What is the sunnah of Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Hadith pay apko etraz hai or apni apni aqal say os k muqablay main qurani ayat paesh ki hai shayad ?? ya apny jo paesh kia
wo apko kise mustanad alim nay bataya hai jo k apki nazar main mustand hain ???

mujhay pehlay app usool-e-hadith say mutaliq sumjha dayin ta meri paesha karda tamam ahadith pay ek mukumal or jama sehat mand behas ki
ja sakay ...


in sawalo k jawab k baghir agay baat nahi ki ja sakti

JazakAllah khair

Dear wanted, first three of your questions are related to rules of grammar please explain them with examples first and then people can participate. The last of them is rule of judgement.

1)NUKRAH is common noun eg dog, cat, ball etc. It just defines class or kind of a thing. A dog fought a dog. Two different dogs.
2)MARFAH is a noun that is defined within its kind therefore is a definite article eg the dog, the cat etc. My dog fought your dog. Two different dogs.

3)A dog fought my dog. two different dogs. My dog is defined but not the other

4)Jira= cross examination or critical examination to look for faults to see if what is said is ok or not. TADEEL=justification. We will take a position that is closer to the truth.

It will help if you could explain what you are trying to get at.

regards and all the best.

such bolo

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

اس شب کے بارے میں جو فضائل بیان کئے جاتے ہیں وہ سب ماہ رمضان المبارک میں لیلة القدر کے ہیں

کتب حدیث پرنظر ڈالی جائے تو صحیح حدیثوں سے اس مہینے میں صرف روزوں کاحکم پایا جاتاہے

جیسا کہ حضرت عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ عنہا فرماتی ہیں
میں نے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو نہیں دیکھاہے کہ شعبان سے زیادہ(رمضان کے بعد)کسی مہینہ میں روزہ رکھتے ہوں،چند دن چھوڑ کر پورے ماہ روزہ رکھتے تھے
( ترمذی
کتاب الصوم باب:٣٧حدیث: ٧٣٦)

جمہور علمائے امت کا اس بات پر اتفاق ہے کہ اوپر بیان کی گئی فضیلت کے علاوہ ماہ شعبان اور اس ماہ کی پندرہویں رات کی
فضیلت میں وارد ہونے والی تمام روایتیں ضعیف اور بعض موضوع اور بے اصل ہیں، اسی لئے ایسی حدیثیں بخاری ومسلم میں جگہ نہ پا سکیں. اگر یہ رات فضیلت کی رات ہوتی تو صحابہ کرام میں اس کا چرچا ہوتا ، مشہور اور ثقہ راوی اسے روایت کرتے اتنی اہم بات جس کا عام چرچا ہونا چاہئے صرف ضعیف راویوں ہی کو کیسے معلوم ہوئی؟ اس لئے ان ضعیف روایتوں کا سہارا لے کر اس رات کی فضیلت کو بیان کرنا یا اسے تہوار کی شکل دینا قطعاً جائز ودرست نہیں۔

شعبان سے متعلق
ضعیف اور موضوع احادیث کی تفصیل کچھ یوں ہے۔
١۔نصف شعبان کی رات کو قیام کرنے اور دن کو روزہ رکھنے والی روایت
حضرت على بن ابی طالب رضی اللہ عنہ روایت کرتے ہیں کہ رسول صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: جب شعبان کی پندرہویں شب ہوتواس رات کا قیا م کرو اوراس دن روزہ رکھو,اسلئے کہ اللہ غروب آفتاب کےساتھ ہی سماء دنیا پرنزول فرماتے ہیں- اورکہتے ہیں :کوئی مغفرت طلب کرنے والا ہے کہ میں اسکی مغفرت کروں؟ کوئی رزق کا متلاشی ہے کہ میں اسے نوازوں ,کوئی مصیبت کا مارا ہے کہ میں اسے عافیت بخشوں,کیا کوئی ایسا ہے کیا کوئی ایسا ہے- حتى کہ طلوع فجرکا وقت ہوجاتا ہے-
رواه ابن ماجة في سننه: كتاب إقامة الصلاة 1/444 برقم 1390

امام بوصیری نے اس حدیث کی سند میں موجود راوی ابن ابی سبرہ پرشدید کلام کیا ہے اوراسے روایتیں گھڑنے والا قراردیا ہے- اسی لئے علامہ البانی نے اسکی سند کوضعیف جدا یا موضوع کہا ہے- اسی طرح ابی سبرہ پر امام ابن معین اور حافظ ابن ہجر نے سخت جرح کی ہے

