Zaid Zaman (aka Zaid Hamid)'s hypocrisy (another preacher of Enlightened Moderation)


Councller (250+ posts)
Zaid Hamid ZINDABAD! Such a poor analysis this video has given why cant you talk about mutual interests. Who knows Maria B might be better muslim than you? Is Islam only focus on appearances, Islam is an ideology get this point!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Thank you for posting this video. It was great listening to it.

SELF CORRECTION is a an excuse so you just sit home and dont do anything. This is actually tehse days is nothing but cowardice. If we were to adopt that act of self correction, our nation will spent life in that sitting at home and India will take over, unless that's what you want.....

Zaid Hamid, the only positive alternative
Pakistan Paindabad
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MPA (400+ posts)
Zahid Hamid does talk about Prophet Muhammad, when he talks about Iqbal and Qaide azam that is also because they too loved the Prophet. Mustafa Qamal was against islamic laws, Zahid is not. He is for Islam, not only your way of Islam is truth, we are muslims too(sunnies and shias). Let us unite all kind of muslims(shia, sunni, wahabi, wahabi-2 and so on). Join Zahid and fight for better Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
There is rumor he is going to marry this Maria B. Please remember this is a continuation of kazzab who used to have a mixed prayer gathering with men and women mixed. Not sure when we are going to understand that this guy is an imposter using peoples feelings to make good on his own agenda. I keep asking where is he getting all this money from???


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
There is rumor he is going to marry this Maria B. Please remember this is a continuation of kazzab who used to have a mixed prayer gathering with men and women mixed. Not sure when we are going to understand that this guy is an imposter using peoples feelings to make good on his own agenda. I keep asking where is he getting all this money from???

he said in one of his videos that he receives funding from proceeds of DVD's and golden things. He does not receive any $ from ANY agency. Thats what he said in video, I know you won't believe it, but you asked

And i could also ask a question. When are people going to understand that AMTKN is serving his own agenda. ZH knows who has murdered Yousuf Ali (or 'kazzab' as you call him). They are scared of him and see their fate soon InshaAllah. Nobody has any reason or right to commit a murder of any one, no matter how bad the inmate is. Its only the courts that can award and carry out capital punishment


Senator (1k+ posts)
what an STUPID analysis of the video and yet Truth stands clear and Zahid Hamid appears to be positive despite of what "ProudPakistani" is implying. Its these stupid and narrow minded people who are Pakistan's problem today. They damage the country and Islam not knowing that they are doing it.

Don't worry about the ARAB Moulweees, the only life purpose of Arabs is to say that other people are doing Shirk and yet they themselves strongly believe in dictatorship and serve it gladly. The greatest Hypocrite in todays time is the ARAB world. They are racist, zalim and do not believe in democracy.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
what an STUPID analysis of the video and yet Truth stands clear and Zahid Hamid appears to be positive despite of what "ProudPakistani" is implying. Its these stupid and narrow minded people who are Pakistan's problem today. They damage the country and Islam not knowing that they are doing it.

Don't worry about the ARAB Moulweees, the only life purpose of Arabs is to say that other people are doing Shirk and yet they themselves strongly believe in dictatorship and serve it gladly. The greatest Hypocrite in todays time is the ARAB world. They are racist, zalim and do not believe in democracy.

Well said, I couldn't have said better myself


MPA (400+ posts)
These guys just dont give up............what are u on DRUGS MAN...., this video is a hopless. You need to get out of your cave man and smell the coffee. You really think that you can tame a nation peoples and attitudes just like that. You should think about what you talking about man. Look the taliban had a great system next door what happend to them ???????, i must agree it was brilliant, but what happend. You have to look at it long term and you have to play clever. You telling me that Maria B gonna wear a veil for you (lol), her heart is clean, she will change as time progressess that up to her mate. shes gona have to answer herself before the lord herself your not gonna help her or me, shes on her own . Just like me and you gonna be on our own on judgement day. So use your brains pull yourself togethere dont let the enemy make us fight amongst ourselves. We are PAKISTANIS 4 life and islam will always come first. WE CANNOT ATTACK FELLOW MUSLIMS and we cannott judge them .... so CHILL
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
These guys just dont give up............what are u on DRUGS MAN...., this video is a hopless. You need to get out of your cave man and smell the coffee. You really think that you can tame a nation peoples and attitudes just like that. You should think about what you talking about man. Look the taliban had a great system next door what happend to them ???????, i must agree it was brilliant, but what happend. You have to look at it long term and you have to play clever. You telling me that Maria B gonna wear a veil for you (lol), her heart is clean, she will change as time progressess that up to her mate. shes gona have to answer herself before the lord herself your not gonna help her or me, shes on her own . Just like me and you gonna be on our own on judgement day. So use your brains pull yourself togethere dont let the enemy make us fight amongst ourselves. We are PAKISTANIS 4 life and islam will always come first. WE CANNOT ATTACK FELLOW MUSLIMS and we cannott judge them .... so CHILL

Zaid Hamid, the only alternative
Pakistan Paindabad


ok If you don't like Maria B, will you give some time to support that wake up project? you can go and lead it, stop criticise others if she is willing to do some social service let her do and please don't impose your interpretation of islam on others, every one is Muslim in Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
ok If you don't like Maria B, will you give some time to support that wake up project? you can go and lead it, stop criticise others if she is willing to do some social service let her do and please don't impose your interpretation of islam on others, every one is Muslim in Pakistan.

