Wall Street Report on Crisis of Nawaz Sharif's Governments, Dr. Shahid Masood Telling


Minister (2k+ posts)
Once again doctor started. Last 5 years he kept saying Zardari is going now and now and now and now and now.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Noora tries copy Turkey model by making by concentrating power to his family [hilar]

نقل کے لئے بھی عقل کی ضرورت ھوتی ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have seen Erdogan's Work and noora cannot even dream that far so leave it mr noora and play shots in your league.

Bilal Hamed

Councller (250+ posts)
Ye WSJ ki story Muqadas share nahi kere gi. Mar jai gi leekin share nahi kere gi.

When i say Muqadas, I dont literally mean her. Muqadas, like Nawaz is the name of a mentality.