التقريب 2/397: ضعيف ابن ماجة (الألباني) ص 103 برقم 294

٢۔ ١٥ شعبان کی رات کو قبیلہ کلب کی بکریوں کے بالوں سے
زیادہ لوگوں کی مغفرت والی روایت

حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا روایت کرتی ہیں کہ میں نے ایک رات رسول اللہ صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم کواپنے پاس نہ پایا تومیں آپ کی تلاش میں نکلی آپ صلى اللہ علی وسلم بقیع میں تشریف فرماتھے- آپ صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا:"کیا تم ڈرتی تھی کہ اللہ اوراسکے رسول تم پرظلم کریں گے؟ میں نے عرض کیا یا رسول اللہ !مجھے گمان گذرا کہ آپ اپنی بعض ازواج مطہرات کے پاس تشریف لے گئے ہیں, توآپ نے فرمایا :" بے شک اللہ تبارک وتعالى پندرہویں شعبان کی شب کونچلے آسمان پرنزول فرماتے ہیں اورقبیلہ کلب کی بکریوں کے بالوں کی تعداد میں لوگوں کی مغفرت فرماتے ہیں-

رواه احمد في مسنده 6/238,والترمذي في سننه:أبواب الصيام 2/121-122 برقم 736,وابن ماجة في سننه :كتاب إقامة الصلاة 1/444 برقم 915)

اس حدیث کوامام بخاری,امام ترمذی,امام دارقطنی,امام ابن جوزی,علامہ البانی اورشیخ ابن باز رحمہم اللہ وغیرہ نے ضعیف قراردیا ہے

سنن الترمذي
2/122والعلل المتناهية 2/66 وضعيف ابن ماجة 103-104 والتحذيرمن البدع لابن بازص 28

٣۔پندرہویں شعبان کی رات کو بارہ رکعت والی نمازپڑھنے کی فضیلت
سے متعلق روایت

علامہ ابن الجوزی نے الموضوعات 2/129 میں فرمایا ہے- :"ھذا موضوع ایضا" یہ بھی من گھڑت ہے - ابن القیم نے اسے المنارالمنیف ص 99 زیرنمبر177, اورسیوطی نے اللآلی المصنوعۃ 2/59 میں ذکرکرنے کے بعد اس پروضع کا حکم لگایا ہے

پندرہویں شعبان کی رات کو سو رکعت والی نماز پڑھنے کی فضیلت والی روایت

ھ"اے على !جوشخص شعبان کی پندرہویں شب سورکعت نمازپڑھے ,ہررکعا ت میں سورہ فاتحہ اورقل هو اللہ احد دس مرتبہ پڑھے" - نبی کریم صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: "اے على! جوبھی بندہ ان نمازوں کوپڑھے گا- اللہ اس شب اسکی مانگی ہوئی ہرضرورت پوری کردیتا ہے"-ھ

اس کوابن الجوزی نے تین طرق سے اپنی کتاب الموضوعات میں ذکرکیا ہے جسے صرف جھوٹی حدیثوں کے لئے ہی ترتیب دیا ہے تاکہ امت ان احادیث موضوعہ کوپہچان کران سے بچ سکے- حدیث علی کے لئے دیکھئے یہی الموضوعات 2/127-128-129 -امام سیوطی نے بھی اس پرمن گھڑت ہونے کا حکم لگایا ہےاللآلی المصنوعۃ ھ2/57-58-59-

٥- ساری مخلوق کی مغفرت والی حدیث

نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلّم نے فرمایا :"اللہ تعالى پندرہویں شب مطلع ہوتے ہیں اوراپنی ساری مخلوق ماسوائے مشرک اوربغض رکھنے والے کی مغفرت فرماتے ہیں-جبکہ یہی حدیث معاذ بن جبل رضی اللہ عنہ سے بھی مروی ہے-

دیکھئے صحیح ابن حبان:کتاب الحظروالإباحة ,باب ماجاء فی التباغض والتحاسد والتنابز 12/ 184 برقم5656,وابن ابي عاصم في السنة ص 224 برقم 512,والطبراني في المعجم الكبير20/108-109 برقم 215,نيزديکھئے طبرانی کی ہی مسند الشامین زیرنمبر205, وابونعیم فی حلیۃ الأولیاء 5/191-

