Why Tahir Ul Qadri is silent over the use of Chemical weapons in Syria?


Councller (250+ posts)
کمال اے وایی۔ اپنے ملک میں تو آپ لوگ کافی سکون میں ھو۔ جو دوسروں کے ملک کا ٹھیکہ لیا ھوا ھے۔


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
His fatwa was against terrorism. The terrorism of which's results is the killing of innocent people. This includes the bomb blasts that happen on a regular basis in Pakistan where innocent people (Muslims) are killed. I don't know what you're on about. Stop it with the character assassination.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Why Tahir ul Qadri is silent over the massacre of muslims in Syria? Why has he didn't dare to speak against the use of chemical weapons in Syria which has killed almost 1300 people including children and women?

Why he issued fatwa of terrorism against Taliban in Afghanistan (who are fighting against America) but didn't speak for Syrian Muslims who are being oppressed by monarchy of Bashar-al-Asad.

Is this due to his Canadian masters????? Think about it.


use your head yaar. There is no chemical being used. Its all American/Jewish propaganda to set the stage for attacking Syria to live up to plan: We shall re-write map of the middle east

Most of the disturbing news you see on TV such as victim of chemical attack, other atrocities by the govt, is all prepared in the studio of NY and Jeruslem. They prepare a Syrian national in army uniform, the guy goes on killing rampage and Army gets the blame for murders.

Just like the Indian command of Bangladesh project sent mukti bahini to kill a dozen villagers in Rajshahi district and then thru media blamed Biharis. This resulted in chaos and Bengalis started killing Biharis. It just so happened that the Mukti Bahini guy's conscience attacked him and he came clean to the villagers but it was too late. This is just one example that I know of, 1000's others are too.

Most of the news videos are fake and released into Jewish controlled media to do the rest. Remember the WMD propaganda against Iraq?

In short, daj jaal is working overtime these days
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Typical useless people who do character assassination because of pure hatred and incapable of talking about on the issues. What is it that you want Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri to do, do you want him to get a ticker running under the news simply saying "We condemn the attacks" This condemning business has become typical and is nothing but just words. Anyway, I think we need to focus on Pakistan as we at the moment are in need for help. How can we help other if we ourselves are in need for help

Hammad Mustafa

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
شام اور افغانستان کو چھوڑو قادری سے کہیں کہ کینیڈا میں ایک چھوٹا سا بیان ہولو کوسٹ پر دے کے دکھا دے ، پھر دیکھو تماشا :lol::lol:
اب کسی پاکستانی تنظیم کا نام بتاؤ جو پریکٹیکل کام کرتی ہو پوری دنیا میں لیکن آپ لوگ تو ہوائی فائرنگ کو پسند کرنے والے لوگ ہیں
Minhaj Welfare Foundation

On the outskirts of Cairo in Egypt sits a line of Syrian refugees anticipating help, majority of which are young families. Thousands of Syrians have flocked into Egypt already political tensions are extremely high leaving many Syrians in a vulnerable state. Nearly two million people have fled the brutal fighting that has dragged on for more than two years in Syria leaving more than 100,000 dead.
During the month of Ramadan, volunteers of Minhaj Welfare Foundation visited areas to help bring attention to the condition many refugee faces as they struggle to find shelter, food and work. The vast majority of those in exile are crowding with their extended families into a handful of rooms, moving into damp basements and abandoned commercial buildings. And often they are paying steep rents for the privilege of having found some security.
MWF volunteers distributed Food packs, including a number of important items to support the people of Syria. More than 1400 people benefitted and were provided with monthly food ration. MWF needs your help and support to help more Syrian families.
MWF Middle East coordinator said The people are struggling to live with dignity using the few resources available to them, he said. Aid is essential for these people; the people of Syria need your help.
Please donate towards the Syrian Appeal and help alleviate the suffering of millions of people. Call now +44 (0) 300 30 30 777.



Minister (2k+ posts)
I was of the same thought, but after watching videos and reading articles and details (e.g. http://www.siasat.pk/forum/showthre...h-25-and-quot-more-than-100-videos-and-photos) I have come to the conclusion that it was indeed bashar ul assad :(

Bashar Al Assad knew very well that use of chemical weapon will trigger worldwide condemnation and support for the attack on Syria. At this stage, rebels are on retreat as this conflict has been stretched too far against original time-frame. Surgical strike from USA & NATO is badly needed to give boost to the rebels. That's why this chemical weapons issue has been highlighted. If it is the matter of chemical weapon use and Syria deserves the punishment, then USA must be punished first as the children in Iraq is born with cancer due to uranium and plutonium radiations as USA used napalm and daisy bombs during Iraq invasion. UNO is not releasing report on the children born in Iraq due to US pressure.

Pl. listen to George Galloway speech in British Parliament and make your mind. I am sure you have already visited this video.


I found one more news for CW use from UN officials
[TABLE="width: 783"]
[TD="class: xl64, width: 783, align: left"]http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/may/6/syrian-rebels-used-sarin-nerve-gas-not-assads-regi/[/TD]
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
1300 innocent killings are shameful act of course,, how about 40 thousands innocent pakistani killings?

یہ جتنے جہادی اس وقت اس تھریڈ میں موجود ہیں، یہ انکے منہ پر زور دار طمانچہ ہے۔

یہ طاہر القادری پر ایسے مسئلے پر تنقید کر رہے ہیں جو کہ ابھی تک "پروف" ہی نہیں ہوا ہے، بلکہ فقط "فاسقوں اور فاجروں" کی خبروں تک محدود ہے۔۔۔۔ جس میں صاف طور پر امریکی وہ صیہونی سازش نظر آتی ہے اور یہ جہادی اسرائیل و امریکہ کے تلوے چاٹ چاٹ کر ان سے اسلحہ لیتے نظر آتے ہیں۔

ان جہادیوں کی خباثت سے ہزار گنا بہتر برطانوی پارلیمنٹ کے وہ افراد ہیں جنہوں نے غیر مسلم ہوتے ہوئے بھی اس خبر پر یقین لانے سے انکار کر دیا تاوقتیکہ تحقیقات مکمل نہ ہوجائیں اور ثبوت پیش نہ ہو جائے۔

