What Saudi Govt did with Modi? Ahmed Quraishi telling the reality.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
اس سے کیا فرق پڑتا ہے۔ مومنوں کے لیئے یہی کافی تصویر میں ساتھ آگئے۔ اب گالی دینا عین ثواب ہو گیا۔ اب یہ نا پوچھیں کہ جب مودی ایران گیا تو کیا ہوا؟ اس لیئے کہ ایران تو آخر روحانی بات کا ملک ہو نا!


Najdi king conferred him with the highest civilian honour. Stop lying Najdi boot licker.


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Minister (2k+ posts)
yea to same najdi king zardi met this month i believe to assist for his return without stones which he has been collecting for long.


MPA (400+ posts)
Hawaldaar Ahmed Al Quershi Al Bakisani is just proving his loyalty with Riyals...

He hide the story that the sponsors of Kashmeeri freedom movement Lashkar e Taiba are banned by
Hawaldar Ahemd Al Quershi Al Bakisani~s Masters just a day before Modi~s arrival


US, Saudi Arabia sanction alleged Lashkar-e-Taiba supporters

US, Saudi Arabia sanction alleged Lashkar-e-Taiba supporters

By Reuters
Published: April 1, 2016


Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi. PHOTO: FILE

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia and the United States imposed joint sanctions targeting the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, the two countries announced on Thursday.
The sanctions targeted four individuals and two affiliated organisations, including James Alexander McLintock and the Pakistan-based Al-Rahmah Welfare Organization, which the US Treasury Department said was a front for al Qaeda.
US, India agree to stave off Lashkar, Jaish threat
Also listed were Abdul Aziz Nuristani, the Jamia Asariya Madrassa, Naveed Qamar and Saudi Arabia-based Muhammad Ijaz Safarash, who was accused of arranging travel documents and financial transfers for Lashkar-e-Taiba from the kingdom.
The announcement marks the second time that the United States and Saudi officials have coordinated their actions to disrupt the finances of militant groups in Southeast Asia.
LeT attempted to kill Bal Thackeray, Headley tells Mumbai court
Last April, they levied joint sanctions against Al-Furqan Foundation Welfare Trust, also based in Pakistan and Afghanistan.



MPA (400+ posts)
Here Goes Highest civilian award to the killer of hundreds of muslims of Gujrat, by Khadim e Harmain Shareefain..

so What a humiliation
Hawaldar Ahmed Qureshi Al Bakistani

why Pakistani are obsessed with India not its true but Saudi is lap dog of the west and search on net West molly cuddling with MODI and Also see your PM on foreign visit, you figure out who is who in this grand theater.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
you can see emotions of my shia friends are so profound that they cannot hide them even if you tied them up and threw them in deep dark well. yet they are the believers and are supposed to be going directly to heaven with no intervention. they hope they will never get to see an Arab their ever ever ever - what? you mean the religion of Islam is one that Arabs gave to them? well no no no my friend they DO NOT believe in the Arabs' Islam, they believe in the jewish Islam that a yemeni jew gave them. Understood! Now be a good boy and let them play ​taqayyah taqayyah.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
why Pakistani are obsessed with India not its true but Saudi is lap dog of the west and search on net West molly cuddling with MODI and Also see your PM on foreign visit, you figure out who is who in this grand theater.
Pakistan is also lapdog of west, previous Zardari and NS have been approved by west. Also remember Raymond Davis ISI was also in helping him leave.

What about drones our govt has allowed it, even army is silent.

At least Modi stands up for his country what ever we think of him.