امام البانی رحمہ اللہ نے "السنة" ص 224میں فرمایا:"حدیث صحیح,ورجاله موثوقون,لکنه منقطع بین مکحول ومالک بن یخامرولولا ذلک لکان الإسنادحسنا,ولکنه صحیح بشواهدہ المتقدمة" یہ حدیث صحیح ہے - اسکے رواۃ توثیق شدہ ہیں ,لیکن اسمیں مکحول اورمالک بن یخامرکے درمیان سند میں انقطاع ہے- ورنہ سند حسن ہوتی - لیکن یہ دوسرے شواہد کی وجہ سے صحیح ہے"ھ
علامہ البانی نے ایسا ہی کلام سلسلۃ الأحادیث الصحیحۃ 3/135میں بھی ذکرکیا ہے-

اس حدیث کواگرصحیح لغیرہ بھی مان لیا جائے لیکن اسمیں پندرہویں شب کی فضیلت دوسری راتوں کے مقابلے میں بالکل ثابت نہیں ہوتی ہے- اسلئے کہ صحیحین کی حدیث کے مطابق ایسا بلکہ اس سے زیادہ فضیلت ہررات کی توبہ واستغفارکوحاصل ہے

چنانچہ نبی کریم صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم کا ارشاد گرامی ہے
ينزل ربنا تبارك وتعالى كل ليلة إلى سماء الدنيا حين يبقى ثلث الليل الآخريقول:من يدعوني فأستجيب له,من يسألني فأعطيه ,من يستغفرني فأغفرله (اخرجه البخاري في صحيحه :كتاب التهجد 3/29 برقم 1145,ومسلم في صحيحه :كتاب صلاة المسافرين 1/125 برقم 758)-ھ

همارے رب تبارک وتعالى ہرشب کی آخری تہائی میں نچلے آسمان پرنزول فرماتے ہیں ,اورفرماتے ہیں :"کون میرے دربارمیں دعا گوہےکہ میں اسکی قبولیت کا پروانہ لکھوں,کون ہے جو مجھ سے مانگے کہ میں اسے عطا کروں ,کون ہے جومجھ سے مغفرت طلب کرے کہ میں اسکی مغفرت کروں"ھ – پس رب کریم کا نزول ,اپنی مخلوقات پرمطلع ہونا اورانکی مغفرت کسی معینہ رات پرہی موقوف نہیں - بلکہ یہ ہرشب ہوتا ہے توپھرپندرہویں شب کی فضیلت میں اس حدیث کوپیش کرنا کسی خصوصی فضیلت کا باعث نہیں.-

حافظ ابن رجب رحمہ اللہ نے اپنی کتاب لطائف المعارف میں بیان کیا ہے
"ھ عبادات میں ضعیف حدیث اس وقت قابل عمل ہوتی ہے جب صحیح دلائل سے اسکی اصل بنیاد (شرع) سےثابت ہو- شب شعبان کے جشن کے بارے میں کوئی صحیح بنیاد ثابت نہیں ہے کہ جس کی وجہ سے ضعیف حدیث قابل عمل ہو"ھ

(دیکھئے التحذیرمن البدع کا اردوترجمہ ص٢٤
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

[MENTION=4976]pakistani[/MENTION]1947 and such bolo....Thanks for you handwork of copy paste. I must admit that either you are duffer or a fanatic that you still come up with additional argument.We the Muslim of the world differ from the theology of MI6 and CIA financed wahabiat of Saudi Arabia. The grand mufti is a paid servant of the king and trained by CIA to destroy the faith of the Muslims. We reject his view and it is therefore Shaba barrat was celebrated around the world as Muslim have a faith that Allah forgives our sins that night. You can't change the faith of 1 billion plus Muslims.

Innovation is the worst thing in Islam.... Please quote me any Ayaat from Quran about Travee and few Hadith in which prophet said to do travee prayer after Iftar. Travee is not mentioned in Quran and Prophet Muhammad stopped ashaba from saying travee in the mosque. In fact travee was not done during the time of Prophet Muhammad and Hazarat Abu Baqar saddique (RA) up until Hazarat Umer (RA) didn't started this innovation.Prove me wrong or if you have a strong conviction that any innovation is bidha, stop doing travee this Ramadan. If you can't do that then stop preaching others about innovation.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Dear wanted, first three of your questions are related to rules of grammar please explain them with examples first and then people can participate. The last of them is rule of judgement.