very good brother,

you are right, instead of criticizing, give an alternative


Senator (1k+ posts)
Narrow minded and small hearted, anti-pakistan elements with too low IQ level. They are mindless and hopeless. They are not only against ZH, but they are and will be against every soul who will be working for goodness, truth, equality, justice, freedom and unity of the nation. They are led by a specific sect of mullahs, the sect which has always been anti-Pakistan. They were against the freedom movement, they are against two-nation ideology based on Quran. For them the holy Quran is not enough. Their Qibla is not Mecca but a city in Bharat. Yes I`m talking about the secterian deobandis, which is a bharati sect. That sect is a british child born after the muslim uprising against the british raj in 1857.
They were against making of Pakistan, called Allama Iqbal and Quaide-e- Azam for kafar.
They called Pakistan for kafristan and wanted us muslims to love under the hindu domination.
Mufti Mehmood, Molana diesel`s daddy was a prominent anti-pakistan element. He called Pakistan for Kafristan. Moudodi were also against Pakistan. Now both mazhabi political parties JI and JUI are basically anti-pakistan parties. Both are mainly deobandi oriented.
The question is what are they doing in Pakistan?
Instead of doing something positive by themselves, they oppose every effort done for a better society. They never come up when it`s about poverty, hunger, political injustice etc. But when a person like Zaid Hamid speaks about it they jump out of their holes and start propaganda campaign. These people are brainwashed by british made mazhabi litterature and are always used by foreign governements and agencies when they want to use the religious card in Pakistan. They are groomed in britain and in deoband in india.
Do a little research about them and dig a little in history, you will find intersting things about these sects in Pakistan and how they were born and by whom.

May Allah Almighty save us from secterianism and save our souls.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Narrow minded and small hearted, anti-pakistan elements with too low IQ level. They are mindless and hopeless. They are not only against ZH, but they are and will be against every soul who will be working for goodness, truth, equality, justice, freedom and unity of the nation. They are led by a specific sect of mullahs, the sect which has always been anti-Pakistan. They were against the freedom movement, they are against two-nation ideology based on Quran. For them the holy Quran is not enough. Their Qibla is not Mecca but a city in Bharat. Yes I`m talking about the secterian deobandis, which is a bharati sect. That sect is a british child born after the muslim uprising against the british raj in 1857.
They were against making of Pakistan, called Allama Iqbal and Quaide-e- Azam for kafar.
They called Pakistan for kafristan and wanted us muslims to love under the hindu domination.
Mufti Mehmood, Molana diesel`s daddy was a prominent anti-pakistan element. He called Pakistan for Kafristan. Moudodi were also against Pakistan. Now both mazhabi political parties JI and JUI are basically anti-pakistan parties. Both are mainly deobandi oriented.
The question is what are they doing in Pakistan?
Instead of doing something positive by themselves, they oppose every effort done for a better society. They never come up when it`s about poverty, hunger, political injustice etc. But when a person like Zaid Hamid speaks about it they jump out of their holes and start propaganda campaign. These people are brainwashed by british made mazhabi litterature and are always used by foreign governements and agencies when they want to use the religious card in Pakistan. They are groomed in britain and in deoband in india.
Do a little research about them and dig a little in history, you will find intersting things about these sects in Pakistan and how they were born and by whom.

May Allah Almighty save us from secterianism and save our souls.

Well said typhoon. I applaud you for telling the facts as it is. All these ghaddar maulvis have been bought out by foreigners. These are useless, nikamma's, and trouble makers who just collect free meals from restaurants, I wonder what they do with the money they get from RAW/CIA.

Maulvis at AMTKN have committed murder of Yousuf Ali in prison. Its irrelevant whether Yousuf decalred himself a prophet or not, you cant kill anyone in jail. hanging is part of the court process. Unless they have something to hide and wanted to get rid of the evidence, YOUSUF ALI.

Few weeks ago I had written that if I were to become the khalifa or Pakistan, my first priorities would be to hang 5 maulvis from each of these organisations leaving the good ones, untouched. There are good ones too, but those ulamas do not get involved in these worldly craps.

Again, good writes typhoon


Senator (1k+ posts)
@ [COLOR=#888888 ! important]ProudPakistani

So here is your answer. You started the thread and everybody here thinks that you are stupid. Not one person to support what you are implying!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Please wake up Pakistan...
My dear Proud Pakistani why you are puting such a silly videos if Zaid Hamid is talking for the Powerful Pakistan and talking ahainst this corrpt elite which are ruling us the what is ur problem.
My friend today everybody knows who is right and who is wrong but i think except u...
May Allah show u the right Path....


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
My dear Proud Pakistani why you are puting such a silly videos if Zaid Hamid is talking for the Powerful Pakistan and talking ahainst this corrpt elite which are ruling us the what is ur problem.
My friend today everybody knows who is right and who is wrong but i think except u...
May Allah show u the right Path....

some people here are part of 'discredit ZH' group. May even be a paid person(s)


I am against this video, and have full support of wake up pakistan..
Every body please get out of these kind of stupid appearence concepts that kills the basics of islam...
Today in our country like pakistan... we have lots of molveess ... lots of burkeasss... (without brain education and islamic fundamentals) but we dont have the real implementation in their acts...
dont go to the personal lives of people.. see if he/she is harmful for others.. thats it...
