not once but many times. And still nothing.
Regarding Sharmila ( Not! ) the name alone is no surity of sharam. In this department,surely
she needs to learn a lot.

Now you know why i am always criticizing the SC. Useless, and corrupt.