1)NUKRAH is common noun eg dog, cat, ball etc. It just defines class or kind of a thing. A dog fought a dog. Two different dogs.
2)MARFAH is a noun that is defined within its kind therefore is a definite article eg the dog, the cat etc. My dog fought your dog. Two different dogs.

3)A dog fought my dog. two different dogs. My dog is defined but not the other

4)Jira= cross examination or critical examination to look for faults to see if what is said is ok or not. TADEEL=justification. We will take a position that is closer to the truth.

It will help if you could explain what you are trying to get at.

regards and all the best.


Jab Tak Grammer Nahi Aygi tu bay dhangi baat he karayga na insan ??

yeh sawal tu bohat he mukhtasir hain usool-e-hadith pay .0% he sumhaj layin inko

magar serf app k elawa nay kise nay koshish nahi ki ..

main apko inka jawab Pm kar dayta hoon ...

yeh Shab-e-baraet Ki behas tu her sal honi hai main tu sahi hadith k daway daro say tang ho..
bhejay main kuch parhta nahi or mutalba hota hai sahi hadith ka ...

kaee sal say her sal internet pay yeh mubahisa horaha hai puray puray blogs websites copy past ki jarahi hain.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Brother pakistani 1947 app apni tamam baat achay tareeqay say urdu main paesh karo k es hadith k baray main kia etrazat hain...

os k bad hadith ki sehat pay baat kartay hain InshahAllah ...

yahan main kise rafzi say mukhatib nahi hoon na 15shaban ya kise or deeni maslay pay unki madakhlat bardhasht hai hummay..

yeh masla serf muqalideen aimma arba rh or ghair muqalideen k darmiyan ilmi masla hai na k jani dushmani ka masla ...

My point is that, it is very clear from Quraan, Al-Qadr, 97:1-5 that Quraan was sent down during a blessed night, that is , Lailatul-qadr, and then it is undisputed fact through Hadeeths that Lailatul-qadr falls in Ramanzan (not Shaaban). Then Quraan, Ad-Dukhan, 44:1-4 further says that during the blessed night, when Quraan was sent down, " every matter is decided".

Hence it is very clear from the two Suarah that Quraan
was sent down during a blessed night, that is , Lailatul-qadr, which falls in Ramazan (not Shaaban) and during this blessed night "every matter is decided".

Now, if somebody comes up with an Zaeef Hadeeth , mentioning that "every matter is decided" during 15th Shaaban then should we follow Zaeef Hadeeth or Quraan? Obviously, Quraan. Also see brother such bolo's above post where he has proved that all of Hadeeths being present to justify the Bidaat of Shub-e-Barat are Zaeef. See detail post.

The purpose for presenting above argument is not to discourage the Ibaadat, Ibaadat can be done every night. Muslims should not specify a day for Ibaadat if not proven by Quraan and Hadeeth. If somebody does that then it comes under the definition of "Biddat" (Innovation). For example, Ibaadat during the night of "Lailatul-qadr" is proven by authentic Hadeeth. Hence it is encouraged to perform Ibaadat during that night.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Thanks you Pakistani1947, now you got the point and making more sense. No one says that EVERYTHING is decided on that night but Allah desends to the lowest havens and listens to the prayers. Its never bad to do abaadath of Allah. Like Lala tul Qadar can be any odd days such as 21, 23, 25, 27 ect, you can't say don't do Ibadaat on 23 because Quran didn't give a date or it can't be possible because most hadith say that it was 27th of Ramadan. Ibadaat during the entire month is better and greatest during the last days. Similarily Ibadaat during Shaban is better but greatest between 14 and 15 and there is no harm in doing that.

Similarily, Travee was forbidden by Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) during his time and During the time of Hazarat Abu Baqar Saddique(RA) and Hazarat Umer(RA) started it. The Muslim scholars argue that collective ibadaat is good so Travee is a Good Bidha and million do it in Ramadan.

All we seek is a tolarence for each other. Think Muslim on 15th of Ramadan don't drink or dance or go to clubs. They praise Allah and Muhammad(PBUH) and attend mosque...all these increase their good deeds so why to make a fuss about it and divide the people. People who are doing it should not be critisized and if you don't want to do it...no one is putting the gun to your head so don't do it but just don't put other people down for thier Ibadaat.

