Why Maryam Nawaz was Shying in the Bilawal Bhutto's Iftar Party?

Complete Sense

Minister (2k+ posts)
Their are main reasons why Maryam Nawaz was looking very shy in the Iftar Party. Choose one or add more if you want :)

1. She knows that this party is not Iftar Party.
2. She knows that she is a big liar.
3. She knows that she is a thief.
4. She is feeling embassared sitting with Khusra Bilawal.
5. She is found of Sx very much and she is shying while feeling warm of so many men around her.
6. She feel that she is getting married.
7. Thinking about Qatari
8. None of the above.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Totally drama bazi from an evil ? lady
Ma kuch ikhtalaf krta hoo,
Ku ka jo mall maryam na liya ha utna maryam ko dena ka yh soch b nai skta. Jaisa jaisa teetar maryam nawaz na pakra hai.
Maryam ghjongat tu aisa dal ka bdthi thi jaisa is sa zyda shareef koi ha hi nai


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جس عورت کو اپنے بیٹے کی عمر کے بندے کے سر پر شفقت کا ھاتھ پھیرنا چاہئیے تھا، وہ
اُسکے سامنے دُلہن بنی شرما رہی ھے
اس سے اس عورت کی اخلاقی پستی، اور اسکے آباؤ اجداد کے امرتسری بھڑوا گیری ثابت ہوتی ہے

جبکہ اسکا پھوجی سنتری شوھر، درگاہوں، مزاروں، اور غاروں میں
لوگوں کو تعویذ گنڈے کر کے زندگی گزارنے پر مجبور ھے





Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Their are main reasons why Maryam Nawaz was looking very shy in the Iftar Party. Choose one or add more if you want :)

1. She knows that this party is not Iftar Party.
2. She knows that she is a big liar.
3. She knows that she is a thief.
4. She is feeling embassared sitting with Khusra Bilawal.
5. She is found of Sx very much and she is shying while feeling warm of so many men around her.
6. She feel that she is getting married.
7. Thinking about Qatari
8. None of the above.
پٹواریوں کی باجی کی شرماہٹ اور معصومیت دیکھ کر یہ گانا یاد آ گیا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Their are main reasons why Maryam Nawaz was looking very shy in the Iftar Party. Choose one or add more if you want :)

1. She knows that this party is not Iftar Party.
2. She knows that she is a big liar.
3. She knows that she is a thief.
4. She is feeling embassared sitting with Khusra Bilawal.
5. She is found of Sx very much and she is shying while feeling warm of so many men around her.
6. She feel that she is getting married.
7. Thinking about Qatari
8. None of the above.
Habibi Habibi yala yala

Complete Sense

Minister (2k+ posts)
Their are are many reasons why Bilawal bhutto is so confused in his own party. Choose one or add any other reasons..:)

1. He is confused if he is Bhutto or Zardari?
2. He is confused what to do with Maryam Nawaz?
3. He is confused in what language he will speak in such a VIP party.?
4. He is confused that his father is theif, how he can defend him?
5. He himself does not know if he is she or he?
6. He is afraid if his Dik does not work what he will do?
7. He is confused what will happened if Maryan Nawaz find out that he is Khusra?
8. All of the above.
9. None of the above. :)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Their are are many reasons why Bilawal bhutto is so confused in his own party. Choose one or add any other reasons..:)

1. He is confused if he is Bhutto or Zardari?
2. He is confused what to do with Maryam Nawaz?
3. He is confused in what language he will speak in such a VIP party.?
4. He is confused that his father is theif, how he can defend him?
5. He himself does not know if he is she or he?
6. He is afraid if his Dik does not work what he will do?
7. He is confused what will happened if Maryan Nawaz find out that he is Khusra?
8. All of the above.
9. None of the above. :)
number-4 is more realistic reason of nervousness of BILO khusriii


Senator (1k+ posts)
جس عورت کو اپنے بیٹے کی عمر کے بندے کے سر پر شفقت کا ھاتھ پھیرنا چاہئیے تھا، وہ
اُسکے سامنے دُلہن بنی شرما رہی ھے
اس سے اس عورت کی اخلاقی پستی، اور اسکے آباؤ اجداد کے امرتسری بھڑوا گیری ثابت ہوتی ہے

جبکہ اسکا پھوجی سنتری شوھر، درگاہوں، مزاروں، اور غاروں میں
لوگوں کو تعویذ گنڈے کر کے زندگی گزارنے پر مجبور ھے



Wah hi wah kamal ka tabsrah kya app ne you made my day,well done.???


Senator (1k+ posts)
She is posturing to be very shy and a pious woman and how unlucky Pakistani nation is by not selecting PMLN again otherwise Pakistan would have become an Asian tiger by now.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
شرم آنی چاہیے ان لوگوں کو جو ایک چور والدین کی اولاد کو لیڈر مانتے ہیں . مریم کا باپ پہلے بلو کی ماں پر گندے الزام لگاتا تھا اب اپنی بیٹی سارے میکپ کے ساتھ اس کے بیٹے کے ساتھ بیٹھا دی ہے . واہ ری قسمت
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Their are main reasons why Maryam Nawaz was looking very shy in the Iftar Party. Choose one or add more if you want :)

1. She knows that this party is not Iftar Party.
2. She knows that she is a big liar.
3. She knows that she is a thief.
4. She is feeling embassared sitting with Khusra Bilawal.
5. She is found of Sx very much and she is shying while feeling warm of so many men around her.
6. She feel that she is getting married.
7. Thinking about Qatari
8. None of the above.

Knowing our culture capt safdar should have accompanied her and sat next to her to appear gracefull

She has a son like billo why sit next to him

and act shurmeeli

as if this was a rishta visit

strange people ramzan mein bhee dramae bazee

Politics in full swing instead of quran shareef ibadutt forgiveness from allah

Are these people pakistani muslims?
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