In Pakistan economy and politics are closely intertwined - so even with Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He comes from a family of industrialists, worked himself as a manager before moving into politics and repeatedly became prime minister. He drove industrialization and privatization progress, there sat often laws and rules of time - and made sure that his family and his friends got away well. Since 2013 he is again in office.
His children are always on the go. His daughter Mariam and his sons Hasan and Hussein are mentioned in the Panama Papers: you were accordingly - or they had authority to determine - numerous companies. So Hasan was about the CEO of Hangon Property Holdings Limited, a company based in the British Virgin Islands. The law firm Mossack Fonseca withdrew, according to the search but later as a mediator under the contract with Hangon back. The reason: Hasan Nawaz Sharif was a politically exposed person, so politically of interest. The family of Sharif did not comment on inquiries of researchers.
[h=2]Pakistanische Regierung sieht kein Fehlverhalten[/h]Laut den Berichten soll die Familie des pakistanischen Ministerprsidenten Nawaz Sharif ebenfalls auf die Dienste von Mossack Fonseca vertraut haben. Informationsminister Pervez Rasheed wies Fehlverhalten dabei zurck: Jeder hat das Recht, mit seinem Vermgen zu tun, was er will. Die Grndung einer Firma sei weder in Pakistan noch international verboten.
Unter Druck geriet auch der islndische Ministerprsident Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, weil ihn die Panama Papers mit der Offshore-Firma Wintris auf den britischen Jungferninseln in Verbindung bringen. Als Enthllungsjournalisten ihn mit den Vorwrfen konfrontierten, brach Gunnlaugsson das Interview vor laufender Kamera ab. Unterdessen forderte die Opposition Gunnlaugssons Rcktritt gefordert, den dieser ablehnt.
Pakistani government sees no wrongdoing
According to reports, the family of the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is said to have also relied on the services of Mossack Fonseca. Information Minister Pervez Rasheed pointed misconduct while back: "Everyone has the right to do with his fortune, what he wants." Setting up a business is not internationally prohibited neither in Pakistan.
Under pressure came also the Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, because bringing him the Panama Papers with the offshore company Wintris in the British Virgin Islands in connection. As investigative journalist confronted him with the accusations, Gunnlaugsson broke the interview off on camera. Meanwhile, urged the opposition Gunnlaugssons demanded resignation to these declines.