Your behavioural change is a good sign and I appriciate it and thank you for the understanding of others view point.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

The basic and foremost thing is that there is no such night which
has been called "Shab-e-Baraat". In Arabic then it should have been
like "Lialul Baraat". That is fullstop and period to all this invention.
The arabic word "Braat" has been used, i suppose in Sura Touba
in the beginning but that meaning is totally different.
Aagar firework karnay ko dil ho ya halwa puri toh there are
so many other ways, why to formalize these things in a religious


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Similarily Ibadaat during Shaban is better but greatest between 14 and 15 and there is no harm in doing that.

molson4u, As I have mentioned repeatedly in the past that there is no point debating with Shia as they do not accept Sahih Sitta Books of Hadeeths, for example, Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari. Their religion is totally different than main stream Muslims. Furthermore they have a religious believe called "Taqaiya" (تقیہ) which allows Shias to tell lies and wrongly accuse others.

I do not wish to debate any religious issue with a Shias as there is always a risk of getting insulting comments about Sahabi-e-Rasool (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم). For the sake of Sunni Muslims, I would like to clarify that Islam have discouraged innovations in religion. One of the major reason of so many sects in Islam is innovations into religion Islam.

Bid'at (innovation) is something that has no Islamic basis. A thing which is not proved from the Holy Quran and Hadith, as in practice at the time of the Holy Prophet, his companions, but is now done as religious duty.

The Prophet (saw) has condemned one who indulges in innovation and called them "destroyer of the religion". There are literally thousands of examples of Bid'at!
To build graves of hard bricks
To build domes on graves
To light candles near graves
To spread sheets and covers on graves
To gather for feast after a death in a house

Following are Hadeeths against innovations into religion:

Jabir b. Abdullah said: When Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) delivered the sermon, his eyes became red, his voice rose. and his anger increased so that he was like one giving a warning against the enemy and saying:" The enemy has made a morning attack on you and in the evening too." He would also say:" The last Hour and I have been sent like these two." and he would join his forefinger and middle finger; and would further say:" The best of the speech is embodied in the Book of Allah, and the beet of the guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad. And the most evil affairs are their innovations; and every innovation is error." He would further say:, I am more dear to a Muslim even than his self; and he who left behind property that is for his family. and he who dies under debt or leaves children (in helplessness). the responsibility (of paying his debt and bringing up his children) lies on me." (Sahih Muslim Book #004, Hadith #1885)

'Asim reported: I asked Anas b. Malik whether Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) had declared Medina as sacred. He said: Yes. (the area) between so and so. He who made any innovation in it, and further said to me: It is something serious to make any innovation in it (and he who does it) there is upon him the curse of Allah, and that of the angels and of all the people, Allah will not accept from him on the Day of Resurrection either obligatory acts or the surpererogatory acts. Ibn Anas said: Or he accommodates an innovator. (Sahih Muslim Book #007, Hadith #3159)

Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected." (Sahih Bukhari, Book #49, Hadith #861)

'A'isha reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who innovates things in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) (commits sin) and these are to be rejected. (Sahih Muslim, Book #018, Hadith #4266)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Thank you Pakistani 1947 so you are out of the argument. Lame thing Shia don't beleive in Hadith and so on and so forth. In fact, on this thread, you are the one not believing in Hadith and calling them False and Fabricated. People are edcuated on this site so you can't fool others. Just on this thread, you and your Salfi, Wahabi and Dahira gang are the one arguing that Hadith from Hazarat Aysia(RA) Hazarat Uma Salam(RA) Hazarat Auns(RA) and Maula-e- Kaynaat Ali Mutraza are all false and fabricated and you are tell me that I don't believe in Hadith. Are you drunk or high when you little mind tells you to right thing that you can't understand yourself.

You want to talk with Sunni Brothers, why? did your Saudi gods told you that Sunni's are easy target to convert to you hate mongraing bomb blasting faith created by British to destroy Islam and its roots. No you are mistaken. WE the Suuni and Shia have now realized that your cult is a CIA and MI6 financed gang funded through crooks of Al Saud Family. WE ARE ONE and you wahabi and Quadiani's are ONE.

Can you handle the Bidha and innovation stories. I can name you a person who innovated 29 things in Islam against Allah book and Prophet Muhammad instructions. Just tell me an Ayat from Quran and Travee and few Hadith in Which prophet Muhammad told Muslims to have travee after Iftar. If you can't come up with the answer then Shut up because you are a hypocrate.

