We Make it the Mighty Dollar - My Article at TheNews Blog


Minister (2k+ posts)
U guys are getting good! There is a difference b/w knowing what needs to be done and cant be done the way it needs to be done.

Look, I have American interests at heart. This place is home to me. Because of this imperialistic economic policies, our jobs are being offshored due to devalued exchange rates. This is killing Middle class here. If every country were to allow appreciation of their currency, it would benefit United States Citizens too.

With that said, you cant pick a fight with an "immature superpower" . I say make a 3 year plan to reduce exports to US to 20%, divert the rest to energy exporting Russia and Iran. Settle your BoP in PKR with those countries. Its always better to win without a fight.

This article explains my point of view to some extent.



Siasat.pk - Blogger
Problem with this article is it has dumbed things down to a funny level. You see, Rothschilds story is now 400 years old. Things have changed in the last 400 years. Now you have PIMCO, Commercial and Investment banks, you have Central Banks, Petro Dollars by Arabs, China propping up US treasury. There are just alot of cockroaches in this dish.

Folks have to educate themselves.

This article explains my point of view to some extent.
