We will not accept election results, If elections are not held free & fair - Shehbaz Sharif Press Conference


Senator (1k+ posts)
They won't leave any opportunity to push their "we are poor mazloom" narrative.

They plan and Allah plans, and indeed Allah is the best of planners.

Insha Allah we are seeing their days are numbered.

PS. They all look pretty fresh after holding a "historic rally" of resistance, lol. Nawaz betrayed. Sad.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Khadim Sb - you can boycott results and do as you please. I wish that ECP, Parliament, Courts wont listen to your pleas and cries. But I would lime to see you and ur minnions along with ghulamane sharerfaa on roads for atleast 121 days to be heard.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It's time for IK to do a press conference. This showbaz sharif is doing it every other day misleading the nation and crying victim.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Jab Imran khan Elections main dhandli aur reforms k liye nikla tah, tab toh tum log kehtay thay k kisi reforms ki zaroorat nahi hai. Ab khud rona ro rahay ho...

Faheem Imtiaz

MPA (400+ posts)
Mian sb nu pata chal gaya ay k pungi bajanr aali ay. Bhai aap k accept karna ya na karna sa kya hota ha Accept to pichli dafa bhe kisi na ne kiya tha kya ukhar liya tha! Aap to dharniiiiii bhe ne da sakty!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What he is saying is that if Goon League is not allowed to rig elections ,he will not accept the results.Goon League has rigged every election since Gullu Nawaz hijacked PLM.He used bribes,blackmail,police,ROs and civil administration in Punjab to win elections.This time the elections may be free ad fair that is why Goon League is crying.


MPA (400+ posts)
yes, they all mean:
The elections will be called unfair if noon league lost.
seeking attention and sympathy vote.
trying to divert the focus that " NAWAZ & Maryam are in jail due to corruption.

I AM SURPRISED at some of the journalist, how can they defend proven corruption of NAWAZ 7 MARYAM.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
شہباز سانپ شریف پنچایت کا وہ چوھدری ہے جس کی کوئی نہیں سنتا پھر بری پنچایت میں اک کے کہتا ہے کہ کسی کنجر سور دی وی سنو ۔۔۔۔ تیرا باپ بھی قبول کرے گا


Senator (1k+ posts)
مطلب اگر پنجاب کا وزیراعلی نا بنا میں تو الیکشن دھاندلی زدہ ہونے۔
جب بھی بولا چل ہی ماری
بھائی لندن سے پاکستان پہنچ گیا مگر یہ لاہور میں ہوتے ہوئے ائرپورٹ تک نہ پہنچ سکا

لخ دی لعنت تیرے اوپر


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
They used to make fun of imran khan on rigging. Allah ne inn ka takabur khaak mein milaa diyaa.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Oi Gandoowah serial rapist a ala king of Mutta marriage mother effing retarded kanjur.. Tay ree maa d kuss chup.

Model town 14 murdered 100 injured.. 56 companies for money laundering and are You are not going to accept THE election results?

Collective response from Pakistani NATION...

F. U. viagrabaz Lohaar.. Filth of prostitution.