Your problem is the you and your gang convince unedcuated muslim and brain wash them by twisting Quran and Hadith. When an edcuated Muslim argues with you, you start screaming Shia, we don't want to talk, your hate sahaba and don't beleive in Hadith. Maybe in 1720 people whould have believed you not in 2011. Shia and Sunni respect Ashaba Rasool and Al Rasool and believe in all authantic Hadith.

Your cult od Saudi created by British are the one who hate our beloved Prophet and His family. You think that he was like you and the only difference is that he got wahi and you don't( nausbilla) you disrespect the prophet and his Family like Yazeed, Maya and Abu Sufian and consider them as your heros and praise Yazeediat preachers like Zaikar Niak who have been condemed by all Suuni and Shia Scholars.

I will notwaste more time with you until you don't bring me the Ayat from the Quran that says Allah has made Mandatory for you the Travee after Iftar or Few Authantic Hadith in Allah's Prophet said, do travee and your Roza will not be accepted without Travee and if you can't then tell us who did the innovation in Islam of Travee after Prophet Forbid it and Hazarat Abu Bakar(RA)followed the Ramandan without Travee. Tell me if it is a Bidha, why you do it and promise on Quran that you will not do it because its not in Quran and All Messanger forbid it and as his follower you will not do it either.

No need to reply if you and your Gang on this thread can't answer my simple question about Travee. Also people tell you gang members not to press the red button like kids.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Thank you Pakistani 1947 so you are out of the argument. Lame thing Shia don't beleive in Hadith and so on and so forth. In fact, on this thread, you are the one not believing in Hadith and calling them False and Fabricated. People are edcuated on this site so you can't fool others. Just on this thread, you and your Salfi, Wahabi and Dahira gang are the one arguing that Hadith from Hazarat Aysia(RA) Hazarat Uma Salam(RA) Hazarat Auns(RA) and Maula-e- Kaynaat Ali Mutraza are all false and fabricated and you are tell me that I don't believe in Hadith. Are you drunk or high when you little mind tells you to right thing that you can't understand yourself.

You want to talk with Sunni Brothers, why? did your Saudi gods told you that Sunni's are easy target to convert to you hate mongraing bomb blasting faith created by British to destroy Islam and its roots. No you are mistaken. WE the Suuni and Shia have now realized that your cult is a CIA and MI6 financed gang funded through crooks of Al Saud Family. WE ARE ONE and you wahabi and Quadiani's are ONE.

Can you handle the Bidha and innovation stories. I can name you a person who innovated 29 things in Islam against Allah book and Prophet Muhammad instructions. Just tell me an Ayat from Quran and Travee and few Hadith in Which prophet Muhammad told Muslims to have travee after Iftar. If you can't come up with the answer then Shut up because you are a hypocrate.

Your problem is the you and your gang convince unedcuated muslim and brain wash them by twisting Quran and Hadith. When an edcuated Muslim argues with you, you start screaming Shia, we don't want to talk, your hate sahaba and don't beleive in Hadith. Maybe in 1720 people whould have believed you not in 2011. Shia and Sunni respect Ashaba Rasool and Al Rasool and believe in all authantic Hadith.

Your cult od Saudi created by British are the one who hate our beloved Prophet and His family. You think that he was like you and the only difference is that he got wahi and you don't( nausbilla) you disrespect the prophet and his Family like Yazeed, Maya and Abu Sufian and consider them as your heros and praise Yazeediat preachers like Zaikar Niak who have been condemed by all Suuni and Shia Scholars.

I will notwaste more time with you until you don't bring me the Ayat from the Quran that says Allah has made Mandatory for you the Travee after Iftar or Few Authantic Hadith in Allah's Prophet said, do travee and your Roza will not be accepted without Travee and if you can't then tell us who did the innovation in Islam of Travee after Prophet Forbid it and Hazarat Abu Bakar(RA)followed the Ramandan without Travee. Tell me if it is a Bidha, why you do it and promise on Quran that you will not do it because its not in Quran and All Messanger forbid it and as his follower you will not do it either.

No need to reply if you and your Gang on this thread can't answer my simple question about Travee. Also people tell you gang members not to press the red button like kids.

