What are the solutions we have against terrorism?


Senator (1k+ posts)
Last time when a bomb blasted in our lovely Lahore, I posted here the following lines. Now, another loving child of our nation - Karachi - is on attack. I am repeating here these same words for all the members in this forum to consider. Thanks
People are giving different solutions. I appreciate everyone's emotions and the pain they are feeling for the innocent country fellows who are being victimized for nothing.

We, as common Pakistanis have nothing to do with any international politics. We even don't know exactly , who is killing us, Americans, Talibans or agents of RAW, MOSAD etc.etc.

We just know that only us are being killed.

Who live in Pakistan? Only Pakistanis.
Who are being suffered? Only Pakistanis.
Who have to survive? Only Pakistanis.
Who have to make efforts to save the homeland? Only Pakistanis.

Brothers and sisters:

This is not the time to involve in any kind of baseless and immaterial discussions of blame game. That time has passed now. We can not afford any more to waste our energies and precious time to find out who is responsible?

Whoever is reponsible, we don't know and even if we know we can not fight with them.The conspiracy against us is much powerful. If we keep wasting our time then I am afraid we will loose everything and that's what our enemies want.

We need immediate remedy. No hanky, panky will work now.

The reality is that we are very weak and the bigger reality is that we are not responsilble of our weaknesses, only our leaders and their activities are responsible. So no hope from any one of those.

But, my faith is still with me that we can survive, and the only way of our survival is

"Allah ki rassi ko Mazbooti se thaam leiN or tafarruqey meiN na pareiN".

If we ask forgiveness of all of our sins from Allah the Almighty and wait from His help, He will surely be with us.

I suggest the following measures, that must be taken from each and every Pakistani.

1-We have to develop a security plan and implement in our areas. We have to look very keenly the activities around us, around our homes and around our neibourhoods.

2-We have to make sure to find out who is new to our area and before renting/selling our properties, we need to do a proper investigations.

3- Keep our eyes on every newly added vehicle in our area.

4- Need to train our children to not to go close to any unknown article.

5- Remain at homes and do not go out unnecessarily.

6-Ask the school administrations to teach our children basic safety tips.

7- We have to ask Imam Sahibs of our Masajids to mobilize the people and educate them about the peaceful Islam.

8-Right away stop watching Indian Media, including movies etc.

9-Pak media should also educate people about the situation.

11-Brothers living abroad must bycott all the Indian Desi Stores and must not buy anything made in India. No indian movies, no indian channels please.

10- Every Pakistani TV channel should stop all nonsense TV Talk shows of politicians.They are not adding anything into our daily lives. If these politicians are not doing practically anything for us then they have no right to appear on TV and we pay the fee to the TV channels and bear the heavy advertisement cost.

11-Govt. must declare an state of emergency and it must do something that is visible to us, if they have any ghairat left in them.




MPA (400+ posts)
I appreciate u brother, all the points are much valid. On the other hand you know some tasks are on the side of our government, like , sealing Afghan Border, like condemning and charging Americans. These are two major sources who are directly responsible for generating terrorism. I know we cant do anything in this regard. But these are much more important points only that way we can save our nation from terrorism permanently.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

I understand you have suggested a lots of very good initiatives.I have to just add only one. Ask your Government( Coalition of PPP, MQM, ANP) to stop helping American fight the war in Pakistan and Afghanistan.The day, they announce it, I will bet you the suicide attacks will seize to exist,there won't be any justification for any of theses bombs and the Pakistan Army will be able to easily get rid of these elements who are having a field days in Pakistan only because of the stupidity of the current Governemnt and its undeter support for American plan and its secretly helping drone flights to kill its own citizens.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
very well written post. i wish govt paid some heed

Qasim saheb: bhia jaan americans are paying big money for the things they are getting our govt officials to do

if the govt official dont do those stuff, their bank accounts in Swiss will deplete, you dont want that to happen do you now?? :lol:

Jabral Tariq

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
It is impossible to kill every single terrorist in the world because when you kill one ten more are born to avenge death of their next of kins. So, there must be an alternative to end this cycle of violence. We must eradicate the big powers that breed, finance, train and arm these terrorists for the political agenda, economic interest, strategic advantage and diplomatic hegemony in the world.


dear pp1 - i can understand ur sorrow & grief.indian,s r also sad by these incidents.u know ..any human being can not endorce these cowerd attack.india want stable pakistan but problem is u ppls are not ready to trust india.why r u suggestin' bycott india 'i can,t understand.it is something like that if i m in trouble and my neighbor is happy so eighter i accused him or drag his name in my every problem.dear friend..never loose balance in crises.destabe pak is not in favoure of india.believe me every sensible indian wants end of crises in pak.A destroyed neighbor is very dangerous

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
Jabral Tariq said:
It is impossible to kill every single terrorist in the world because when you kill one ten more are born to avenge death of their next of kins. So, there must be an alternative to end this cycle of violence. We must eradicate the big powers that breed, finance, train and arm these terrorists for the political agenda, economic interest, strategic advantage and diplomatic hegemony in the world.

@Jabral! I agree while we cannot kill every single terrorist so it is not possible to eradicate terrorism but it can be contained and curtailed, apart from this being a vigilant citizen would help in apprehending such elements. I do not agree with the suggestion of not leaving you house unnecessarily as this a fear-tactic also what is the logic behind boycotting Indian films or products? Let the forces of supply and demand determine this!!!!!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

good suggestion. India being the second largest country, should have balls to take initaitves for peace with neighbor. Indians shold realise that weak Pakistan is not in their favor. If Americans take over Pakistan today, Iran, India, Kuwait, Dubia, Russia, Syria, Jordan and saudia would be next. Its not a war of terror, its Christain crusade like centuries ago.

Th eonly way we can salvage our nation is that some one has to stand up to these crusaders. We take the first step Allah will help us take the next. Allah has already done the intial work: And Ihave set fear in Kafereen's hearts against you.

They are already scared, we just have push them away aur gardan napna shuru karein


Gazoo Martian