F Faheem12 Banned Apr 7, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/1794675_1695192947420850_2940597355272033403_n.jpg?oh=dd7970a115083ead1e12e76636406771&oe=5778B6DC&__gda__=1468079184_3dc65057c3ab5c53093fb17c246fc103
Haris Abbasi Minister (2k+ posts) Apr 7, 2016 #2 عمران خان نے آج ایک دلیر لیڈرہونے کا ثبوت دیا .نواز شریف کے درباریوں کو ان کی اوقات یاد دلا دی
P pti4pakistan Senator (1k+ posts) Apr 7, 2016 #3 Love my Khan, though I wish he is able to manage his party or at least hire the right people to fix it. He is too fragile and uninterested in doing just that. Other wise he is a heera!
Love my Khan, though I wish he is able to manage his party or at least hire the right people to fix it. He is too fragile and uninterested in doing just that. Other wise he is a heera!
A ABDUL QUDDOOS Politcal Worker (100+ posts) Apr 8, 2016 #4 shabash imran khaan saab aap ki azmt ko slaam aap ny aaj palto ghulamo or darbaarion ko patty or zanjeery dekha deen
shabash imran khaan saab aap ki azmt ko slaam aap ny aaj palto ghulamo or darbaarion ko patty or zanjeery dekha deen
G Galaxy Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 8, 2016 #7 The only brave and visionary leader of pakistan. Where is coward and corrupt ppp now