Shia-cult at its best. Totally and wholly dependent upon Hadiths/narrations and "Awaz Andee hay".
This cult further twist Quranic Ayas to suit their ideology.
ALLAH (swt). Ali(rzt) was just a slave of Allah, an Abad, He hails from the progeny of Abu Talib.
and that is all.
Please do not label anyone except Allah as ''maula e kaynaat", TYPICALLY LIKE CHRISTIANS


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Shia-cult at its best. Totally and wholly dependent upon Hadiths/narrations and "Awaz Andee hay".
This cult further twist Quranic Ayas to suit their ideology.
ALLAH (swt). Ali(rzt) was just a slave of Allah, an Abad, He hails from the progeny of Abu Talib.
and that is all.
Please do not label anyone except Allah as ''maula e kaynaat", TYPICALLY LIKE CHRISTIANS

Thank you bother babadeena but I think there is an explanation for what has been going on in the ummah thanks to its master and slave mentality. You see if I want to be master of others then I need to create a system whereby I could justify the title for myself. So I start calling everyone my lord and my master whomever people look up to with respect for his actual contributions to the human society. So people who call the prophets with big names and others then take them on for themselves as well. This is how they make fool of people and actually become their masters and so they become their slaves. Thus such mullahs and peers etc are called by their followers with a mile long titles. If we look at it, companions of the prophet called the prophet rasoolallah and that was it. Even when they mentioned other prophets or past good people, they only mentioned their simple names at most with blessings. Bani Israel call Moses Yaa Moosa, yaa isaa etc.

All this because the quran makes it very clear all people are equal before the law of Allah. None is allowed to be master or slave in islam. Only Allah is master of all. Sovereignty only and only belongs to Allah. This is what whole fight is all about in the whole wide world. Everyone wants to be ruler over everyone else.

This is why islam is deen not religion. Being deen it sets a straight forward rule that rule of real world only and only belongs to Allah. All these make belief masters are hiding behind cover of religion and trying to separate the worldly matter from control of God calling it secularism or separation between religion and state. Giving mullahs the right to rule people in the name of religion and ruling elite to rule in the name of real world. Either way both parties are using and abusing the very same people.

It is for this reason open debates are necessary to put these power hungry and title hungry people in their place. These people know what their game plan is and what they are playing for but masses who are abused by them are coming out in force to protect them. This is how far humanity has fallen down the abyss of ignorance. Kufar and islam has become so muddled up in minds of these people entrapping them in their own whims.

regards and all the best.

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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

Babadeena and Mughal1: I try my best to educate people who are under influance of wahabi fitna and try not to use harsh words. None of you have answered my question about Travee Bidha that you practice but come up with new things that your little mind can't handle.

The easiest example that I can give you is that Wahabi theology is not new. It started when Adam was created. Your true lord of Hearts " Iblis " also said the same thing that you wahabis say today( fulfilling the doctrine of your master shatan) I submit to Allah and only praise him and bowing down to a inferior Human like Adam, is Shirk. What happened, Allah cursed him and kicked him out and told his that get lost and you are condemed. Sound familiar, itn't it what you guys preach.

Think.....Maybe Allah sent him to live in Saudi Arabia and start a fitna Wahabiat saying Shatan to preach your doctrine here, just love Allah and don't bow to any human because it is Shirk. Same old billion years old theology that got his kicked from the grace of Allah at the first place and has his follower you never let you enter Jannah.

Want reference:

The story of Adam and Iblis is mentioned in the Qur’an in various places in which Allah (swt) says, "We said to the angels bow down to Adam: and they bowed down: not so Iblis".

This is mentioned in:

Surah Al Baqarah chapter 2 verse 43
Surah Al ‘Araf chapter 7 verse 17
Surah Al Hijr chapter 15 verses 28-31
Surah Al Isra chapter 17 verse 61
Surah Ta Ha chapter 20 verse 116
Surah Sad chapter 38 verses 71-74

But in Surah Al Kahf chapter 18 verse 50 the Qur’an says:

"Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam." they bowed down except Iblis He was one of the Jinns." [Al-Qur’an 18:50]

Trust Allah. Allah says in Quran that Love and Obey Rasoolallah ( saww) if we want to obey Allah.

QURAN: 3:31] Say: "If you do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

QURAN Yusufali's translation 4:64] We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful.


The complete Hadith "Man kunto Maula" is that "Allah is my Maula, I am Maula of all believers and whoever considers me Maula, Ali is his/her Maula too"

Do you believe in Quran and Hadith? If you say you do but in real you don't, lets try this with reference from Authantic hadith accepted by billion plus Muslims.

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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: What is the sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) for Shab e Barat or Middle of Sha'ban

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